P. 16

16                                                                                                    AWEMainta Diabierna, 21 Juli 2017

                                                                                                           Ronny Maduro di POR
                                                                                               “Nos Arubianonan

                                                                                              lubida y bandona”

                                      AUCTION                                                 “NOS Arubianonan lubida  ningun delito, nan tin un

                                     ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba                            y bandona, aki nos ta referi  limitacion y e Arubianonan
                                                                                              na nos yiunan di tera cu for  aki merece pa ta parti di
                     THURSDAY AUGUST 24, 2017                                                 di 1986 ta pega na Corsou  nos comunidad serca di nan
                                                                                              dor di nos mesun sistema  famia y sernan keri.
                                                                                              gubernamental di Aruba.       Despues di a tuma nota cu
                    On Thursday August 24, 2017, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
                    the Chamber of Commerce, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be           For di deliberacionnan  tin un lista largo di espera
                    auctioned in public:                                                      prome cu 1986, nos diri-      pa persona cu limitacion na
                                                                                              gentenan tabata na altura  Aruba, con lo para anto cu
                    1. A residential house, locally known as                                  cu p’e grupo di mas o menos  esunnan cu ta residencia na
                                                                                              30 Arubiano, e  tempo ey  Corsou cu ta bao di encargo
                      WEG SEROE BLANCO 16-A                                                   mucha, no tin lugar pa nan  financiero y responsabilidad

                                                                                              na Aruba y nan mester a  di Pais Aruba?
                    standing on a parcel of public land, 600 m2 in size, situated in San      keda Corsou”, asina Ronny
                    Nicolaas in  Aruba,  locally recorded as  Third Division Section          Maduro di partido POR a  Segun Ronny Maduro di
                    K number30.                                                               duna di conoce.               POR, un capital grandi ta
                    The lease rights expire on August 10, 2031.
                                                                                                                            pasa pa decadanan caba den

                    Starting bid: Afl. 276.700,--                                             For  di  e  tempo  ey  ningun  presupuesto di Pais Aruba
                                                                                              dirigente a bira wak atras pa  destina pa Corsou. Dicon

                    2. A residential house, locally known as                                  nos yiunan di tera lubida y  no a haci un esfuerzo, un
                                                                                              bandona na Corsou. E unico  investigacion pa averigua ki
                            SEROE BLANCO 637                                                  cos cu ta haci ta, paga pa  posibilidad tin pa traha un
                                                                                              tene nan interna.
                                                                                                                            instancia cu lo por conduci
                                                                                              Esaki sin controla nan es-    pa trece bek nos Arubiano
                    standing on a parcel of full ownership land, ca. 328 m2 in size, situated   tado di salud ni tampoco  lubida y bandona na Corsou.
                    in Seroe Blanco in Aruba, locally recorded as First Division Section
                    P number 214.                                                             nan estado di vivienda. Pues  Pais Aruba tin un respon-
                                                                                              nan calidad di bida ta ignora  sabilidad pa cumpli cu cada
                    Starting bid: Afl. 179.650,--                                             pa mas cu 31 aña caba.        Arubiano di pais Aruba, sin
                                                                                              Ta tristo pa bisa cu hopi ta  destincion di raza, religion
                    3. four apartments, locally known as                                      cu limitacion pa mobilisa,  ni tampoco limitacion.
                                                                                              pero ta bon na altura kico  Pa  hopi  aña  a  lubida  nan
                              PIEDRA PLAT 46-B                                                tur ta pasa rond di nan.      y esnan cu sa a prefera di
                                                                                              E ora por conclui cu emocio-  ignora nan, pero ta ora pa
                                                                                              nalmente nan a sufri hopi  defende nan derecho.
                    standing on a parcel of public land, 779 m2 in size, situated in Piedra
                    Plat  in  Aruba, locally  recorded as  First Division Section R number    despues di pasa decadanan
                    3793.                                                                     leu di nan famia.             “Ami,  Ronny  Maduro  ta
                    The lease rights expire on July 7, 2059.                                                                para contra e inhusticia pa
                                                                                              E dolor mas grandi ta cu for        nos mucha y adul-
                    Starting bid: Afl. 168.500,--
                                                                                              di basta aña caba nan kier               tonan cu limi-

                    AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. Johnson, LL.M.                                       bolbe nan pais natal,                      tacion. Nan
                                                                                              pero niun departamen-                       merece un
                                                                                              to ni gobernante a                          mihor cali-
              •   The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and   duna nan balor                          dad di bida
                 special auction conditions which will be determined by civil law notary T.R.   o atencion.                              y Aruba POR
                 Johnson.                                                                     Nan no a                                      brinda nan
              •   The auction  will take  place  by raising bids (in  Dutch:  “bij opbod”) and by   comete                                   esaki”.
                 decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
              •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
              •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a reputable
                 bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased with an amount equal
                 to the auction costs.
              •   A private written bid can be submitted until August 9, 2017.

                                         For more information:

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