Page 11 - HOH
P. 11
local Monday 6 February 2023
Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach “Terrific Kids Awards”
at Colegio San Hose high school
(Oranjestad)—Last Mon-
day, January 30th, Kiwanis
Club of Palm Beach gave
out awards at Colegio
San Hose high school. The
award ceremony was at-
tended by students and
teachers who were a part
of the project “Terrific Kids”.
Club president, DanielAgu-
irre, along with members
Ben King and Frank Hoe-
vertsz, gave out awards for
the letter ‘R’, which stands
for “responsibility”. Terrific
Kids is a project that pro-
motes character growth,
self-esteem and persever-
ance in the students. TER-
RIFIC is a monogram that
stands for Thoughtful, En-
thusiastic, Respectful, Re-
sponsible, Inclusive, Friend-
ly, Inquisitive, and Capable.
Students work with teach-
ers to establish and ex-
ecute goals related to the
improvement of behavior,
relationship with other stu-
dents, assistance at school,
and work at school. Every
child that achieves these
goals is recognized as a
‘Terrific Kid”.
Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach
started this program in the
Kiwanistic year of 2012-
2013. This program started
at Dominicus College high
school and expanded to
St. Fransiscus College and
Colegio San Hose. Besides
this program, they also
ended the year with the
program of “Terrific Teach-
er” at each school. This is to
show appreciation and re-
spect for the teachers.
Kiwanis Club of Palm
Beach could not end the
day without congratulating
and awarding Colegio San
Hose high school in relation
to their 83rd anniversary.
Kiwanis of Palm Beach
forms part of a global or-
ganization called “Kiwanis
International”, which is a
charity dedicated in pro-
viding service to the com-
munity with the main goal
to make the world a better
place, one child at a time.
More information can be
found on www.facebook.
ruba or www.kiwanis.orgq