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                                                                                                           LOCAL Monday 6 February 2023

            Financial aid for the primary sector

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  Minis-   and Minister Geoffrey Wev-   individual  loans  of  Awg.
            try  of  Transport,  Integrity,  er  see  the  opportunities  5000,- to Awg. 200.000,- at
            Nature  and  Elderly  Affairs,  to  elevate  the  agriculture  a  reduced  interest  rate  of
            together  with  the  Ministry  sector and make this a vital  2%.  Qredits  Microfinancier-
            of  Economic  Affairs,  Com-  part  of  our  economy  as  a  ing will use Aruba as a mod-
            munication,  and  Sustain-   food and essential product  el for future projects within
            able  Development,  signed  provider  for  our  commu-    the Dutch Kingdom. In ad-
            an agreement with Qredits  nity.  Therefore  they  devel-  dition to Agri-Loan, Qredits
            Microfinanciering to launch  oped the Agri-Loan system  has  collaborated  with  the
            Agri-Loan.                   to  address  the  financial  Government  of  Aruba  to
                                         challenges  of  farmers  and  launch Agri-Business Acad-
            For farmers, the challenges  provide  incentives  to  con-  emy. The course focuses on
            to  starting  an  agricultural  tribute to the primary sector  business management and  for this course.            their  collaboration  in  mak-
            business  depend  on  the  step by step.                  financial  plans  adapted                                 ing  these  funds  available
            climate,  land,  knowledge,  The Agri-Loan will create a  specifically  to  local  farm-  The  Government  of  Aruba  and for contributing to the
            finance,  and  production  3 million florins fund for local  ers. There will be an oppor-  is  very  grateful  to  Qredits  agriculture  sector  and  our
            cost.  Minister  Ursell  Arends  farmers.  This  fund  provides  tunity for farmers to register  and  the  entire  team  for  future food safety.q

            Task Force installed for improving air travel in the Dutch Caribbean

            Shaping and implementing the shared vision of the DCCA

            ORANJESTAD  –  On  No-                                                                                              taining to the end goal;
            vember  7,  2022,  the  his-                                                                                        4.  Recommendations  on
            toric  milestone  of  signing                                                                                       how  to  make  interisland
            a  Memorandum  of  Under-                                                                                           travel  more  affordable  for
            standing  (MOU)  between                                                                                            the public.
            Dutch  Caribbean  islands,
            the  Netherlands,  the  six                                                                                         The  progress  of  the  Task
            airports of the Dutch Carib-                                                                                        Force  will  be  overseen
            bean and the Dutch Asso-                                                                                            by  a  Progress  Commit-
            ciation of Airports was cel-                                                                                        tee,  which  will  consist  of
            ebrated.                                                                                                            the   Kingdom    Countries
                                                                                                                                Aviation  Steering  Group
            This MOU formalizes a com-                                                                                          (‘Regiegroep    Luchtvaart
            mitment of this partnership                                                                                         voor de Koninkrijkslanden’)
            to  explore  and  establish                                                                                         and  the  CEO’s  of  the
            affordable,  efficient,  and                                                                                        DCCA  airports.  The  Dutch
            sustainable air connectivity                              such all islands of the Dutch  innovation  center  for  sus-  Civil  Airports  Association
            between Curacao, Aruba,  The  Task  Force  will  include  Kingdom  are  duly  repre-   tainable aviation, to stimu-  (‘Nederlandse  Vereniging
            St.  Maarten,  Bonaire,  St.  aviation  experts  and  pro-  sented and will be working  late  and  facilitate  the  use  van Luchthavens’) will also
            Eustatius,  and  Saba  and,  fessionals  with  at  its  core  on  reaching  the  end  goal  of  zero  emission  powered  appoint a representative in
            more  specifically,  to  ex-  Mrs.  Marieke  Smit  (Royal  of the MOU signed back in  flights  for  air  connectivity  the Progress Committee.
            plore and stimulate the use  Schiphol  Group)  as  Pro-   November of 2022.            between these islands;
            of  emission-free  powered  gram  Manager,  Mrs.  Suzy                                 2.  Possibilities,  means  and  Joost  Meijs,  CEO  of  Aruba
            flights to operate the afore-  Kartokromo  (St.  Maarten  Task Force deliverables      measures  to  achieve  a  Airport  Authority  N.V.  and
            mentioned air connectivity.  Airport)  as  assistant  Pro-  Before  the  end  of  2023,  smooth,  seamless  and  ef-  chairman of the DCCA: “It
                                         gram  Manager,  Mrs.  Jo-    this  Task  Force  will  deliver  ficient  flow  of  passengers  is great to see that collec-
            DCCA Task Force              Anne  Meaux-Arends  (Aru-    a Joint Strategic Plan with,  on  interisland  flights  at  the  tively we have been able to
            As  agreed  in  the  MOU,  all  ba Airport) and Mrs. Peggy  besides  a  clear  indication  airports of the CAS and BES  define  a  strong  Task  Force
            CEO’s of the DCCA (Dutch  Croes  (Curacao  Airport),  how to reach the end goal  islands,  including  easing  with  aviation  professionals
            Cooperation of Caribbean  both  for  business  develop-   of  a  more  affordable,  effi-  the entry/exit requirements  from  the  Caribbean  and
            Airports)  recently  deter-  ment,  Mrs.  Christine  Dries-  cient and sustainable inter-  by  use  of  biometrics  and  international  world.  I  am
            mined  the  constellation  sen (Bonaire Airport) for air-  island connectivity network  digital  identification  tech-  convinced  that  together
            of the Task Force. This Task  port  infrastructure/charg-  with  a  concrete  timeline  nological  advancements  and with the support of all
            Force  will  be  tasked  with  ing stations and standards,  and milestones, the follow-  or otherwise;              islands and countries of the
            developing  a  Joint  Strate-  and  Mr.Vishal  Oedjaghir  ing deliverables:            3.  Recommendations  on  Dutch Kingdom we will im-
            gic Plan (JSP) for improving  (St  Eustatius  Airport/Saba  1. The feasibility and estab-  necessary changes of laws,  prove  the  interisland  con-
            the interisland connectivity.  Airport)  as  PSO  expert.  As  lishment  of  an  interisland  regulations and policy per-  nectivity in all aspects”.q
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