Page 7 - HOH
P. 7
local Monday 6 February 2023
‘Pa Nos Muchanan’ Foundation provides information for child care
during the carnaval season
(Oranjestad)—As usual sible adult, either at home The focus point are as fol-
during the carnaval sea- or daycare. lows: From the moment of
son, different foundations leaving the household, ap-
are at work to bring aware- FPNM has a list of different ply sun block on the child’s
ness to the public, espe- available daycares that skin, and re-apply through-
cially parents, about child offer childcare during car- out the duration of the ac-
care during the festivities. naval activities. Gilkes re- tivity; dress the child with a
The ‘Pa Nos Muchanan’ marks that this list is just a hat or cap to protect their
(For Our Children) Founda- recommendation and it is head and face; dress the
tion (FPNM) works tirelessly the parents’ responsibility child with loose clothing,
the whole year to help chil- to visit the daycares, ask preferably of cotton mate-
dren, and highlights impor- questions, observe, and rial with light colors to avoid
tant information about child then make a decision. too much heat. Lastly, pro-
care during the carnaval vide the child with comfort-
season. She added that they also able shoes.
provide another list with
Natasha Gilkes, director at important factors to keep
FNPM, explained during a in mind when choosing a Gilkes recommends pack-
press conference that in daycare, so that this can ing a parasol, as it is not
light of the fact that car- make the process easier. always possible to find a
naval had already started standing spot in the shade.
and that not only adults Gilkes explained that they In the case that parents do
participate in festivities, but recommend children par- not have a trailer or tent,
children as well, there are ticipate in carnaval at the they must walk with a para-
some point to underline in age of 4 or 5, but not with- sol or look for a spot in the
order to secure the safety out asking if the child wants shade, so that the child will
of children during parades to participate. If in case not be directly exposed to
and carnaval activities. they don’t, it is then prefer- the sun.
able to leave the child with clothes with the child’s full “Please make sure your
Firslty, Gilkes points out, it is a responsible adult, or that She added that it is impor- name, names of the par- child has earplugs in. Qouta
extremely important to con- the parents’ stay home tant to also stay hydrated. ents or caretaker, and tele- Club also sells these during
sider if the carnaval activi- with the child and maybe Water and/or juice is rec- phone number for direct parades,” she mentioned.
ties are even appropriate do other fun activities. ommended so the child contact with the parents, in
for children. For example, can stay refreshed and hy- case the child is lost and is She also added that the
activities that go on in the If the child wants to partici- drated. It is also important later found by the police or parents must teach their
late night hours, or those pate, Gilkes said that they to keep in mind to not take other people. Gilkes high- children how and why to
that take place during the have another list with fo- any food that could go lights that it is important wear earplugs, as it may
day, but are specifically for cus points on what to do to bad fast. to train the child to check their first carnaval and the
adults. FPNM recommends make the festivities fun, but their surroundings when earplugs may be annoy-
leaving the children prefer- safe for the child. Another point that Gilkes their lost, in order to ask for ing. “It’s important to talk
ably with another respon- underlines is to not lose the help. to them, explain why they
child during the parade. have to wear earplugs in
Unfortunately, this is some- In the case that the child order to protect their hear-
thing that happens every goes to watch the parade, ing.”
year, and this can be very it is important that the child
damaging to the child. stands behind the barri- Lastly, Gilkes informs that
“Imagine a 6-year-old child cades, as there are trucks, FPNM has a campaign ev-
who lost their parents. We smoke and other moving ery year, where interested
know that parades are filled vehicles on the other side, parents or care takers can
with people, so it is easy which can also affect the visit their office and get
to lose sight of your child. child’s health. their folder “Carnaval and
To prevent this, please al- Children.” In this folder,
ways be attentive to your In terms of loud noises, she there are different points to
child’s whereabouts,” she reminds people that Qouta pay close attention to in or-
expressed. Club Aruba has worked for der to ensure the safety of
many years to raise aware- children. In addition to the
FPNM recommends to also ness on wearing earplugs folder, parents will also re-
stick a paper on the child’s during carnaval festivities. ceive a sun block. q