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Aruba Living Today
Monday celebrates 10 Years of
March 2, 2020 Success
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Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
`Let's go home':
Afghan war vets torn
on U.S.-Taliban deal
By RUSS BYNUM U.S.-led forces overthrew
Associated Press in 2001. Skeptics worry the
SAVANNAH, Ga. (AP) — Taliban's re-integration
Veterans of America's long- could cause Afghanistan
est war are finding them- to backslide on such issues
selves torn as the U.S. signs as human rights.
a potentially historic peace "If they sign a peace trea-
accord with the Taliban in ty and Afghanistan goes
Afghanistan. back to the Taliban or Shar-
For many, the U.S. is long ia law, then it's all been for
overdue in withdrawing its nothing," said former Army
forces after more than 18 Staff Sgt. Will Blackburn of
years of fighting. Others Hinesville, Georgia.
question the trustworthi- In this Dec. 31, 2001, file photo, U.S. Marines with full battle gear prepare to leave the U.S. military
ness of the Taliban, whose compound at Kandahar airport for a mission to an undisclosed location.
hard-line government the Continued on Page 2 Associated Press