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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 2 March 2020

            Wash. state sees 1st virus death in U.S., declares emergency

            By ANDREW SELSKY             in the community.            vendors  as  a  precaution,
            Associated Press             "This  is  the  tip  of  the  ice-  Basham said.
            The  governor  of  Washing-  berg," he said.              A growing number of cases
            ton  declared  a  state  of  The  health  officials  re-  in  California,  Washington
            emergency  Saturday  after  ported  two  cases  of  CO-   state and Oregon are con-
            a man died there of COV-     VID-19  virus  connected  founding  authorities  be-
            ID-19, the first such reported  to  a  long-term  care  facil-  cause the infected people
            death in the United States.  ity in the same suburb, Life  hadn't  recently  traveled
            More  than  50  people  in  a  Care  Center  of  Kirkland.  overseas or had any known
            nursing facility are sick and  One  is  a  Life  Care  worker,  close  contact  with  a  trav-
            being tested for the virus.   a woman in her 40s who is  eler or an infected person.
            Gov.  Jay  Inslee  directed  in satisfactory condition at  The  Santa  Clara  County
            state  agencies  to  use  "all  a hospital, and the other is  Public  Health  Department
            resources  necessary"  to  a woman in her 70s and a  announced  Saturday  the
            prepare for and respond to  resident at Life Care who is  case  of  a  fourth  person  in
            the  coronavirus  outbreak.  hospitalized in serious con-  the  county  infected  with   A  person  is  taken  by  stretcher  to  a  waiting  ambulance  from
            The declaration also allows  dition. Neither had traveled  coronavirus, The case is of   a  nursing  facility  where  more  than  50  people  are  sick  and
            the use of the Washington  abroad.                        a woman who is a "house-     being tested for the COVID-19 virus, Saturday, Feb. 29, 2020, in
            National  Guard,  if  neces-  "In  addition,  over  50  indi-  hold  contact"  of  a  person   Kirkland, Wash.
            sary.  "We  will  continue  to  viduals  associated  with  who is hospitalized with the                                         Associated Press
            work  toward  a  day  where  Life  Care  are  reportedly  ill  virus,  the  health  depart-
            no one dies from this virus,"  with  respiratory  symptoms  ment  said  in  a  news  re-  ing  coughing  and  fever,  the flu spreads. To achieve
            the governor vowed.          or  hospitalized  with  pneu-  lease.                     though some can become  more rapid testing capac-
            Health officials in California,  monia  or  other  respiratory  The  woman  has  not  been   more  serious  and  lead  to  ity, the U.S. Food and Drug
            Oregon  and  Washington  conditions       of   unknown  hospitalized  and  is  not  ill,   pneumonia. Older people,  Administration  issued  an
            state are worried about the  cause  and  are  being  test-  the department said.       especially those with chron-  accelerated  policy  Satur-
            novel  coronavirus  spread-  ed  for  COVID-19,"  Seattle  In  Oregon,  the  state's   ic illnesses such as heart or  day  enabling  laboratories
            ing  through  West  Coast  and  King  County  officials  Health  Authority  said  Sat-  lung  disease,  are  espe-  to  use  tests  they  develop.
            communities  because  a  said.  "Additional  positive  urday that the second per-      cially  vulnerable.  Health  FDA   Commissioner     Ste-
            growing number of people  cases are expected."            son who was tested for ex-   officials  think  it  spreads  phen Hahn said his agency
            are  being  infected  de-    Overlake Medical Center in  posure  to  the  virus  doesn't   mainly from droplets when  is  "rapidly  responding  and
            spite not having visited an  Bellevue, Washington, said  have it. The agency said in   an infected person coughs  adapting  to  this  dynamic
            area  where  there  was  an  a health care worker from  a statement that it "contin-   or  sneezes,  similar  to  how  and evolving situation."q
            outbreak,  nor  apparently  Life Care is a patient at the  ues  approving  testing  for
            been in contact with any-    hospital.  The  woman,  who  persons  under  investiga-
            one who had.                 is in her 40s, was admitted  tion,  a  number  that's  likely
            The man who died was in his  to  the  hospital  Thursday  to  increase  following  the
            50s, had underlying health  and  is  in  stable  condition,  report of the state's first pre-
            conditions  and  no  history  the center said.            sumptive  case  and  new
            of  travel  or  contact  with  Amy Reynolds of the Wash-  Centers for Disease Control
            a  known  COVID-19  case,  ington state health depart-    and  Prevention  guidance
            health officials in Washing-  ment  said  in  a  brief  tele-  that calls for testing of any-
            ton  state  said  at  a  news  phone  interview:  "We  are  one  experiencing  severe
            conference.  A  spokesper-   dealing  with  an  emergen-  respiratory symptoms."
            son  for  EvergreenHealth  cy evolving situation."        The U.S. has about 60 con-
            Medical    Center,   Kayse  No  one  answered  the  firmed  cases.  Worldwide,
            Dahl, said the person died  phone at Life Care, but El-   the  number  of  people
            in the facility in the Seattle  lie Basham, its executive di-  sickened  by  the  virus  hov-
            suburb of Kirkland.          rector, said in a statement  ered Friday around 83,000,
            Dr.  Frank  Riedo,  medical  that residents and employ-   and there were more than
            director  of  Infection  Con-  ees  are  being  monitored  2,800 deaths, most of them
            trol at Evergreen, said local  and  those  with  symptoms  in China. A 60-year-old U.S.
            hospitals are seeing people  or  who  were  potentially  citizen  died  in  Wuhan  in
            with  severe  coronavirus  exposed  are  quarantined.  early February.
            symptoms but it's probable  The  facility  has  banned  Most  infections  result  in
            that  there  are  more  cases  families,  volunteers  and  mild   symptoms,   includ-
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