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                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 2 March 2020
            Tulane removes                                                                                                               HEALTH

            'Victory Bell'
            after learning of                                                                                                      DOCTOR ON DUTY
            its history                   Casa del Mar 2BR/2B                         Halley Time Travel                        Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
                                          Week 1/1408 (15k);                                                                    Tel. 527 4000
            NEW  ORLEANS  (AP)  —  The    Week 2/1113 (16k);          For Rent                     Divi Links Golf                    San Nicolas
                                                                                                   1 Br WK # 8/9 $9,5 K each
                                                                      Marriott Surf Club
            history  behind  a  bell  that   Week 5/1315 (18k);       2 Br ocean Side $4 K         Eagle 9 Ground floor          IMSAN 24 Hours
            stood in front of Tulane Uni-  Week 5&6/1521 (20k/Wk.);   6 March to 13 March 2020     27 and 19 weeks remain        Tel.524 8833
            versity's  McAlister  Audito-  Week 7&8/1408 (18k/Wk.);   Marriott ocean club          1 Br WK # 11 $9 K            Women in Difficulties
            rium has prompted univer-     Week 8/1113; 8/1409 (17k/Wk.);  1 Br ocean View $3 K     Birdie 3 with 26 weeks remain   PHARMACY ON DUTY
            sity officials to remove it.  Week 9/1218 (15k);          20 March to 27 March 2020
            In  a  letter  emailed  to  the   Week 10/1207 (15k);                                  Divi Links Golf              Oranjestad:
            Tulane  community,  Presi-    Weeks 11-15 also available!  Marriott Ocean Club         1 Br WK 12/13 $9,5 K each    Del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
                                                                                                                                San Nicolas:
            dent  Mike  Fitts  and  Board         Platinum Season             Birdie 10 Ground Floor       San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
            Chairman Doug Hertz said      U.S. (860)992-3890          1 Br ocean View $ 10 K       33/34 weeks remain           Women in Difficulties
            they  were  informed  last    ________________________________212287  1 Br ocean Front $ 20 K  Studio WK # 5,6,7,8,9  OTHER
            week  that  the  "Victory                                 2 Br ocean View $ 17 K       Birdie 9 3rd floor $10 K each  Dental Clinic 587 9850
            Bell"  was  originally  used                              2 Br ocean Front $ 26 K      38 weeks remain each         Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
            to  direct  the  movements                                                                                          Urgent Care 586 0448
            of  enslaved  people  on  a                               Marriott Surf Club           Divi Village                 Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
            plantation, The Times-Pica-                               Platinum Season              2 Br WK 13 $ 14 K            +297 588 0539
                                                                                                                                Women in Difficulties
            yune/The New Orleans Ad-                                  2 Br ocean View $ 17 K       Building c 3rd floor         EMERGENCY
            vocate reported.                                          2 Br ocean Side  $ 18 K      28 weeks remain              Police           100
            "It  is  terribly  disheartening                          2 Br ocean Front  $ 26 K                                  Oranjestad       527 3140
            to learn that it is, in fact, a                           3 Br ocean View   $ 26 K     Renaissance Suites           Noord            527 3200
            vestige of a horrific part of                                                          1 Br WK # 9 $ 9 K            Sta. Cruz        527 2900
            our nation's past," the letter                            Aruba Divi Phoenix           4th floor harbor view        San  Nicolas      584 5000
            said.                                                     1 Br WK # 8                  1Br sleep 4 $1200 each       Police Tipline      11141
            "Now  that  we  understand                                building 6 on the 4 th floor  6 to 20 February 2020       Ambulancia       911
            its  history  as  an  instrument                          27 weeks remain $15 K        Playa Linda Beach Resort     Fire Dept.       115
                                                                                                                                                 582 2219
                                                                                                                                Red Cross
            of  slavery,  continuing  to                              1 Br WK # 11                 Studio wk 10 and 11 $25K both
            use  this  bell  in  a  celebra-                          building 7 on the 3rd floor   weeks ground floor on Palm   TAXI SERVICES
            tory  manner  would  run                                  33 weeks remain $15 K        Beach                        Taxi Tas      587 5900
            counter to our values."                                                                                             Prof. Taxi    588 0035
            A close ally of former Gov.                               Aruba Divi Phoenix           Dutch Village                Taxi D.T.S.   587 2300
            Huey  P.  Long,  Leche  re-                               2 Br Ph WK # 11/12           1 Br WK 7 and 8 $ 9 K each   Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
            signed  his  office  and  was                             building 9 on the 7 th floor  15 weeks remain each        A1 Taxi Serv.   280 2828
            sent  to  federal  prison  on                             30 weeks remain $35 K each   2 Br WK 7 $ 18 K             Women in Difficulties
            corruption charges before                                                              25 weeks remain              TRAVEL INFO
            being  pardoned  by  Presi-                               Divi Links Golf              Dutch Village                Aruba Airport   524 2424
            dent Harry Truman and re-                                 1 Br WK # 6                  1 Br WK 8 $ 8 K              American Airlines 582 2700
            turning to his New Orleans                                Birdie 1 on the 2 sd floor   12 weeks remain              Avianca       588 0059
            law practice, according to                                19 weeks remain $ 8 K        1 Br WK 9 $9 K               Jet Blue      588 2244
            a  biography  published  by                               Studio WK # 5,7,8 $8 K each  1 Br WK 7 and 8 $ 9 K each   Surinam       582 7896
            the  Louisiana  Endowment                                 Birdie 1 on Ground floor     12/24 weeks remain
            for the Humanities.q                                                                   16 weeks remain              Women in Difficulties
                                                                      22/27/29 weeks remain                                     CRUISES
            Wanted to buy                                                                 Call: 630 1307
            Week 7 at Costa Linda                                         
            you may contact Kevin at                                    
   or                                                      www.bestbuyrealtyaruba.
                                                                                                                                March 3
                                                                                                                                crown Princess
                                                                                                                                norwegian Epic
             FOR SALE BY OWNER                                                                                                  Freewinds
             Divi Village Golf                                                                                                  Women in Difficulties
             Bldg. E 1 Br 2 Bath, 2 patios                                                                                      AID FOUNDATIONS
             deck, hot tub. grill. Floating
             week (wk 51-wk15) 19 weeks                                                                                         FAVI- Visually Impaired
             remaining $8000                                                                                                    Tel. 582 5051
                                                                                            Alcoholics Anonymous
                                                                                                                                Tel. 736 2952
                                                                                                                                Narcotics Anonymous
             EAGLE ARUBA RESORT                                                                                                 Tel. 583 8989
             week 1,2,3,4+5,6                                                                                                   Women in Difficulties
             1 Br 1st floor $6500                                                                                               Tel. 583 5400
             Paradise Beach                                                                                                     Centre for Diabetes
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524 8888
             week 50 Studio $4000 each                                                                                          Child Abuse Prevention
             2 Br wk 51-52 $15000 each                                                                                          Tel. 582 4433
             home 1518 537 6406                                                                                                 Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
             cel. 1518 965 7878                                                                                                 Women in Difficulties
             after February 15, 2020                                                                                            General Info
                                                                                           Phone Directory Tel. 118
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