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                   Saturday 11 March 2023

            Enseñansa pa Empleo (EPE) with successful first Horticulture program

            Oranjestad  –  On  March  a  collaboration  between       their  well-deserved  certifi-  ing  and  cultivating  while  ture an important econom-
            3,  2023,  the  first  group  of  the  EPE  and  Santa  Rosa.   cates.                 the  practical  part  taught  ic pillar for Aruba," the Min-
            students  completed  the  Mrs.  Sabine  de  Groot,  on    The Horticulture course was  them  hands-on  how  to  ister  of  Labor,  Energy,  and
            course Horticulture.         behalf of the EPE and Min-   split  into  two  parts,  theory  plant,  explore  the  differ-  Integration,  Mr.  Glenbert
                                         ister  Glenbert  Croes,  pre-  and  practice,  and  were  ent methods and soil types,  Croes stated.
            The Horticulture course was  sented the graduates with    both  given  at  the  Santa  and  which  soil  is  best  for
                                                                      Rosa. For the practical part,  which plant. “We are hap-  The next course will start on
                    Baseball star Chadwick                            they  visited  different  agri-  py and proud of this group  April 3, 2023, and those in-

                Tromp presented plans for a                           culture sites and orchards.  who achieved their goal of  terested  can  contact  the
                                                                                                   completing this course. We  EPE at 5825662. For more in-
                    Sports Center in Aruba                            The  theoretical  part  gave  hope  there  is  more  inter-  formation, visit www.epea-
                                                                      the  students  insights  into  est for another horticulture  or  Facebook@
                                                                      better techniques for plant-  course  and  make  horticul-  Enseñansa pa Empleo.q

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              ORANJESTAD  –  Recent-     for  the  High  Rise  Sports
              ly  the  Prime  Minister  of  Venue. The goal is to give
              Aruba, Mrs. Evelyn Wever  more baseball opportuni-
              -  Croes,  met  local  Major  ties to the youth.
              League  Baseball  star  Mr.  The  development  of  the
              Chadwick Tromp.            sports venue has already
                                         started  in  Saliña  Cerca
              Chadwick  met  with  the  and will be built in phases.
              Prime  Minister  and  pre-
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              fessional  sports  facility  in  they  will  work  hard  to
              Aruba  before  traveling  make this venue a reality
              back to Atlanta for spring  for the entire community
              training with his team, the  of  Aruba  to  have  a  pro-
              Atlanta  Braves.  With  his  fessional  sports  venue  to
              brother  Jiandino  Tromp,  enjoy.  Aruba  is  proud  of
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