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LOCAL Saturday 11 March 2023
Aruba is one of ten Caribbean Nations Nominated to £1 Million
Earthshot Prize
Barbados, February 27,
2023 - The Caribbean
Climate-Smart Accelera-
tor (CCSA) has nominated
thirteen different regional
initiatives to the prestigious
Earthshot Prize.
Each project matches
the criteria set for the £1
million ($1.2 million USD)
prize, which rewards orga- During the inaugural Earth-
nizations and individuals shot Prize, the Caribbean
who are working to enact was at the forefront of and neither can their inno- earning the Earthshot Prize, the Caribbean the world’s
widespread environmental the inaugural award cer- vation. We wish our nomi- and look forward to their first climate-smart zone.”q
change targeted at repair- emony in 2021, when the nated projects good luck in continued work in making
ing the planet over the next Republic of Costa Rica
ten years. Founded in 2020 (Protect & Restore Nature),
by the Royal Foundation, and Bahamas-based Coral
the Earthshot Prize has one Vita (Revive Our Oceans)
winner for each of the five earned top honors, while
categories: Protect & Re- finalists Pristine Seas (Revive
store Nature; Clean Our Air; our Oceans) and Restor
Revive Our Oceans; Build a (Protect & Restore Nature),
Waste-Free World; and Fix Wota Box (Build a Waste-
Our Climate. Free World) are also en-
gaged in the region. The
The projects nominated by CCSA hopes to replicate
the CCSA hail from Aruba, this success in this year’s
Bahamas, Barbados, Cos- iteration. Finalists are ex-
ta Rica, Grenada, Haiti, pected to be announced
Jamaica, Panama, Saint in the final quarter of 2023.
Lucia, and Trinidad & To- Racquel Moses, CEO of the
bago. Along with these re- Caribbean Climate-Smart
gional initiatives, the CCSA Accelerator and UNFCCC
has also nominated anoth- Net Zero Ambassador com-
er thirteen projects based mented, “The Caribbean
outside of the Caribbean has a long distinguished
but focused on implemen- history as global innovators
tation in the region. Over- and we are proud to high-
all, the 26 projects that light this at the world stage
the CCSA has nominated by nominating locally-led
highlight the amount of in- and regionally-focused
novation being developed projects. These initiatives
in and for the Caribbean, are improving the sustain-
with cutting-edge initiatives ability of our communities
in sustainable building ma- and providing opportuni-
terials, climate-smart agri- ties for new pathways in
culture, and nature-based socio-economic develop-
solutions spearheading the ment - their importance
pack. cannot be understated,