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Saturday 11 March 2023 locAl
Don’t forget to visit Aruba’s famous Red Anchor
At the south east coast of the island, You want to make sure you add Depending on where you are stay- Charlie’s Bar and Restaurant in
standing alone on a windswept this stop on your itinerary when ing on the island, follow the signs San Nicolas. Charlie, who was a
and barren land stands a popular your visiting the south coast of Aru- that indicate the way to Baby visionary and had dreams for de-
Aruba landmark – a large anchor. ba. The bright red anchor against Beach. Once you reach the T-junc- veloping the San Nicolas area, told
It overlooks the sea just beyond, the backdrop of the deep blue tion, it will be right in front of you. these gentlemen that he would
watching over the shipping lanes. Caribbean sea and the azure blue like to come up with something in-
It stands there in memory and in skies, make a great backdrop for About the Anchor novative for the San Nicolas area
honor of all seamen who have lost your vacation pictures. Size to draw tourism to the area.
their life at sea. It will be hard to miss the anchor,
The anchor is located at the en- it’s huge! The anchor that weighs The “anchor”, which at that time
Where to Find the Anchor? trance to Gate 6 to the former 21,772 kilos, is approximately 10 was being stored at the Oranjes-
The anchor is a “must see” land- Lago Colony. It is on the outskirts of feet 6 inches wide and 15 feet, 6 tad harbor, was suggested as an
mark when you visit Aruba. It is Seroe Colorado, on the south east inches tall. option. Charlie liked the idea! He
among the most photographed point of the island at the “T” junc- On the anchor there are some then contacted the President of
historical landmarks for the island. tion to Baby Beach. numbers. The 4112 and 4115, Lago for permission to acquire the
which are believed to be the serial anchor. He was granted permis-
numbers that refer to the “fluke” or sion and the anchor was then re-
horizontal and vertical parts of the located to its present location and
anchor, respectively. The number dedicated “To All Seamen” on the
21772K refers to the weight of the occasion of the closing of the Lago
anchor in kilos. Oil Refinery on March 31, 1985.
This type of anchor was manufac-
tured by Hoesch Dortmund Horde, The Best Time to Visit
at a foundry located in Germany. When your planning your visit to
the south end of the island, you will
How Did The Anchor Become a want to include in your itinerary the
Landmark? many things to see and do there.
Sometime between 1980 and 1985, The anchor will be just one of these
three gentlemen (Mr. Wim Marti- stops, (keep an eye out for our fu-
nus – the Harbormaster of Aruba; ture editions, we publish our rec-
Mr. August Genser – the ex-Division ommendations!).
Superintendent of Lago’s Labora- With that being said, I have to say,
tory; and Mr. Willie Davis – Owner if you enjoy catching a sunrise, the
of Filtec at Zeewijk in San Nicolas), anchor is one of the best places on
were having a conversation with the island to catch the sunrise. But
Mr. Charlie Brouns Jr. at his famous in reality, anytime is a good time
Paseo Herencia Mall did it again!
ORANJESTAD – Wednesday night Paseo Herencia Mall celebrated In- groups of great young and teen girls. Very energetic and jumpy and
ternational Women’s Day ‘En Grande’ with a fantastic fashion show on had the visitors clapping and woo-ing until the very end.
the uplifted stage in the center of the mall.
The show itself was run by gorgeous models of all sizes who presented
With a cool DJ, outstanding lights and a great MC who kept every at- outfits like bodysuits, body pants, flowy dresses, bathing suits and thro-
tendee informed of every spectacular piece presented, this spectacu- wovers, pareos and skirts. All combined with gorgeous accessories like
lar show featured the beautiful new collections of selected stores, from hats, bags and heels, sneakers, sandals and wedges. Everything you
all occasion outfits to sparkling shoes, hats, bags and sunglasses. From need to set a perfect outfit was presented. The show was phenomenal!
Tommy Hilfiger to Carmen Steffens, from Sunset Shack to Kok Optica,
Aldo shoes and Amore Siciliano with straw weaved basket style bags. Paseo Herencia Mall definitely understands the appreciation for all
Perfect for those dreamy beach days or passionate cocktail nights, women and has shown it with this amazing fashion show dedicated to
each and every store had stunning items to show. all women of the world on International Women’s Day.
To stay updated with all the upcoming Paseo Herencia Mall events, go
The explosive opening acts were presented by two amazing dance and follow Paseo Herencia on Facebook and Instagram.q