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P. 4

                                                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 1 September 2015

Loyal Families Honored by the Marriott Surf Club

PALM BEACH - Recently           Tourism as a token of ap-      members of the Marriott
the Aruba Tourism Author-       preciation to guests who       Surf Club and they love
ity had the great plea-         visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con-  Aruba very much because
sure of honoring two very       secutive years.                of the friendly people, the
nice families whom are          The honorees were Mr.          climate, the beaches, the
loyal and friendly visitors     Frederick and Mrs. Laraine     restaurants and of course
of Aruba, at the Marriott       Bertani of Davie, Florida      the relaxation. They say
Surf Club as Distinguished      and Mr. Jonathan E. and        being on Aruba and stay-
visitors. The symbolic hon-     Mrs. Carmelita Senatz and      ing at the Surf Club is like
orary title is presented in     their son Jonathan D. Sen-     being in paradise for them.
the name of the Minister of     atz. Both families are loyal   The certificates were pre-
                                                               sented by Mr. Ernest Giel
                                                               and Ms. Nadia Dabboussi
                                                               representing the Aruba
                                                               Tourism Authority together
                                                               with Ms. Jenny Boekhoudt
                                                               representing the Marriott
                                                               Surf Club.q

MooMba Beach Waiting

for Nate, Barry, LeeMarie

& Bernard to Return!

MOOMBA BEACH - They             Caesar that are served.
call their terrace in Elmira,   Their favorite time of day
NY, `MooMba North’, but         is when the sun sets and
it is a far cry from Aruba’s    the music gets going; that
MooMba Beach: Barry,            is also how they found
Nate, LeeMarie and Ber-         MooMba some ten years
nard Linchuck are crazy         ago. They just followed the
about MooMba and they           music and voila.
try to come to Aruba as         The Linchuck family will
many times a year as pos-       fortunately be back again
sible.                          in September, perfecting
Self-pronounced beach           their beach tennis tech-
tennis stars, they bring their  nique. Who knows, they
own equipment and prac-         might be seen in action
tice during the day, greatly    during the International
supported by the ice cold       Beach Tennis event in
beers and grilled shrimp        November...q
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