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A28    u.s news
                 Dialuna 15 augustus 2022

                             Activist offers to pay for Kansas’ recount of abortion vote

            (AP)  —  An  anti-abortion  his  own  money  would  be                                                              Associated Press.
            activist who heads a small  used. The Kansas Republican
            hard-right     Republican  Assembly  is  significantly  to                                                          Leavitt said in a video posted
            group said he’s offered to  the right of the state Repub-                                                           to TikTok on Sunday morn-
            pay the expected $229,000  lican Party and isn’t affiliated                                                         ing  that  there  was  24  hours
            cost of a hand recount of  with the GOP-led legislature.                                                            left to raise money for the ef-
            votes  from  every  Kansas                                                                                          fort.
            county  after  a  decisive  There has been no evidence
            statewide  vote  affirming  of  significant  problems  with                                                         Earlier  this  month,  Kansas
            abortion rights.             the  election.  Baseless  elec-                                                        voters  overwhelmingly  re-
                                         tion  conspiracies  have  cir-                                                         jected  a  proposed  amend-
            Mark Gietzen, who leads the  culated  widely  in  the  U.S.,                                                        ment to the state constitution
            group Kansas Republican As-  particularly  among  support-                                                          that would have allowed the
            sembly, told the Kansas City  ers of former President Don-                                                          conservative  Legislature  to
            Star he wants to pay for the  ald Trump, who has repeated                                                           further  restrict  or  ban  abor-
            recount that Melissa Leavitt,  false  claims  that  he  lost  the                                                   tion. It failed by 18 percent-
            of  Colby,  requested  because  2020 election through fraud.  funded.                  said in updates posed to Tik-  age  points  and  was  the  first
            he  believes  it  could  change                                                        Tok  over  the  weekend  that  test  of  voter  sentiment  after
            the  outcome.  The  165,000-  Kansas  law  requires  that  a  A spokeswoman for the Kan-  the  bond  had  not  been  paid  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court’s
            vote difference in the election  bond be posted to cover the  sas  Secretary  of  State’s  Of-  yet  and  fundraising  was  on-  decision  in  June  that  over-
            makes that unlikely, however.  cost  of  the  recount  and  if  fice,  Whitney  Tempel,  said  going. Tempel didn’t imme-  turned  the  constitutional
                                         the recount changes the out-  Friday that Leavitt had posted  diately  respond  to  messages  right to abortion.
            Gietzen said fundraising and  come, the money will be re-  a $200,000 bond, but Leavitt  from the newspaper and The

                          Police: Man killed himself after ramming US Capitol barrier

            (AP)  —  A  man  drove  his                                                                                          motivation  at  this  point,”
            car  into  a  barricade  near                                                                                        Manger said.
            the U.S. Capitol early Sun-
            day and then began firing                                                                                            Police said “it does not ap-
            gunshots in the air before                                                                                           pear the man was targeting
            fatally  shooting  himself,                                                                                          any  member  of  Congress”
            according  to  police,  who                                                                                          and  that  investigators  are
            said he did not seem to be                                                                                           examining the man’s back-
            targeting  any  member  of                                                                                           ground as they work to try
            Congress.                                                                                                            to  discern  a  motive.  Both
                                                                                                                                 the  House  and  Senate  are
            The  incident  happened  just                                                                                        in recess and very few staff
            before  4  a.m.  at  a  vehicle                                                                                      members work in the Capi-
            barricade  set  at  East  Capitol   18-year veteran of the force.                      vania  and  learned  he  had  a   tol complex at that hour.
            Street NE and 2nd Street SE
            in Washington.               And  many  on  Capitol  Hill  Capitol  Police  Chief  Tom  criminal  history  in  the  past   Authorities  said  no  other
                                         remain  on  edge  after  sup-  Manger said officers did not  decade,  though  his  motive   injuries  were  reported  and
                                         porters of the then-president  hear  the  man  say  anything  remained unclear and he had
            It comes at a time when law   stormed  the  Capitol  on  Jan.  before  he  opened  fire  “in-  no links to the Capitol.  police do not believe any of-
            enforcement      authorities                                                                                        ficers returned fire.
            across  the  country  are  fac-  6, 2021.                 discriminately”  in  the  street
                                                                      with  a  handgun  and  walked  “We don’t have any informa-
            ing an increasing number of
            threats  and  federal  officials   Authorities  said  the  man,  toward the Capitol building.  tion  that  would  indicate  his
                                         identified as Richard A. York  Authorities  are  investigating
            have  warned  about  the  po-
            tential  of  violent  attacks  on   III, 29, of Delaware, crashed  whether  the  man  may  have
                                         into the barricade and that as  set  his  car  on  fire,  the  chief
            government buildings in the
            days  since  the  FBI’s  search   he was getting out of the car,  said, because the collision did
                                         the vehicle became engulfed  not appear to cause the blaze.
            of  former  President  Donald
            Trump’s  Mar-a-Lago  estate   in  flames.  The  man  then
                                         opened  fire,  firing  several  Police  officers  at  the  scene
            in Florida.
                                         shots into the air as police ap-  saw  the  man  fatally  shoot
            The  attack  is  reminiscent   proached.                  himself  as  they  approached,
            of  an  incident  when  a  man   Capitol  Police  said  the  man   Manger said.
            drove a vehicle into two Cap-
            itol Police officers at a check-  shot  himself  as  the  officers  The  chief  said  investigators
                                         neared.  He  was  later  pro-
                                                                      located addresses for the man
            point in April 2021, killing an
                                         nounced dead.                in  Delaware  and  Pennsyl-
                       Ex-employee shut down PD website over pay dispute, city says

            (AP) — Officials in a Bos-   department      information  Fuller said the employee con-  that the employee shut down  down the website, the paper
            ton suburb are investigat-   technology  director,  took  trols access to the site and has  “a vital resource for the resi-  reported.
            ing a former city employ-    down  the  department  web-  not turned it over to the city.  dents of the city of Newton.”
            ee they say shut down the  site in late June and July. The  Newton  has  created  a  new  The  employee  notified  city  The employee said in a state-
            police  website  during  a  website instead directed visi-  police department website in  officials in March that he was  ment  that  he  was  “disheart-
            pay dispute.                 tors to a message that called  its place. The old website was  leaving  the  job,  the  Globe  ened by the city’s representa-
                                         on them to contact Fuller and  no longer active on Sunday.  reported.  The  paper  report-  tion of the facts in this mat-
            Newton  Mayor  Ruthanne  ask  the  mayor  to  restore  it,                             ed the employee felt he was  ter” and he would work with
            Fuller  said  the  former  em-  The  Boston  Globe  reported  Fuller  told  the  Globe  in  a  owed $137,000 in compensa-  the city to resolve the prob-
            ployee,  who  was  the  police  on Friday.                statement  earlier  this  week  tory time at the time he shut  lem.
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