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P. 29
world news Dialuna 15 augustus 2022
More US lawmakers visit Taiwan 12 days after Pelosi trip
(AP) — A delegation of “It has sought to disregard
American lawmakers ar- the centerline between the
rived in Taiwan on Sunday, P.R.C. and Taiwan, which
just 12 days after a visit by has been respected by both
U.S. House Speaker Nan- sides for more than 60 years
cy Pelosi that prompted as a stabilizing feature,” he
China to launch days of said, using the acronym for
threatening military drills the country’s full name, the
around the self-governing People’s Republic of China.
island that Beijing says
must come under its con- China accuses the U.S. of
trol. encouraging independence
forces in Taiwan through its
The five-member delega- sale of military equipment to
tion, led by Democratic Sen. the island and engaging with
Ed Markey of Massachusetts, its officials. The U.S. says it
will meet President Tsai Ing- does not support indepen-
wen and other officials, as dence for Taiwan but that
well as members of the pri- its differences with China
vate sector, to discuss shared should be resolved by peace-
interests including reducing ful means.
tensions in the Taiwan Strait
and investments in semicon- China’s ruling Communist
ductors. the delegation were on the Radewagen, a delegate from the ministry said on its Twit- Party has long said that it fa-
plane. American Samoa, and Dem- ter account. vors Taiwan joining China
China responded to Pelosi’s ocratic House members John A senior White House of- peacefully but that it will not
Aug. 2 visit by sending mis- Markey met with South Ko- Garamendi and Alan Lowen- ficial on Asia policy said late rule out force if necessary.
siles, warships and warplanes rean President Yoon Suk Yeol thal from California and Don last week that China had The two split in 1949 dur-
into the seas and skies around earlier Sunday in South Ko- Beyer from Virginia. used Pelosi’s visit as a pretext ing a civil war in which the
Taiwan for several days after- rea before arriving in Taiwan to launch an intensified pres- Communists took control of
ward. The Chinese govern- on a separate flight at Taoyuan Chinese warplanes have con- sure campaign against Tai- China and the losing Nation-
ment objects to Taiwan hav- International Airport, which tinued crossing the midpoint wan, jeopardizing peace and alists retreated to the island of
ing any official contact with also serves Taipei. Markey, of the Taiwan Strait on a daily stability across the Taiwan Taiwan.
foreign governments, par- who chairs the Senate For- basis even after the conclu- Strait and in the broader re-
ticularly with a high-ranking eign Relations East Asia, Pa- sion of the military exercises gion. Campbell, speaking on Fri-
congressional leader like Pe- cific, and International Cy- last Wednesday, with at least day, said the U.S. would send
losi. bersecurity Subcommittee, 10 doing so on Sunday, Tai- “China has overreacted, and warships and planes through
and members of the delega- wan’s Defense Ministry said. its actions continue to be the Taiwan Strait in the next
A Taiwanese broadcaster tion will reaffirm the United provocative, destabilizing, few weeks and is developing
showed video of a U.S. gov- States’ support for Taiwan. The 10 fighter jets were and unprecedented,” Kurt a roadmap for trade talks with
ernment plane landing about among 22 Chinese military Campbell, a deputy assistant Taiwan that he said the U.S.
7 p.m. Sunday at Songshan The other members of the aircraft and six naval ships to President Joe Biden, said intends to announce in the
Airport in Taipei, the Taiwan- delegation are Republican detected in the area around on a call with reporters. coming days.
ese capital. Four members of Rep. Aumua Amata Coleman Taiwan by 5 p.m. on Sunday,
Tropical Storm Meari hammers Japan with heavy rainfall, wind
(AP) — Tropical Storm eling at a speed of about 20 showed video of rivers rising lowered as a cautionary mea- cast to subside by early Sun-
Meari unleashed heavy kilometers (12 miles) an perilously, almost reaching sure. Sections of the Tomei day in the Tokyo area before
rains on Japan’s main hour. The storm was expect- bridge decks, as rain splashed Expressway, which connects hitting northeastern Japan.
Honshu island as it head- ed to continue northward be- down on homes and people Tokyo with Nagoya, were
ed northward Saturday fore veering eastward, swing- scurried in the streets, cling- temporarily blocked off be- The world’s third-largest
toward the capital, Tokyo, ing over the Pacific Ocean by ing to their umbrellas. cause of the heavy rainfall. economy has often seen
according to Japanese early Sunday. deaths and injuries caused
weather officials. Japan is in the middle of the Northern Japan has had by seasonal storms and tor-
The Tokyo area was ham- Bon summer holidays and some heavy rainfall lately and rential rainfall that damage
The Japan Meteorological mered by periodic down- vacationers are traveling in worries were growing about dams, blow off rooftops and
Agency said that Meari made pours starting in the late droves, though some have landslides. Rainfall was fore- bring down power lines.
landfall in Shizuoka prefec- morning. Warnings on high had to cancel or change plans.
ture southwest of Tokyo in waves in coastal areas were
the afternoon, bringing sud- issued for Tokyo, Kanagawa The Rock in Japan Festival
den heavy rains and blasting prefecture southwest of To- 2022, which began a week
winds to a widespread area kyo, and other nearby areas. ago in Chiba prefecture east
and prompting warnings of Tokyo, canceled the event
about mudslides and flood- The authorities warned for Saturday, the final day
ing. against going near rivers and of the outdoor festival, and
other waters, as the levels promised ticket refunds.
More than 72,000 people in may rise suddenly. Rainfall
the area’s main city of Shi- was expected to worsen in All Nippon Airways canceled
zuoka were told to evacuate Tokyo and areas north of To- some local flights in response
due to possible landslides. kyo in the evening, they said. to the storm. Low-cost car-
Warnings of flooding, strong rier Skymark Airlines also
Meari, packing sustained winds and heavy rainfall were canceled some flights. Bullet
winds of up to 72 kilometers issued for the Tokyo area. train services were delayed,
(45 miles) per hour, passed and speed limits in tunnels in
over Shizuoka and was trav- Japanese media reports Shizuoka were temporarily