Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220815
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A30    world news
                 Dialuna 15 augustus 2022
                        German minister decries ecological catastrophe in Oder River

            (AP)  —  Germany’s  envi-    into the Baltic Sea. Ten tons  samples  were  being  sent  to
            ronment minister said the  of  dead  fish  were  removed  foreign  laboratories  to  be
            mass die-off of fish in the  from it last week, but Mok-  tested  for  about  300  sub-
            Oder River is an ecologi-    swa said the cause of the mass  stances.
            cal catastrophe and it isn’t  die-off still has not yet been
            clear yet how long it will  determined.                   Both ministers said they were
            take the river to recover.                                focused now on doing what
                                         “So  far,  at  least  150  samples  they can to limit the damage
            Steffi Lemke spoke Sunday at  of water from the Oder River  to the river’s ecosystem.
            a news conference alongside  have been tested. None of the
            her Polish counterpart, Anna  studies  have  confirmed  the  Lemke  suggested  that  Ger-
            Moskwa,  after  a  meeting  in  presence  of  toxic  substanc-  man  authorities  were  not
            Szczecin, a Polish city on the  es. At the same time, we are  alerted  quickly  enough  after
            Oder River.                  testing  fish.  No  mercury  or  dead  fish  were  detected  in
                                         other heavy metals have been  Poland and said communica-
            The Oder runs from Czechia  found in them,” she said.     tions between the two coun-
            to the border between Poland                              tries should be improved.
            and Germany before flowing  She  said  some  Oder  water

                                 Major wildfire in Spain forces the evacuation of 1,500

            (AP)  —  A  large  wildfire                                                            reported.                    sition has registered 43 large
            in  northeast  Spain  grew                                                                                          wildfires,  which  are  those
            rapidly overnight and was                                                              Those who fled took shelter  that have burned at least 500
            burning  out  of  control                                                              in three different sports cen-  hectares (1,250 acres). That is
            Sunday, forcing the evacu-                                                             ters in nearby towns.        four times the amount of the
            ation of eight villages and                                                                                         previous year and a record for
            1,500  people  in  Zaragoza                                                            Firefighters  said  the  outlook  the last decade.
            province, firefighters said.                                                           for taming the blaze depends
                                                                                                   on  the  weather,  but  gusty  The  European  Forest  Fire
            The head of the local Aragon                                                           winds  up  to  60  kilometers  Information  System  says
            government,  Javier  Lamban,                                                           (37 mph) were predicted.     248,674  hectares  (615,000
            said  Sunday  that  the  situa-                                                                                     acres)  have  burned  in  wild-
            tion was critical in the town                                                          Drought and extremely high  fires so far this year in Spain.
            of Añon de Moncayo and the                                                             temperatures in the Mediter-  That’s almost four times the
            priority for the 300 firefight-                                                        ranean  country  are  turning  country’s  full-year  average
            ers fighting the blaze was to                                                          2022  into  the  worst  year  of  of  66,965  hectares  (165,000
            protect human lives and vil-  The  wildfire,  which  began  forest chief said. It’s estimat-  the century in terms of fires.  acres)  since  2006,  when  re-
                                         Saturday, developed a 50-ki-
                                                                      ed  burned  surface  could  be
            lages.                                                                                 So far this year, the Spanish  cords began.
                                         lometer  (31-mile)  perimeter  up to 8,000 hectares (20,000   Ministry for Ecological Tran-
                                         in less than 24 hours, the local  acres), state news agency EFE
                          UK drops prosecution of protesters over slain woman’s vigil

            (AP)  —  British  authori-   home  from  a  friend’s  house
            ties have quashed plans to  in London. Her killer, Wayne
            prosecute  protesters  who  Couzens, was a serving Met-
            attended a vigil for a mur-  ropolitan  Police  officer.  He
            dered  woman  in  breach  pleaded guilty to murder and
            of  pandemic  lockdown  is serving life in prison with
            rules  —  a  killing,  and  a  no chance of parole.
            response,  that  ignited  a
            storm  of  criticism  of  the  Public  anger  at  the  police
            London  police  force  and  force  for  harboring  a  killer
            its  attitude  toward  wom-  in its ranks was compounded
            en’s safety.                 by what many saw as heavy-
                                         handed policing of the subse-
            The Crown Prosecution Ser-   quent vigil. Police banned the
            vice  said  Sunday  that  cases  gathering because it breached
            against  six  people  over  the  coronavirus  restrictions,  but
            March 2021 vigil in memory  hundreds  gathered  anyway
            of  Sarah  Everard  had  been  on Clapham Common, near
            dropped  because  “our  legal  where Everard was abducted.
            test for a prosecution was not  Prince  William’s  wife  Kate   used coronavirus restrictions  politan Police chief Cressida
            met.”                        was  among  those  who  at-  to ban the vigil.            Dick to step down in Febru-  “It is to be hoped that the Met
                                         tended and left flowers.                                  ary.                         will  now  turn  its  focus  and
            The  six  had  faced  possible                            Everard’s murder was one of                               resources towards protecting
            fines of up to 10,000 pounds  Scuffles broke out when po-  a string of killings in London  Pippa  Woodrow,  a  lawyer  women from violence rather
            ($12,100)  for  breaking  CO-  lice officers tried to break up   that prompted calls for more  for  some  of  the  defendants,  than seeking to silence those
            VID-19  restrictions  in  place  the vigil after several hours.  protection  for  women  and  said  she  was  delighted  “that  who speak up against it, and
            at the time.                 Organizers  took  the  police   girls. Allegations of misogyny  this  ordeal  is  over  and  that  towards  rebuilding  the  trust
                                         force to court, and in Febru-  and  bungled  investigations  the (prosecution service) has  damaged by their decisions in
            Everard,  33,  was  abducted,  ary a judge ruled that police   undermined  confidence  in  recognized they should never  this case,” Woodrow told The
            raped and killed as she walked  acted  unlawfully  when  they   the police and forced Metro-  have been prosecuted.”  Observer newspaper.
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