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                      Tuesday 11 June 2024

            Wind Creek Aruba Celebrates the Success of the

            6th Annual Long Table Aruba

            Setting New Records in Community Impact and Island Giving

            ORANJESTAD  –  [June  10,  2024]  –
            The 6th Annual Long Table Aruba,
            a  one-night-only  culinary  char-
            ity  event  hosted  by  Wind  Creek
            Aruba, concluded with resounding
            success,  marking  another  mile-
            stone  in  community  impact  and
            island giving.

            Billed  as  “The  only  meal  worth
            $50,000 for Aruba,” the highly an-
            ticipated event took place on Sun-
            day, June 9th, featuring the iconic
            1,000-foot-long  table  set  for  1,000
            guests  outside  Renaissance  Wind
            Creek  Aruba  Resort  in  downtown
            Oranjestad,  overlooking  the  ma-
            This year’s event saw a tremendous
            turnout, with tickets selling out rap-
            idly and raising substantial funds for
            Aruba-based charities. Since its in-
            ception in 2017, Long Table Aruba   online voting process.
            has raised over $335,000, further so-
            lidifying its position as the marquee   The grand prize winner of $15,000,
            giving event for Wind Creek opera-  Club Kibrahacha
            tions in Aruba.                     The runners-up with $10.000 each

                                                Stichting Hunto Inloophuis
            “We  are  thrilled  with  the  over-  Fundashon Hospice Atardi
            whelming  support  from  the  com-  Sonrisa
            munity  and  the  success  of  this   Fundacion Contra Violencia Rela-
            year’s Long Table Aruba,” said Mr.   cional - FCVR
            Paul  Gielen,  General  Manager  of
            Wind  Creek  Aruba.  “The  generos-  Given  the  overwhelming  interest
            ity and spirit of our guests were truly   shown  throughout  the  voting  pro-
            inspiring, and we are proud to con-  cess,  Wind  Creek  Aruba  also  se-
            tribute to such impactful causes.”  lected  5  additional  organizations
                                                who receive $2,000 each, making     ties and supporting their efforts to  mar  manpower,  Al  Jazar,  Aruba
            Wind  Creek  Aruba’s  revamped      this a total of $65.000 in prizes.  make a tangible difference in the  Laundry, Aruba Trading Co, Bright
            charity  selection  process  proved                                     lives of those in need.”            Bakery,  Bersah,  Bee  haven,  Bite!
            to be a highlight of the event. Ten   The 5 organizations were:                                             Communications,  Compra,  CBS,
            carefully  selected  charities  were   ADRA Teen Mother Project         The event provided an unforgetta-   Carex,  Caribbean  Bakery,  Duro
            invited  to  participate,  each  pre-  Ambiente Nobo                    ble dining experience and served  Entertianment, EcoTech, Flora Mar-
            senting  compelling  videos  to  vie   Give Me A Break                  as  a  platform  for  key  community  ket,  Frasa,  Great  Wall  Fireworks,
            for  financial  support.  This  year’s   BUMP Aruba                     leaders  to  connect  and  collabo-  High  Performance,  Interpan,  Live
            selection emphasized aiding older   Fundacion Biba Bou Guia             rate.  The  evening  was  a  celebra-  Music Aruba, Ling & Sons, Mercal,
            people and supporting youth fac-                                        tion of giving back and reinforcing  Nani  Pan,  New  York  Laundry,  Pri-
            ing  challenging  circumstances.    Gielen  added,  “It’s  heartwarm-   the bond within the community.      cemart, and Paleis Hindu.
            Community  members  played  a       ing to see the community unite for
            crucial  role  in  determining  which   such  a  meaningful  cause.  We’re   The evening was a celebration of  As Wind Creek Aruba looks to the
            organizations  would  benefit  from   excited to continue building strong   giving  back  and  reinforcing  the  future,  the  commitment  to  com-
            the  event’s  proceeds  through  an   relationships  with  these  chari-  bond  within  the  community.  The  munity  impact  and  disaster  relief
                                                                                    event  provided  an  unforgettable  remains a cornerstone of its opera-
                                                                                    dining experience and served as a  tions. The success of the 6th Annual
                                                                                    platform  for  key  community  lead-  Long Table Aruba is a testament to
                                                                                    ers to connect and collaborate.     the power of collective effort and
                                                                                                                        the enduring spirit of giving.q
                                                                                    The  event  was  made  possible
                                                                                    thanks  to  the  contribution  and
                                                                                    support  of  several  esteemed  or-
                                                                                    ganizations  including  Wind  Creek
                                                                                    Hospitality,   Renaissance   Wind
                                                                                    Creek  Aruba  Resort,  Caribbean
                                                                                    Overseas,  Tropical  Bottling,  Arion
                                                                                    Wine Company, Boma Aruba, Elite
                                                                                    Production, Express Events & Party
                                                                                    Rentals,  and  Bix  Brandimport  NV.
                                                                                    Additional  sponsors  include:  And-
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