Page 7 - min.sja sept 2,2015
P. 7

                                                                                                                   Wednesday 2 September

Iranian Guard chief says America ‘still the Great Satan’ 

NASSER KARIMI                   Mohammad Ali Jafari,            The Guard and hard-liners      der his supervision, also said                           earlier made by Iran’s Su-
Associated Press                reported by the official        remain suspicious of the       the nuclear deal will not al-                            preme Leader, Ayatollah
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The         Guard website, said that        U.S., even as authorities      ter Iran’s foreign policy to-                            Ali Khamenei.
head of Iran’s elite Revo-      “the enmity against Iranian     look over the historic ac-     ward the United States.                                  But while Khamenei hasn’t
lutionary Guard said Tues-      nation by the U.S. has not      cord that curbs Iran’s nu-     “The Islamic Republic of                                 said whether he supports
day that the U.S. is still the  lessened and it has been        clear program in return to     Iran considers the U.S. its                              the nuclear deal, he has
“Great Satan,” regardless       increased.”                     lifting economic sanctions.    No. 1 enemy,” Yazdi said.                                praised the work of the
of the nuclear deal struck      “We should not be de-           Earlier Tuesday, Ayatol-       “If you try to discover the                              country’s negotiators.
with Americans and world        ceived by the U.S.,” Jafari     lah Mohammad Yazdi, the        root of the sedition that is                             Meanwhile Tuesday, the
powers over the Islamic Re-     reportedly said.                head of powerful Iran’s Ex-    happening around us to-                                  state news agency IRNA
public’s contested nuclear      “It wants to infiltrate into    perts Assembly, which over-    day, you will identify U.S. as                           quoted Tehran’s police
program.                        Iran, resorting to new instru-  sees the nation’s Supreme      its main supporter.”                                     chief, Gen. q
The comments by Gen.            ments and method.”              Leader and institutions un-    His remarks echo those

Multiple suicide attacks kill 12 Iraqi troops, militiamen 

QASSIM ZAHRA                    as they approached the          Iraqi security forces, backed by Sunni and Shiite volunteers                            (U.S.-led) International Co-
Associated Press                site, where heavy clashes       take combat positions during clash with Islamic State group                             alition to collect samples
BAGHDAD (AP) — A series         erupted, said the officials,    militants at the front line in Anbar province, Iraq. A series of sui-                   for immediate tests abroad.
of suicide attacks by the       who spoke on condition of       cide attacks by the Islamic State group in Iraq’s western Anbar                         This is one of (an) increasing
Islamic State group outside     anonymity because they          province on Tuesday killed 12 soldiers and allied Sunni militia-                        number of attacks in recent
a town in Iraq’s western An-    were not authorized to          men, military and hospital officials said.                                              months suspected of carry-
bar province on Tuesday         speak to the media.                                                                                                     ing chemical substances,”
killed 12 soldiers and allied   Much of the vast and pre-                                                                                   (AP Photo)  it added.
Sunni militiamen, military      dominantly Sunni Anbar                                                                                                  U.S. officials have been
and hospital officials said.    province is under IS con-       “Upon impact, the canister by the Kurdistan Region Se-                                  looking into reports that IS
They said the attack began      trol, including the provin-     produced yellow smoke,” curity Council.                                                 militants used mustard gas
when IS militants shelled       cial capital Ramadi and         said Tuesday’s statement “We are working with the                                       in a recent attack, also on
army and militia positions      the key city of Fallujah. Ha-                                                                                           Kurdish forces in Iraq. A se-
outside the town of Ha-         ditha, on the Euphrates river                                                                                           nior U.S. military officer said
ditha with mortars. They fol-   and home to a major dam                                                                                                 last month that preliminary
lowed up with two suicide       and hydroelectric power                                                                                                 tests show traces of the
bombers who blew them-          station, is in government                                                                                               chemical agent on IS mor-
selves up near the troops       hands. The government                                                                                                   tars.
and later with three suicide    of Iraq’s self-ruled Kurdish                                                                                            The United Nations said
car bombings. Five soldiers     region, meanwhile, said IS                                                                                              Tuesday that a total of
and three Sunni tribesmen       militants fired a homemade                                                                                              1,325 Iraqis were killed and
were wounded in the at-         rocket carrying “chemi-                                                                                                 another 1,811 were wound-
tacks, the officials said.      cal substances” at Kurdish                                                                                              ed in violence during the
Airstrikes by the U.S.-led al-  peshmerga forces near the                                                                                               month of August. Of those
liance destroyed six IS ve-     Mosul Dam in northern Iraq                                                                                              killed, 585 were civilians, it
hicles and killed 13 militants  on Monday.                                                                                                              said.q

Palestinians: Abbas says won’t seek top PLO, Fatah posts 

M. DARAGHMEH                    In such a scenario, Abbas       latest moves, including ar-    Bank town of Ramallah                                    sors and would give him a
Associated Press                would still retain his most     ranging for internal PLO       to elect a new Executive                                 say when the time comes.
RAMALLAH, West Bank             important post, as presi-       elections, as an attempt       Committee.                                               He has not designated a
(AP) — Palestinian Presi-       dent of the Palestinian self-   to consolidate control and     Traditionally, the com-                                  successor, though he has
dent Mahmoud Abbas has          rule government.                sideline opponents.            mittee has elected the                                   given increasing respon-
told political confidants he    Rumors have been swirling       Currently, Abbas holds the     head of the PLO. If Abbas                                sibilities to veteran Pal-
won’t seek re-election to       that the 80-year-old plans      three top positions in Pal-    doesn’t run for the com-                                 estinian peace negotia-
the top posts in the Pales-     to step down as president,      estinian politics — as presi-  mittee, he would ostensi-                                tor Saeb Erekat in recent
tine Liberation Organiza-       after a decade on the job,      dent, head of the PLO and      bly not be eligible for the                              months.
tion or his Fatah movement      because all roads to Pal-       Fatah chief.                   PLO’s top job.                                           Fatah, meanwhile, plans
in upcoming elections, two      estinian statehood appear       In mid-September, the Pal-     A new Executive Commit-                                  to hold elections for a
participants in the meeting     blocked.                        estinians’ parliament-in-      tee would create a pool                                  new leadership in late
said Tuesday.                    Critics have cast Abbas’       exile is to meet in the West   of potential Abbas succes-                               November.q
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