P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Friday 21 July 2017

            “Our Third Time at Dragonfly this Holiday,” says Anton

            PALM  BEACH  -  Anton  (45)
            and  his  companion  love
            to go to Dragonfly Restau-
            rant; they have gone there
            three times already during
            their  holiday.  ``We  greatly
            enjoy  the  seating  outside,
            the  music  and  the  wait-
            resses,’’ he jokes. This time
            he  ordered  the  red  curry
            beef with extra beef at the
            restaurant, which is the lat-
            est addition to the Arawak
            Garden. Staying at the Hil-
            ton  Resort,  the  Dutchman
            just  had  to  cross  the  road
            to get to Dragonfly.
            Anton likes Aruba a lot; he
            has been here a few times
            already: ``We enjoy the is-
            land,  the  sun,  the  people
            and  the  culture.’’  Anton
            and  his  companion  are
            seen here in the photo with
            lovely  Dragonfly  waitress
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