P. 13
LOCAL Friday 21 July 2017
Aruba Symphony Festival Opens Tonight:
Beethoven Interpreted
by Three Venezuelan
ORANJESTAD - Light and others will enter the stage:
relaxing classical music Jorge Montilla with clari-
awaits you in Aruba’s cul- net and German Marcano
tural temple Cas di Cultura. with cello.
Tonight the Aruba Sym- The Piano Trio performs in
phony Festival kicks off at B-flat major, Op. 11 in three
8pm with a true treasure for parts: Allegro con brio;
the ears. Three Venezuelan Adagio and Tema con
German Marcano Edith Peña
musicians take their classi- variazioni, Allegretto.
cal talent to the public. This concert is part of a
The first part of the con- series of classical perfor-
cert is in the hands of Edith mances that are sched-
Peña with Piano Sonata uled from 21st to 29th of
No. 18 in E flat major, Op. July.
31, No. 3”; a joyful piece The Aruba Symphony Festi-
that consists of three parts: val presents classical music
Allegro, Scherzo; Allegretto masters that are world fa-
Vivace; Menuetto, Mod- mous.
erato and Grazioso. She With the exception of the
is the first Latin-American last evening all concerts
that was nominated for a are free. Indulge in the
Grammy in classical music. world of sounds and relax
The second part of the pro- on the tunes of instrument
gram will introduce you to masters.
a musical trio. Find more information on
They will also perform www.nuevomundofestival.
Beethoven’s work, on comor Facebook Cas di
clarinet, cello and piano. Cultura.q
Whereas Peña will take
care of the piano part, two
Jorge Montilla