P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 21 July 2017

                  Brazilian judge seizes $2.8 million in Silva’s pension funds

            By MAURICIO SAVARESE         firmed Thursday’s decision,
            Associated Press             but  did  not  make  com-
            SAO PAULO (AP) — A judge  ments  to  The  Associated
            in  Brazil  on  Thursday  or-  Press. The former president
            dered  the  seizure  of  more  will remain free until his ap-
            than $2.8 million in pension  peal  of  the  conviction  is
            funds from former President  heard by a group of magis-
            Luiz  Inacio  Lula  da  Silva  in  trates. None of Silva’s pen-
            connection with his corrup-  sion funds can be used until
            tion conviction.             there is a final ruling in the
            The  funds  were  in  one  of  case.
            Silva’s  individual  accounts  On  Wednesday,  Brazil’s
            and  in  another  linked  to  central  bank  froze  four
            his  company  LILS,  which  of  Silva’s  bank  accounts
            administers  assets  from  his  amounting  to  more  than
            lectures,  according  to  the  $190,000. Judge Moro also
            ruling  released  by  the  of-  barred  the  ex-president
            fice of federal judge Sergio  from  using  three  apart-
            Moro.                        ments, a piece of land and
            Last week, Moro sentenced  two cars linked to him.
            Silva to 9 1/2 years in prison  With the seizure of the pen-
            in  connection  with  a  graft  sion  funds,  Silva’s  assets   Brazil’s Former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva attends a ceremony for the Workers’ Party, with
            probe  involving  state-run  frozen by Moro amount to     ousted President Dilma Rousseff, behind, in Brasilia, Brazil. A judge in Brazil on Thursday ordered
            oil giant Petrobras.         almost  10  million  Brazilian   the seizure of more than $2.8 million in pension funds from Silva in connection with his corruption
            A spokesman for Silva con-   reals, or $3 million. q      conviction.
                                                                                                                                     (AP Photo/Eraldo Peres)
                    Venezuela strike erupts into sporadic violence

            By MICHAEL WEISSENSTEIN      noon,  when  improvised      failed  to  topple  Maduro’s  panies  are  functioning  “at  but  bakeries,  fruit  stands
            FABIOLA SANCHEZ              blockades left them almost   predecessor Hugo Chavez.     100  percent”  despite  the  and  other  shops  were
            Associated Press             entirely  cut  them  off  from   Maduro  said  on  national  strike.  The  claim  could  not  open  and  hundreds  of
            CARACAS,        Venezuela  the rest of the city. Groups   television  that  he’ll  press  be immediately confirmed.  people were in the streets,
            (AP) — A nationwide strike  of masked young men set       ahead with plans to rewrite  In  neighborhoods  of  west-  although  foot  and  vehicle
            against  plans  to  rewrite  fire  to  a  handful  of  block-  the  nation’s  constitution  ern  Caracas  traditionally  traffic  were  about  half  of
            the constitution shut down  ades and hurled stones at     and  said  that  hundreds  of  loyal  to  the  ruling  party,  what  they  would  be  on  a
            much of Venezuelan’s cap-    riot police, who fired back   Venezuela’s  largest  com-  some  stores  were  closed  normal weekday.q
            ital  Thursday  before  erupt-  tear gas.
            ing  into  sporadic  violence  A  public  transport  strike
            when  protesters  clashed  appeared  to  have  halted
            with riot police and burned  nearly  all  bus  traffic  and
            a  post  office  near  the  thousands  of  private  busi-                                                WE ARE CELEBRATING
            headquarters  of  the  main  nesses  defied  government                                                 1   YEAR ANNIVERSARY
            state-run     broadcaster.   demands  to  stay  open  as
            Wealthier,  pro-opposition  opponents  of  President
            neighborhoods  of  eastern  Nicolas Maduro called the
            Caracas  were  shuttered  first  major  national  strike
            and  silent  until  early  after-  since a 2002 stoppage that

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