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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diahuebs 18 augustus 2022

                                Kids-for-cash judges ordered to pay more than $200M

            (AP) - Two former Penn-      ing them a chance to put up a
            sylvania  judges  who  or-   defense or even say goodbye
            chestrated  a  scheme  to  to their families.
            send children to for-profit
            jails in exchange for kick-  “Ciavarella  and  Conahan
            backs were ordered to pay  abandoned  their  oath  and
            more than $200 million to  breached  the  public  trust,”
            hundreds  of  people  they  Conner wrote Tuesday in his
            victimized  in  one  of  the  explanation of the judgment.
            worst  judicial  scandals  in  “Their  cruel  and  despicable
            U.S. history.                actions victimized a vulnera-
                                         ble population of young peo-
            U.S. District Judge Christo-  ple, many of whom were suf-
            pher  Conner  awarded  $106  fering from emotional issues
            million  in  compensatory  and mental health concerns.”
            damages and $100 million in
            punitive  damages  to  nearly  The  Pennsylvania  Supreme
            300 people in a long-running  Court threw out some 4,000
            civil  suit  against  the  judges,  juvenile  convictions  involv-
            writing the plaintiffs are “the  ing more than 2,300 kids after
            tragic  human  casualties  of  a  the scheme was uncovered.
            scandal of epic proportions.”
                                         It’s  unlikely  the  now-adult
            In  what  came  to  be  known  victims  will  see even  a frac-
            as  the  kids-for-cash  scandal,  tion of the eye-popping dam-
            Mark Ciavarella and another  ages award, but a lawyer for
            judge,  Michael  Conahan,  the plaintiffs said it’s a recog-
            shut down a county-run ju-   nition of the enormity of the
            venile  detention  center  and  disgraced judges’ crimes.
            accepted $2.8 million in ille-
            gal payments from the build-  “It’s a huge victory,” Marsha
            er and co-owner of two for-  Levick, co-founder and chief
            profit  lockups.  Ciavarella,  counsel  of  the  Philadelphia-
            who  presided  over  juvenile  based  Juvenile  Law  Center  Ciavarella, 72, is serving a 28-  rella  sent  them  to  juvenile  reason.  Like  everybody  just
            court,  pushed  a  zero-toler-  and a lawyer for the plaintiffs,  year prison sentence in Ken-  detention — and 32 parents.  stood in line to be sold.”
            ance  policy  that  guaranteed  said Wednesday. “To have an  tucky.  His  projected  release
            large numbers of kids would  order  from  a  federal  court  date is 2035.             “They  recounted  his  harsh  Another  victim  described
            be sent to PA Child Care and  that recognizes the gravity of                           and arbitrary nature, his dis-  how he shook uncontrollably
            its sister facility, Western PA  what the judges did to these  Conahan, 70, was sentenced  dain for due process, his ex-  during  a  routine  traffic  stop
            Child Care.                  children in the midst of some  to more than 17 years in pris-  traordinary  abruptness,  and  — a consequence of the trau-
                                         of  the  most  critical  years  of  on but was released to home  his  cavalier  and  boorish  be-  matizing impact of his child-
            Ciavarella  ordered  children  their  childhood  and  devel-  confinement in 2020 — with  havior  in  the  courtroom,”  hood  detention  —  and  had
            as  young  as  8  to  detention,  opment matters enormously,  six years left on his sentence  Conner wrote.         to  show  his  mental  health
            many  of  them  first-time  of-  whether  or  not  the  money  — because of the coronavirus                         records  in  court  to  “explain
            fenders  deemed  delinquent  gets paid.”                  pandemic.                    One  unnamed  child  victim  why my behavior was so er-
            for  petty  theft,  jaywalking,                                                        testified  that  Ciavarella  had  ratic.”
            truancy,  smoking  on  school  Another  plaintiffs’  attorney,  Conner  ruled  after  hearing  “ruined  my  life”  and  “just
            grounds  and  other  minor  Sol Weiss, said he would be-  often-emotional  testimony  didn’t  let  me  get  to  my  fu-  Several of the childhood vic-
            infractions.  The  judge  often  gin a probe of the judges’ as-  last year from 282 people who  ture,” according to Conner’s  tims  who  were  part  of  the
            ordered youths he had found  sets,  but  did  not  think  they  appeared in Luzerne County  ruling.                 lawsuit  when  it  began  in
            delinquent  to  be  immedi-  had any money to pay a judg-  juvenile court between 2003                              2009  have  since  died  from
            ately  shackled,  handcuffed  ment.                       and  2008  —  79  of  whom  Said another plaintiff: “I feel  overdoses or suicide, Conner
            and taken away without giv-                               were under 13 when Ciava-    I  was  just  sold  out  for  no  said.

                              Giuliani faces grand jury in Georgia 2020 election probe

            (AP)  —  Rudy  Giuliani  faced  hours  of  ques-  liani, who came to court with his attorney, Robert  turn Democrat Joe Biden’s 2020 election win. It’s
            tioning Wednesday before a special grand jury  Costello. “They ask the questions and we’ll see.”  one of several investigations into Trump’s actions
            in Atlanta as a target of an investigation into                                                 in office as he lays the groundwork for another run
            attempts by former President Donald Trump  Though grand jury secrecy rules prohibit people  at the White House in 2024.
            and others to overturn his 2020 election de-    present during grand jury testimony from discuss-
            feat in Georgia.                                ing it, that prohibition does not apply to witnesses,  Willis  opened  her  investigation  after  the  disclo-
                                                            including Giuliani. As a former federal prosecutor,  sure of a remarkable Jan. 2, 2021, phone call be-
            The former New York mayor and Trump attorney  he is likely familiar with those rules.           tween Trump and Georgia Secretary of State Brad
            left the Fulton County courthouse without com-                                                  Raffensperger. On the call, Trump suggested that
            menting  to  reporters  roughly  six  hours  after  the  It’s unclear how much the former New York may-  Raffensperger  could  “find”  the  exact  number  of
            special grand jury convened Wednesday as part of  or and attorney for Trump was willing to say after  votes that would be needed to flip the election re-
            a rapidly escalating investigation that has ensnared  his lawyers were informed Monday that he’s a tar-  sults in Georgia.
            several Trump allies.                           get of the investigation.
                                                                                                            Trump  has  denied  any  wrongdoing.  He  has  de-
            Giuliani’s  questioning  took  place  behind  closed  Giuliani’s  Atlanta-based  attorney,  Bill  Thomas,  scribed the call as “perfect.”
            doors,  as  grand  jury  proceedings  are  secret.  declined to comment after Giuliani left the court-
            Swarmed by news cameras Wednesday morning as  house.  Costello  did  not  immediately  respond  to  Willis last month filed petitions to compel testimo-
            he stepped out of a black SUV at the courthouse  requests for comment.                          ny from seven Trump associates and advisers. She
            steps, Giuliani said he didn’t plan to talk about his                                           has also said she’s considering calling Trump him-
            testimony.                                      The investigation by Fulton County District Attor-  self to testify, and the former president has hired
                                                            ney Fani Willis has brought heightened scrutiny to  a legal team in Atlanta that includes a prominent
            “Grand  juries,  as  I  recall,  are  secret,”  said  Giu-  the desperate and ultimately failed efforts to over-  criminal defense attorney.
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