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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 18 augustus 2022

                            WHO chief: Lack of help for Tigray crisis due to skin color

            (AP)  —  The  head  of  the  veloped  world.  Anywhere.  ments of some medications.
            World  Health  Organiza-     Why?” Tedros asked.
            tion  described  the  ongo-                               “Nowhere in the world you
            ing crisis in Ethiopia’s Ti-  “Maybe the reason is the col-  would  see  this  level  of  cru-
            gray  region  as  “the  worst  or of the skin of the people in  elty, where it’s a government
            disaster  on  Earth”  and  Tigray.” he said.              (that)  punishes  6  million  of
            wondered  aloud  Wednes-                                  its  people  for  more  than  21
            day  if  the  reason  global  In  April,  Tedros  questioned  months,”  the  WHO  chief
            leaders have not respond-    if  the  world’s  overwhelm-  said. “The only thing we ask
            ed was due to “the color of  ing focus on Russia’s war in  is, ‘Can the world come back
            the  skin  of  the  people  in  Ukraine  was  due  to  racism,  to its senses and uphold hu-
            Tigray.”                     although  he  acknowledged  manity?’”
                                         the conflict there had global
            In an emotional statement at  consequences.               Tedros  called  on  both  the
            a  press  briefing,  WHO  Di-                             Ethiopian  and  Russian  gov-
            rector-General Tedros Adha-  The conflict in Ethiopia be-  ernments to end the crises in
            nom Ghebreyesus — himself  gan in November 2020, and  Tigray and Ukraine.
            an  ethnic  Tigrayan  —  said  little  humanitarian  aid  ar-                          for peaceful negotiations ex-  nization,  accusing  Tedros  of
            the  situation  caused  by  the  rived  after  Tigray  forces  re-  “If they want peace, they can  cept as delaying tactics.”  “misconduct” after his sharp
            conflict  in  his  home  coun-  took  much  of  the  region  in  make  it  happen  and  I  urge                     criticism of the war and hu-
            try  is  worse  than  any  other  June  2021.  Aid  has  started  them  both  to  resolve  (these  In a sign of just how cut off  manitarian crisis in the coun-
            humanitarian  crisis  in  the  flowing  more  substantially  issues),” he said.        Tigray  has  been,  a  COV-  try.
            world.                       in  the  past  few  months  but                           ID-19  vaccination  campaign
                                         is  widely  described  as  inad-  Also  Wednesday,  Ethiopia’s  was  finally  launched  at  the  The  Ethiopian  government
            Tedros  asserted  that  the  6  equate to meet the needs of  foreign  ministry  said  a  gov-  region’s  flagship  hospital  said  Tedros  was  using  his
            million  people  in  Tigray  es-  the millions of people essen-  ernment  peace  committee  only in July, an improvement  office “to advance his politi-
            sentially  cut  off  from  the  tially trapped there.     had adopted a peace proposal  from a months-long period of  cal interest at the expense of
            world  have  been  “under                                 “that would lead to the con-  deprivation in which hospital  Ethiopia”  and  said  he  con-
            siege” for the last 21 months.  The resumption of basic ser-  clusion of ceasefire” and that  workers  described  running  tinues to be an active mem-
            He  described  the  Ukraine  vices  and  banking  remains  it  would  be  shared  with  the  out  of  essential  medicines  ber  of  the  Tigray  People’s
            conflict  as  a  crisis  that  has  a  key  demand  of  the  Tigray  African  Union  envoy  work-  and  trying  to  treat  wounds  Liberation Front; Tedros was
            the  global  community  po-  regional  leaders.  Journalists  ing on mediation. Basic ser-  with warm salt water. It was  Ethiopia’s  foreign  minister
            tentially  “sleepwalking  into  have not been allowed in.  vices  would  follow  a  cease-  the first COVID-19 vaccina-  and health minister when the
            a nuclear war” that could be                              fire, the statement said.    tion campaign in Tigray.     TPLF  dominated  the  coun-
            “the mother of all problems,”  Tedros said the people of Ti-                                                        try’s ruling coalition.
            but argued the disaster in Ti-  gray had no access to medi-  Tigray forces spokesman Ge-  This  was  not  the  first  time
            gray was far worse.          cine and telecommunications  tachew  Reda  dismissed  the  the  WHO  chief  has  spoken  When Tedros was confirmed
                                         and  were  prevented  from  government  statement,  as-   out about Tigray.            for a second term as head of
            “I  haven’t  heard  in  the  last  leaving the region. However,  serting in a tweet that “if any-                   WHO,  it  was  the  first  time
            few months any head of state  the International Committee  thing,  the  Abiy  Ahmed  re-  Earlier this year, the govern-  a  candidate’s  home  country
            talking about the Tigray situ-  of  the  Red  Cross  in  recent  gime has made it abundantly  ment of Ethiopia sent a letter  had failed to nominate their
            ation  anywhere  in  the  de-  months  has  reported  ship-  clear  that  it  has  no  appetite  to  the  World  Health  Orga-  own candidate.

                             German leader condemns Abbas’ ’50 Holocausts’ remark

            (AP)  —  Germany’s  chan-    Munich  Olympics.  Instead,  Germany  and  Israel  for  not  with him about this incident  During the Third Reich, the
            cellor  said  Wednesday  Abbas  countered  by  saying  rejecting  Abbas’  comments  as well.                        Germans  and  their  hench-
            that he was “disgusted by  he could point to “50 Holo-    immediately at the press con-                             men  murdered  6  million
            the  outrageous  remarks”  causts” by Israel.             ference he held with him on  Standing  next  to  Scholz  at  Jews across Europe.
            made by Palestinian Pres-                                 Tuesday  night  at  the  Chan-  Tuesday’s  press  conference,
            ident  Mahmoud  Abbas  “I am disgusted by the outra-      cellery.                     Abbas  explicitly  used  the  On  Wednesday,  Abbas  ap-
            in  Berlin,  accusing  Israel  geous remarks made by Pal-                              word “Holocausts” in his re-  peared to walk back his com-
            of  committing  “50  Holo-   estinian President Mahmoud  A spokesman for Scholz told  ply, drawing a grimace from  ments.
            causts”  against  Palestin-  Abbas,” Scholz said. “For us  reporters  that  his  office  had  the German chancellor. Ger-
            ians over the years.         Germans  in  particular,  any  summoned  the  head  of  the  many  has  long  argued  the  In  a  written  statement,  his
                                         relativization of the singulari-  Palestinian mission in Berlin  term  should  only  be  used  office  said  that  “President
            German  Chancellor  Olaf  ty of the Holocaust is intoler-  on Wednesday.               to  describe  the  Nazis’  sin-  Mahmoud  Abbas  reaffirms
            Scholz’s  statement  on  Twit-  able and unacceptable. I con-                          gular crime of killing 6 mil-  that  the  Holocaust  is  the
            ter  came  a  day  after  Abbas  demn  any  attempt  to  deny  The chancellor’s foreign and  lion  Jews  before  and  during  most heinous crime in mod-
            refused to condemn a deadly  the crimes of the Holocaust.”  security  policy  advisor  con-  World War II.          ern human history.”
            attack by Palestinian militants                           veyed  that  Scholz  expects
            on Israeli athletes at the 1972  Scholz was criticized both in  the  Palestinian  president  “to  While Scholz had earlier re-  The  statement  stressed  that
                                                                      acknowledge  the  singularity  jected  the  Palestinian  lead-  “his answer was not intend-
                                                                      of the Holocaust without any  er’s  description  of  Israel’s  ed to deny the singularity of
                                                                      qualification,” Steffen Hebe-  treatment  of  Palestinians  as  the  Holocaust  that  occurred
                                                                      streit said.                 “apartheid,”  he  did  not  im-  in the last century, and con-
                                                                                                   mediately  rebuke  Abbas  for  demning  it  in  the  strongest
                                                                      “His  gaffe  yesterday  casts  a  using the term “Holocaust.”  terms.”
                                                                      dark shadow over Germany’s
                                                                      relations with the Palestinian  Abbas  said  that  “from  1947  Abbas’s remarks drew strong
                                                                      Authority,”  Hebestreit  said,  until  today,  Israel  has  com-  condemnation  by  leaders
                                                                      referring  to  Abbas’  com-  mitted  50  massacres  in  50  across  Israel’s  political  spec-
                                                                      ments. He added that Scholz  Palestinian villages.”       trum. Caretaker Prime Min-
                                                                      has arranged a telephone call                             ister  Yair  Lapid  called  the
                                                                      with  Israeli  Prime  Minister  “Fifty slaughters. Fifty Holo-  comments, “not only a moral
                                                                      Lapid for Thursday in order  causts,” he added.           disgrace,  but  a  monstrous
                                                                      to  be  able  to  speak  directly                         lie.”
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