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Friday 1 december 2023 locAl
Episode LXXXI – 81 - Caquetian inspired designs
Native Americans of Aru-
ba, from Caquetian origi- From the anthropology of
nal stock, were expert Ce- Art the artist from Etnia Na-
ramists and Potters. Their tiva seeks inspiration in the
mastering of this art as a Aruban heritage, thus of-
cult was cosmologically in- fering a vision of ideals that
spired, expressed through- guard and mobilize aes-
out their techniques. This thetic creation in relation
heritage was transmitted to the universe where it is
from generation to genera- expressed and worked on.
tion till the beginning of the
20th century. A work of art comes from
the conception and ob-
Etnia Nativa presents an jectification of ideas by its
anthropological approach creator, the artist capable
to what we can call an- of producing art as a hu-
cient Aruban natural rela- man being and social be-
tions using art in order to ing, he will never be able
understand the indigenous to separate himself from
aesthetic creation of island the indigenous aesthetic said condition awarded
native expressions. It val- expression, as a way of from the moment he is born
ues the way in which the anthropological recovery and begins to relate with
indigenous universe and its of the precolonial creative his environment and other
aesthetic production have production in connection individuals. Each work he
been recorded throughout with contemporary art in- produces is affected by his
history, generating new ar- spired on native motives. environment.
tistic products. It discusses
indigenous aesthetic con- Aruba conserves an indig- Those who participate in
ceptions, their connection enous patrimonial legacy our cultural and interactive
to the natural environment, with strong aesthetic val- tour learn the manage-
and how they influenced ues. ment of the anthropologi-
the processes of cultural cal, historical and aesthet-
interaction with Europeans. The encounter of indig- ic categories. They also
Finally, it focuses on ceram- enous societies with the obtain knowledge of an-
ics as a key resource for conquerors, amazed by thropology, art history and
the reality of a New World, archeology of both Aruba
had a convergence in and the Caribbean and
a cultural confrontation of America as a whole.
where aesthetic and sym- They also obtain informa-
bolic factors were part of it. tion concerning recent re-
Flowing to our time through search of the region, and
history and archeology, to a generalized compara-
recover objects of knowl- tive vision of indigenous
edge and as components cultures, iconography and
of new processes of artistic aesthetic elements of is-
creation and a sense of be- land societies.
longing to an unique and
separate group of people To get to know a little more
that has survived ages of regarding Aruba and its
suppression while using this cultural origins, we highly
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within the Dutch kingdom. cultural encounter session.
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