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                                                                                                           local Friday 1 december 2023

            Farmers Market at the Ostrich Farm

             Every  first  Sunday  of  the  month
             the Ostrich Farm organized and      The  Farmer’s  market  is  held  un-
             facilitate  the  largest  farmers   der  a  large,  covered  area  so
             market on the island. Everything    you can shop comfortably in the
             sold  during  the  farmers  market   shade.
             are  locally  crafted,  produced    The  restaurant  in  the  premises
             and grown. Locally artisans and     serves  delicious  local  lunches
             farmers  gather  at  the  farmers   and  fresh  fish  when  available.
             market  to  showcase  proudly       Ice  cold  local  beer,  smoothies,
             their products.                     fresh fruit shakes and not to be
                                                 missed  serves  the  best  shaved
             You  can  find  the  best  artisan   ice on the island!
             bread  &  pastries,  hot  sauces,   And the Ostrich tours is of course
             jams, cooking sauces, fresh egg     offered as well.
             and  honey  that  comes  from
             small  beekeepers,  vegetarian      For  everybody  young  and  old
             snacks from locally soured beans    here  is  something  to  do,  shop,
             call Dubaru.                        relax  and  enjoy  a  great  fam-
             Then  you  have  the  very  tal-    ily outing and most of all come
             ented  local  artisans  that  share   and  support  the  local  artisans
             their  unique  and  one-of-a-kind   and  farmers  every  first  Sun-
             art  such  as  driftwood  paintings,   day of the month from 10:00 to
             high quality jewelry, baby cloth-   14:00,  Matividiri  57,  follow  our
             ing,  knitting  products,  ceramic   facebookpage  or Instagram @
             mugs/cups  and  plates,  Cala-      arubaostrichfarm  and  be  noti-
             bash art, organic soap and cos-     fied for each upcoming farmers
             metic and so much more!             market.q

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If     you’ve  from  the  Marum  research  respond  to  fluctuating  sea
            been to the northern coast  faculty  at  the  University  of  levels or extreme weather,
            of  Aruba  already,  you’ve  Bremen,  Prof.  dr.  Alessio  like  hurricanes  and  tsuna-
            probably  noticed  how  the  Rovere  from  the  Ca'  Fosc-  mis.
            ground differs entirely from  ari University of Venice and
            the sandy beaches on the  Prof.  dr.  Gianfranco  Scic-   Through  underwater  and
            southern part of the island.  chitano, from the University  land  surveillance,  and  3D
            These  hard  surfaces,  with  of Bari Aldo Moro, present-  models  of  the  reefs,  they
            sharp  bumps  and  holes  ed their research on these  were able to narrow down
            are actually fossilized coral  fossilized  coral  reefs  at  the  when   these   formations
            reefs,  of  which  its  growth  University  of  Aruba.  Their  started to take place. They
            and    changes    can   be  focus  for  their  research  in-  were also able to track the
            traced back to the last gla-  cluded studying the health  fluctuation  of  sea  levels
            cial period.                 and  formation  patterns  of  during the past hundred or
                                         these  coral  reefs,  and  to  even  thousands  of  years,
            On  May  30  2023,  geosci-  investigate how these reefs  and  the  effects  that  this
            entists,  Dr.  Patrick  Boyden  have  responded  and  can  fluctuation has had on the  scientists  themselves  have  els and climate impact on
                                                                      coral reefs of the windward  pointed out, these fossilized  these  coral  reefs,  we  are
                                                                      side of Aruba.               reefs on the windward side  able to take concrete ac-
                                                                                                   are truly an incredible and  tion in protecting and pre-
                                                                      These findings can certainly  rare  remnant  of  geologi-  serving our coral reefs. So, if
                                                                      put things into perspective.  cal history, as they provide  you are ever visiting one of
                                                                      The  ground  on  which  we  a clear view of how these  the bocas or driving along
                                                                      have  walked  many  times  reefs have formed.             the northern part of the is-
                                                                      in  the  northern  part  of  the                          land,  please  be  conscious
                                                                      island hold such rich history,  This  research  is  also  im-  to help protect our natural
                                                                      history  that  dates  back  to  portant  for  the  future  of  historical remnant. Oh, and
                                                                      a time that most of us can-  coral  reefs  on  the  island.  wear  (coral-friendly)  sun-
                                                                      not  even  imagine.  As  the  By  studying  rising  sea  lev-  screen! q
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