P. 10
Tuesday 23 January 2018
Trump to face mixed welcome at elite Davos gathering
By JAMEY KEATEN happy and hope for dia- a year after Chinese Presi-
Associated Press logue. Others unabashedly dent Xi Jinping stole the
DAVOS, Switzerland (AP) say they wish he would stay show by casting China as
— In Davos this week, par- away and accuse him of a a champion of free trade
ticipants can experience lack of compassion and vi- and stability.
“a day in the life of a refu- sion for the world that are An administration official
gee.” Or hear about ways out of place in Davos. said Trump is expected
to uphold the Paris climate “I find it quite sad he’s com- to tout the booming U.S.
accord and promote free ing to the WEF, but I imag- economy and measures
trade. Or rub elbows with ine nothing can be done like his recent tax overhaul,
any number of leaders of about it,” said Buddhist while again criticizing trade
African countries. monk Matthieu Ricard, a practices that he sees as
Enter Donald Trump. longtime disciple of the Da- unfair toward the U.S. The
The World Economic Fo- lai Lama. official, who spoke only on
rum in Davos, Switzerland, The U.S. government shut- condition of anonymity to
is meant — pretentiously Two persons walk behind the logo of the World Economic Forum at down cast some doubt on discuss internal plans, said
perhaps — to be a place the meeting’s conference center in Davos, Switzerland, Sunday, whether Trump might actu- Trump made the decision
for the world’s decision- Jan. 21, 2018. The meeting brings together entrepreneurs, ally make the trip later in to go because he thinks he
makers to put their power scientists, chief executives and political leaders from Jan. 23 to the week — the wider U.S. has a positive economic
to good use. The theme this 26. delegation’s departure on message.
year is “Creating a Shared (AP Photo/Markus Schreiber) Monday was delayed due With Wall Street surging,
Future in Fractured World,” “America First,” and will Tuesday to Friday in the to the shutdown. Trump has some cheer-
an ambition not likely to speak last among the Swiss snows. While Trump’s visit may leaders on the economic
turn up on the U.S. presi- parade of world leaders As with most things Trump, seem incongruous or un- front, even if they hope
dent’s Twitter feed. — from places like India, there are stark contrasts welcome in Davos, he will he’ll be more accommo-
Instead, Trump will bring France and Canada — between how attendees be sticking to one key as- dating.
his zero-sum message of who are gathering from view his visit. Some are pect of the WEF’s ambition “I think it’s really good that
in starting the annual forum he’s going,” said Bill Thom-
47 years ago: Business. An as, chairman of business
array of Cabinet officials is services KPMG Internation-
due to tag along, suggest- al. “The American econo-
ing the U.S. is preparing a my is dependent on global
big economic and diplo- engagement, and I think
matic push. he’s in Davos because he
Some have suggested it’s knows that.”
ironic that Trump, a self- Some wonder whether
styled populist despite his Trump can win over the
penchant for the pent- Davos set, or whether they
house, is attending the elite might succeed in turn-
event. Others speculated ing his ear — and give
he could have felt a need him a chance to reboot
to regain the Davos spot- his administration’s image
light for the United States abroad.q
Pence: US embassy to move
to Jerusalem by end of 2019
By KEN THOMAS rusalem as Israel’s capital.
ARON HELLER “The United States has cho-
Associated Press sen fact over fiction — and
JERUSALEM (AP) — Vice fact is the only true founda-
President Mike Pence told tion for a just and lasting
Israel’s parliament on Mon- peace,” Pence said.
day that the U.S. embassy “Our message to President
will move to Jerusalem by (Mahmoud) Abbas and
the end of 2019, receiv- the Palestinian Authority is
ing a rousing ovation as he the door’s open. The door’s
pledged to barrel ahead open. President Trump is
with a plan that has set off absolutely committed to
weeks of unrest and thrown doing everything the Unit-
U.S. peace efforts into dis- ed States can to achieve
array. a peace agreement that
The plan to accelerate brings an end to decades
the move of the embassy, of conflict.”
announced in the first ad- The embassy is to be
dress of a sitting American opened in an existing U.S.
vice president to the Knes- facility that will be “retro-
set, marked the highlight of fitted” to meet safety and
Pence’s three-day visit to security requirements, Un-
Israel celebrating President dersecretary of State Steve
Donald Trump’s decision Goldstein told reporters in
last month to recognize Je- Washington. q