P. 11
Tuesday 23 January 2018
Tips ‘n Tricks for Tourists in Aruba:
Common Complaints that can be Easily Prevented
ORANJESTAD - The interview
with Dr. Beke, a beloved
Aruban general practitio-
ner, begins as soon as the
last patient steps out the
door. During the interview,
she takes a phone call in
order to advise a patient,
which she frequently does.
“Patients always come
first”, explains the friendly
and highly experienced
doctor. A good and logical
reasoning. “We try to limit
the wait time as much as
possible and the personal
touch is also very impor-
tant for our Walk-in-Clinic”
says Dr. Beke, who is highly
coveted by both tourists
and locals. “We speak our
languages, thus enabling
us to effectively commu-
nicate with our patients,
and because of our years
of expertise we can almost
always provide a diagnosis
shortly after the consulta-
The Walk in Clinic, estab-
lished in the Palm Beach
Hotel Area, is frequently vis-
ited by tourists with all kinds
of complaints or difficulties ing: water, sunblock, anti-
that require immediate bug spray and disinfectant
medical attention, but not cream. If these are not to
the type of difficulties that be found in your suitcase,
would require urgent medi- don’t worry. At Botica di
cal care, such as the kind Servicio Palm Beach you
where it would be neces- will find a wide variety of
sary to go to the emergen- drugstore items and self
cy room. “Babies, children service medications. The
and patients that received experienced staff at the
intense therapy some- pharmacy can provide as-
where else come here to sistance with any questions
recover, including seniors, you may have.
both locals and interna- Have a healthy holiday!q
tional people; everyone
comes in. Everyone with
their own story which we
listen to. However, the most tap water. Aruban water is es of sugar. These “sugary sunblock on yourself and
frequent stories involve 3 one of the cleanest kind in drinks” could even have your children, and prefer-
complaints that can easily the world, so you can drink an adverse effect. Beware ably let them wear a rash
be prevented. tap water without worries. of alcoholic beverages as guard or long-sleeve shirt
However, do pay attention well, especially if you are when playing in the sun.
1. Stomach and gut com- to leftovers. A meal that in the sun. Drink alcohol in Make sure to re-apply sun-
plaints has been unrefrigerated for moderation. Make it a hab- block after coming out of
A change in climate is too long could be infected, it of always carrying a wa- the water, and that your
something our bodies need possibly causing the com- ter bottle with you if you’re sunblock is new. The old-
to adjust to. A switch in what plaints. lying by the pool, walking er the sunblock, the less
we consume and drink, dif- on the beach or during a effective it will be. You
ferent than what we are 2. Dehydration car ride. should also apply it in the
normally used to, can also Stomach and gut com- shadow,since the suns’ re-
cause some disturbance plaints can also be the con- 3. Sunburn flection on the beautiful
in our stomachs. Don’t go sequence of dehydration, The “vacation tan” should white beach is strong.
looking for the cause in the so you should drink plenty remain healthy so avoid
kitchen of the restaurant of water. Try to avoid sodas tanning between 11AM Handy items to have on
you last ate at, or Aruba’s as these contain high dos- and 3PM. Apply enough hand include the follow-