Page 10 - aruba-today-20250211
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Tuesday 11 February 2025 LOCAL

            Aruba’s most family-friendly beaches

            (Oranjestad)—One  of  the  like  a  parking  lot,  sun  tent  kids to safely play.
            biggest concerns that par-   rentals,  chairs,  bathrooms
            ents  have  when  travelling  and  a  snack  bar  right  at   Eagle Beach/Palm Beach
            with their children is a guar-  the far left of the beach.     in the hotel area
            antee  of  their  safety  and                             Yet another highly popular
            healthy  enjoyment.  There-   Mangel Halto in Pos Chiq-   beach  site,  Eagle  Beach
            fore,  we  thought  it  would            uito             and  Palm  Beach  is  where
            be  a  great  help  to  travel-  Mangel  Halto  is  situated  most  of  our  visitors  go  to
            ling parents to list off some  in  the  back  streets  of  the  tan,  swim  or  play  in  the
            the  most  family-friendly  Pos  Chiquito  city.  Though  white  sand.  Because  they

            beaches around the island.  there  are  several  stairs  on  are  near  the  low-rise  and
                                         the sides of the beach cliff  high-rise hotel areas, these
             Baby Beach in San Nicolas   leading you down, the best  beaches are the most ac-      beach  near  the  Malmok
            Baby Beach is one Aruba’s  spot  for  families  to  hang  cessible for visitors on foot.  beach  area  further  down       Palm Island
            most  popular  and  visited  out  is  across  the  bridge,  These  beaches  also  offer  the  hotel  areas.  Though  it  Ok,  this  one  is  technically
            beaches, and for good rea-   passed the mangrove trees  many palapas free to use,  may  not  be  a  very  sandy  not  a  beach,  but  a  must-
            son:  This  sandy  and  quiet  near  the  entrance  sign.  but you can also rent chairs  beach,  it  is  relatively  quiet  visit attraction for family fun.
            lagoon is a great place for  Here,  there  are  small  and  and  tents.  Much  like  Baby  and tranquil. This is a great  This small water park oasis is
            parents to sit back and re-  big  palapas,  perfect  for  Beach, these sites are one  place for family to lay down  located  further  down  the
            lax while their children play  big  and  small  families  to  of  the  best  beaches  for  a  big  blanket  and  have  a  Mangel  Halto  Beach  and
            in the shallow shores of the  set  up  their  belongings.  In  your  children  to  play  and  little picnic. This is also one  is  reachable  by  boat.  This
            beach. Beside the relaxing  this  area,  the  shore  is  also  build sand castles.     of the best places to snor-  water park offers 6 hours of
            atmosphere, there are also  shallow, falling right around                              kel, as this area is filled with  fun  activities,  food,  drinks,
            several  services  that  may  your  knee  before  slowly   Boca Catalina in Malmok     little  fish  and  corals,  even  and a chance to see pink
            accommodate  your  stay,  getting deeper: perfect for  Boca Catalina is a small bay  close to the shore.            flamingoes up close!q

                                                            Today is going to be a good day

            Here’s  why:  Aruba  Today  collected  some
            things to do BEYOND the beach. Yes, we know.
            Aruba, located 15 miles north of Venezuela in
            the warm waters of the southern Caribbean, is
            home to beautiful white-sand beaches, 82-de-
            gree days, and thus ideal for the perfect beach
            day. But we are also blessed with some of the
            warmest people in the world and our island is
            19.6 miles long and 6 miles across, with a to-
            tal area of 70 square miles. Bit more to discover                                               not to miss out on. The beautiful beach with the
            than the white stretch on the coastline we say.                 The Lighthouse                  natural mangroves is simply a beauty, but if you
            Let’s mention some of these hidden gems.        No, you would not think of this as a hidden gem.  are into a more active way to enjoy the nature:
                                                            The California Lighthouse is actually one of the  take a kayak. While you are doing some work-
                             Nature Calls                   most known highlights in Aruba and many re-     out  -as  it  might  get  a  little  windy  and  rough-,
            The Arikok National park is worth the ride. We  peated guests most probably took the ride up-   you will see the island from a different perspec-
            love  the  hikes  that  are  guided  by  the  park’s  hill already. But, there is a significant change to  tive.  You  can  even  make  a  stop  to  do  some
            rangers whose job is to maintain trails and pro-  this tower. Since September 2016 you can climb  snorkeling at the reef. Its fun, it’s healthy and for
            tect natural resources. The flora and fauna are  the  top.  In  2015  StichtingMonumentenfonds  sure something else. There are several compa-
            beautiful and the historical sites tell you about  started  the  restoration  of  the  California  Light-  nies that offer kayak tours, we had good expe-
            the island’s indigenous roots. The guided tours  house. The project finished in September 2016  rience with The Shack Kayak Tours Aruba, find
            are even free of charge. If you are not up to  and  the  Lighthouse  is  now  open  for  visitors  to  them on Facebook.q
            walking, you can drive through the park, one  enjoy the beautiful view from the top. The con-
            way  or  another  this  park  is  a  great  place  to  struction of the California Lighthouse started in
            spend an entire day. Cruising through the land-  1915. The name ‘California’ came from a vessel
            scape you end up at some of the most stunning  of the West India Company and Pacific Steam-
            beaches  like  Dos  Playa  or  Daimara  Beach.  In  ship Co. called ‘California’ that shipwrecked in
            Total the park consists of 7907 acres protected  the area in 1891. Therefore they came up with
            nature with a richness of animals living in it. The  the idea of building a lighthouse that could in-
            Aruban  whiptail  lizard  (cododo),  Aruban  cat  dicate  the  island’s  eastern  tip  to  ships  with  its
            eye snake (santanero) and endangered rattle  light.  will  give  you
            snake  (cascabel)  are  just  some  of  them,  you  more information.
            can also admire these close in the park’s Visi-
            tors’ Center. For more information, visit the web-          Kayak in the Mangroves
            site                  MangelHalto at Savaneta is definitely a place
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