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SPORTS              Tuesday 11 February 2025

             Lindsey Vonn ‘disappointed’ with how Mikaela Shiffrin handled

             decision to race with another teammate

            By ANDREW DAMPF                                                                                                     The  combined  event  en-
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    tails  one  racer  competing
            SAALBACH-HINTERGLEMM,                                                                                               in  a  downhill  run  and  an-
            Austria (AP) — They are the                                                                                         other  in  a  slalom  run,  with
            two  best  skiers  in  U.S.  his-                                                                                   their  two  times  added  up
            tory.  Actually  in  women’s                                                                                        to  determine  the  final  re-
            skiing overall.                                                                                                     sults. Each nation can enter
            So it should come as no sur-                                                                                        up to four pairings.
            prise  that  having  Lindsey                                                                                        Since  Johnson  won  the
            Vonn  and  Mikaela  Shiffrin                                                                                        world  title  in  the  downhill
            on the same team at times                                                                                           and  Shiffrin  has  two  World
            creates friction.                                                                                                   Cup  wins  this  season,  they
            It  happened  years  ago                                                                                            were named to Team 1.
            when Vonn was finishing up                                                                                          The  No.  2  team  is  super-
            her career and Shiffrin was                                                                                         G  bronze  medalist  Lauren
            still  in  the  earlier  stages  of                                                                                 Macuga  with  Paula  Molt-
            hers. And now it’s happen-                                                                                          zan. Vonn and Hurt are the
            ing again with Vonn having                                                                                          No.  3  team  and  the  No.  4
            returned  to  racing  at  the                                                                                       team  is  Jacqueline  Wiles
            age  of  40  after  nearly  six                                                                                     with Katie Hensien.
            years of retirement.                                                                                                Shiffrin  and  Vonn  are  the
            But who knew that it would                                                                                          winningest  female  racers
            be  the  all-new  event  of   United States’ Lindsey Vonn, right, chats with United States’ Mikaela Shiffrin after women’s downhill   in  World  Cup  history  with
            team  combined  to  bring    training at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Jeongseon, South Korea, Feb. 20, 2018.         99  victories  for  Shiffrin  and
            the friction to the surface.                                                                       Associated Press   82 for Vonn. Vonn is the all-
            Vonn  said  Monday  that                                                                                            time  leader  in  World  Cup
            she  was  “disappointed”  U.S.  team’s  coaching  staff  slalom  title  and  race  the  agreed  it  would  be  great  downhill  victories  with  43
            with  how  Shiffrin  handled  decides based on “season-   combined  instead,  pairing  to  race  together.  But  then  and Shiffrin holds the mark
            her decision to race in the  best results” in both down-  with  Johnson.  Johnson  will  Vonn  was  told  that  Shiffrin  in  slalom  with  62    both  re-
            combined  at  the  skiing  hill and slalom.               race the downhill and Shif-  wasn’t  entering  the  com-  cords  among  men  and
            world  championships  with  But Shiffrin then announced  frin the slalom.              bined.  Vonn  only  learned  women.
            downhill  world  champion  that  she  wasn’t  going  to  Speeds  are  not  as  high  in  of Shiffrin’s final decision to  “I  think  it  would  be  prob-
            Breezy  Johnson  instead  of  race  in  the  team  com-   slalom as they are in giant  race it via Instagram.       ably  one  of  the  coolest
            pairing  with  her  in  a  skiing  bined  because  she  was  slalom so it’s a less danger-  “Despite  the  lack  of  com-  things in ski racing to have
            “dream team.”                behind  in  her  training  for  ous event.                munication  I  am  a  team  181 World Cup victories on
            Vonn  had  campaigned  giant  slalom  following  her  “I’m excited for Breezy and  player and am looking for-       one  team,”  Vonn  said  last
            to  race  with  Shiffrin  on  an  crash in Killington, Vermont,  Mikaela to team up togeth-  ward to be partnered with  week.
            American team that would  in November.                    er and I believe they are a  AJ Hurt, who is an amazing  While  the  24-year-old  Hurt
            have  united  the  two  most  On    Monday,      Shiffrin  great  pair.  However,  I  am  young skier,” Vonn added.  has  never  won  a  World
            successful  skiers  in  World  changed her plans. Saying  disappointed  in  the  way  it  Shiffrin’s spokeswoman de-  Cup race, she has finished
            Cup  history.  Never  mind  that  she  was  struggling  to  was handled,” Vonn said in  clined to comment on the  on  the  podium  twice  with
            that  neither  skier  is  techni-  overcome her fears follow-  a statement sent to The As-  situation.              two  third-places    once  in
            cally  even  allowed  to  se-  ing  her  November  crash,  sociated Press.             New  event  entails  1  racer  slalom  and  once  in  giant
            lect  who  they  pair  with  —  she  decided  to  withdraw  Vonn said she reached out  competing in downhill and  slalom, both last season.q
            that’s  something  that  the  from  defending  her  giant  to  Shiffrin  and  that  Shiffrin  another in slalom

                                                                      Reds will wear No. 14 patch on jersey

                                                                      sleeve to honor Pete Rose, who died

                                                                      last year

                                                                      CINCINNATI (AP) — Pete Rose may be on  He was NL Most Valuable Player in 1973,
                                                                      baseball’s permanently ineligible list, but  and he won three batting titles and two
                                                                      the late hit king’s No. 14 will be on Cincin-  Gold Gloves.
                                                                      nati Reds’ uniforms this year.             A  Major  League  Baseball  investigation
                                                                      Cincinnati  posted  a  photo  of  the  patch  found he wagered on the Reds to win in
                                                                      on X on Monday with the message “14 on  games from 1985-87 while playing for and
                                                                      our side all season” and a heart emoji.    managing the team, and Rose agreed in
                                                                      Rose, who died in September at the age  1989 to go on the permanently ineligible
                                                                      of  83,  played  19  of  his  24  major  league  list. Baseball’s Hall of Fame in 1991 adopt-
                                                                      seasons with his hometown Reds. He fin-    ed a rule barring people on MLB’s perma-
                                                                      ished his playing career in 1986 with a re-  nently ineligible list from the Hall ballot.
             Former Philadelphia Phillies player Pete Rose tips his hat to fans   cord 4,256 hits.               Rose’s application for reinstatement was
             during an alumni day event before a baseball game between
             the Philadelphia Phillies and the Washington Nationals, Aug. 7,   The  player  known  as  Charlie  Hustle  was  denied by Commissioner Rob Manfred in
             2022, in Philadelphia.                                   a  17-time  All-Star  and  member  of  three  2015.q
                                                     Associated Press   World Series championship teams.
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