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A26    U.S. NEWS
                         Friday 15 May 2020
            Burr steps aside as Senate intelligence chair amid FBI probe

            By ERIC TUCKER,                                                                                                     Burr  has  acknowledged
            MICHAEL BALSAMO and                                                                                                 selling  the  stocks  because
             MARY CLARE JALONICK                                                                                                of the coronavirus but said
            Associated Press                                                                                                    he  relied  "solely  on  public
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Sen.                                                                                           news  reports,"  specifically
            Richard  Burr,  R-N.C.,  tem-                                                                                       CNBC's  daily  health  and
            porarily  stepped  aside  as                                                                                        science  reporting  out  of
            chairman  of  the  Senate                                                                                           Asia, to make the financial
            Intelligence    Committee                                                                                           decisions.
            on  Thursday  after  the  FBI                                                                                       Burr  was  not  the  only  law-
            served  a  search  warrant                                                                                          maker to sell off stocks be-
            for his cellphone as part of                                                                                        fore the market slide.
            an  ongoing  insider-trading                                                                                        Sen.  Kelly  Loeffler,  a  new
            investigation  tied  to  the                                                                                        senator  from  Georgia  up
            coronavirus pandemic.                                                                                               for reelection this year, sold
            Senate  Majority  Leader                                                                                            hundreds  of  thousands  of
            Mitch    McConnell      an-                                                                                         dollars  worth  of  stock  in
            nounced the move, saying                                                                                            late January and February,
            he  and  Burr  had  agreed                                                                                          as  senators  began  to  get
            that  it  was  in  the  commit-                                                                                     briefings  on  the  virus,  ac-
            tee's best interests.                                                                                               cording  to  records.  So  did
            FBI  officials  showed  up  at                                                                                      fellow  Georgia  Sen.  David
            Burr's  home  with  the  war-                                                                                       Perdue,  another  Republi-
            rant  on  Wednesday,  two                                                                                           can  lawmaker  running  for
            people  familiar  with  the                                                                                         reelection,  and  also  Re-
            investigation  said  Thurs-                                                                                         publican Sen. James Inhofe
            day,  marking  a  significant   Sen. Richard Burr, R-NC, speaks during a virtual Senate Committee for Health, Education, Labor,   of  Oklahoma  and  Demo-
                                         and Pensions hearing, Tuesday, May 12, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            escalation  into  the  Justice                                                                     Associated Press   cratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein
            Department's  investigation                                                                                         of California
            into whether Burr broke the  warrant, which must be au-   participate in stock market  bought him some goodwill  Burr's  six-year  term  ends  in
            law  with  a  well-timed  sale  thorized  by  a  judge,  was  trading based on public in-  among  colleagues  tap-  2023 and he does not plan
            of  stocks  before  the  coro-  approved  at  the  highest  formation "as Sen. Burr did."  ping down immediate calls  to run for reelection.
            navirus  caused  markets  levels  of  the  department,  The  attorney,  Alice  Fisher,  for him to step aside.      He was first elected to the
            to  plummet.  The  people  the official said.             said that Burr welcomed a  Senate  records  show  that  Senate in 2004 and chaired
            spoke on condition of ano-   The  official  could  not  dis-  review  of  the  stock  sales,  Burr  and  his  wife  sold  be-  the  Senate  Intelligence
            nymity because they were  cuss  the  ongoing  investi-    "which will establish that his  tween  roughly  $600,000  Committee  as  the  panel
            not  authorized  to  discuss  gation  publicly  and  spoke  actions were appropriate."  and  $1.7  million  in  more  conducted  its  own  inves-
            an ongoing investigation.    to The Associated Press on  Burr  has  denied  wrongdo-   than 30 transactions in late  tigation  into  Russian  elec-
            The  search  warrant  was  condition of anonymity.        ing but has also requested  January and mid-February,  tion  interference  in  the
            served  on  Burr's  lawyers,  The  Justice  Department  an  ethics  review  of  the  just  before  the  market  be-  2016  presidential  election.
            and  FBI  agents  went  to  declined  to  comment.  His  stock sales. Burr is an amia-  gan to nosedive and gov-    The  committee  recently  is-
            Burr's  home  in  the  Wash-  attorney did not respond to  ble member of the Senate,  ernment health officials be-  sued  a  report  supporting
            ington area to retrieve the  phone  and  email  messag-   and  his  quick  call  for  an  gan to sound alarms about  the  intelligence  commu-
            cellphone, a senior Justice  es, but said in a statement  Ethics investigation and will-  the  virus.  Several  of  the  nity's conclusion that Russia
            Department  official  said.  last  month  that  the  law  is  ingness  to  cooperate  with  stocks  were  in  companies  had  interfered  on  Trump's
            The  decision  to  obtain  the  clear that any senator can  authorities appears to have  that own hotels.           behalf.q

              Michigan woman at center of transgender rights case dies

                                                                      eral civil rights law protects  community,”  said  Chase  job  discrimination  on  the
                                                                      transgender people.          Strangio,  a  member  of  basis of sex, protects trans-
                                                                      Aimee  Stephens’  death  Stephens’       legal   team.  gender    people.    Some
                                                                      was  announced  by  the  Her wife, Donna, thanked  courts have read the lan-
                                                                      American  Civil  Liberties  the  public  for  “keeping  guage  to  include  bias
                                                                      Union,  which  represented  my  best  friend  and  soul-  against LGBT people as a
                                                                      her  in  a  lawsuit  against  mate in your thoughts and  subset  of  sex  discrimina-
                                                                      R.G.  and  G.R.  Harris  Fu-  prayers.”                  tion. A decision is expect-
                                                                      neral Home. Stephens, 59,  Stephens,  a  native  of  ed by late June.
                                                                      had  kidney  disease  and  North Carolina, worked as  More  than  half  the  states
                                                                      was  in  hospice  care.  She  an embalmer and funeral  do not prohibit discrimina-
                                                                      was in a wheelchair when  home director at Harris fu-    tion  in  employment  be-
                                                                      the  court  heard  argu-     neral home in Garden City.  cause of gender identity or
                                                                      ments last fall.             She was fired in 2013 when  sexual orientation, despite
              In this Aug. 28, 2019, file photo, Aimee Stephens talks during in   “Aimee did not set out to  she told her boss that she  the Supreme Court’s 2015
              an interview in Ferndale, Mich.                         be a hero and a trailblaz-   wanted to be known as Ai-   ruling that made same-sex
                                                     Associated Press  er but she is one, and our  mee  and  would  report  to  marriage  legal  across  the
              By ED WHITE                 after  she  no  longer  want-  country  owes  her  a  debt  work wearing a conserva-  United States.
              Associated Press            ed to be recognized as a  of  gratitude  for  her  com-  tive skirt suit or dress.   Rost  expressed  condo-
              DETROIT  (AP)  —  A  Detroit-  man died Tuesday before  mitment  to  justice  for  all  The  issue  for  the  Supreme  lences to Stephens’ family
              area  woman  who  was  the  U.S.  Supreme  Court  people  and  her  dedica-          Court  is  whether  federal  in a statement from attor-
              fired  by  a  funeral  home  could rule on whether fed-  tion  to  our  transgender  civil rights law, which bars  ney John Bursch.q
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