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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Friday 15 May 2020
            Head of World Trade Organization to step down early

            JAMEY KEATEN                                                                                                        have  been  a  punishing
            GENEVA  (AP)  —  The  head                                                                                          blow to the "rules-based in-
            of  the  World  Trade  Orga-                                                                                        ternational  trading  system"
            nization  said  Thursday  that                                                                                      that Azevedo has long de-
            he will leave his post a year                                                                                       fended. And the "America
            early, a "personal decision"                                                                                        First"  mindset  in  the  United
            that  sets  the  stage  for  a                                                                                      States  —  long  the  most
            succession  contest  at  the                                                                                        powerful WTO player — put
            trade  body  amid  linger-                                                                                          him often on the defensive.
            ing U.S.-China tensions and                                                                                         "I believe that I have been
            a  coronavirus  pandemic                                                                                            able to contribute to main-
            that has doused the global                                                                                          taining  the  WTO  as  a  key
            economy.                                                                                                            pillar  of  global  economic
            Roberto     Azevedo,     a                                                                                          governance  amid  chal-
            62-year-old  Brazilian,  said                                                                                       lenging  times  for  multilat-
            he  will  step  down  Aug.  31                                                                                      eral cooperation," he said.
            as  WTO  director-general,                                                                                          The  WTO  nonetheless  has
            ending  a  seven-year  ten-                                                                                         intervened  in  some  of  the
            ure marked in recent years                                                                                          world's  thorniest  trade  dis-
            by  intense  pressure  from                                                                                         putes,  handing  down  re-
            President  Donald  Trump,                                                                                           cord  rulings  recently  in
            who  repeatedly  accused                                                                                            standoffs  like  one  pitting
            the  Geneva-based  trade                                                                                            plane  makers  Airbus  and
            body  of  "unfair"  treatment   In this Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 file photo, Roberto Azevedo, Director General of the World Trade   Boeing that ultimately gave
            of  the  United  States  and   Organization, WTO, attends a session at annual meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos,   the  U.S.  the  go-ahead  to
            launched a trade war with    Switzerland.                                                          Associated Press  slap  tariffs  on  billions  of
            China  in  defiance  of  the                                                                                        dollars  worth  of  European
            WTO system.                  Azevedo's     WTO    often  step down.                    hand,"  Lighthizer  said  in  a  goods in compensation.
            "This is a decision that I do  found itself in the firing line  "The World Trade Organiza-  statement. "He will be diffi-  Azevedo  claimed  success
            not  take  lightly,"  Azevedo  of  the  Trump  administra-  tion is horrible," Trump said.  cult to replace."       on issues like a Trade Facili-
            told  a  special  meeting  of  tion, which has  accused  it  "We've  been  treated  very  Azevedo's tenure has been  tation  Agreement  aimed
            WTO  delegations.  "It  is  a  of  letting  China  get  away  badly.  I've  been  saying  it  marred by the U.S. squeeze  to  cut  through  red  tape
            personal  decision  -  a  fam-  with  unfair  state  subsidies  for  a  long  time.  They  treat  on  the  WTO's  Appellate  and bureaucratic delays in
            ily decision – and I am con-  and  for  allegedly  strong-  China as a developing na-  Body  —  a  sort  of  appeals  trade,  and  expanding  ex-
            vinced  that  this  decision  arming  foreign  businesses  tion, therefore China gets a  court that issues final rulings  port of goods and services
            serves  the  best  interests  of  into  giving  up  their  intel-  lot of the benefits that the  on  international  trade  dis-  from developing countries.
            this organization."          lectual  property  in  order  U.S. doesn't get."          putes. The U.S. has blocked  But on his watch, the WTO
            The 25-year-old trade body  to gain access to the giant  U.S.  Trade  Representative  the  appointment  of  new  failed  to  conclude  Doha
            has  never  had  to  fill  a  va-  Chinese market.        Robert  Lighthizer  thanked  judges,  complaining  that  round  trade  talks  and  has
            cancy for the director-gen-  Speaking to reporters Thurs-  Azevedo  for  his  "exempla-  the  WTO  is  slow,  cumber-  been  sclerotic  when  it
            eral  post  before  that  term  day  at  the  White  House  ry" service.               some  and  ill-equipped  to  comes to reform for the 21st
            expired,  and  under  WTO  before  travelling  to  Penn-  "Despite  the  many  short-  deal with challenges posed  century  economy  ——  a
            rules,  a  selection  process  sylvania, Trump said he was  comings  of  the  WTO,  Ro-  by China's hybrid capitalist-  legacy in part of its require-
            for  a  successor  is  to  begin  "okay  with  it"  when  asked  berto has led the institution  socialist system.   ment for unanimity among
            as soon as possible.         about  Azevedo's  plans  to  with  grace  and  a  steady  The Appellate Body's woes  members. q

            EU: Possible virus drug approval ‘before the summer’

            By MARIA CHENG               cover  from  the  coronavi-  ate  Joseph  Stiglitz  issued
            AP Medical Writer            rus faster, although longer-  an  appeal  Thursday  call-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  The  Euro-  term data is still needed to  ing on all countries to unite
            pean  Medicines  Agency  confirm any benefit.             behind  a  "people's  vac-
            predicted that there could  Although  it  typically  takes  cine" against COVID-19, to
            be  licensed  drugs  to  treat  years  to  develop  a  vac-  ensure any effective treat-
            the new coronavirus in the  cine,  Cavaleri  said  that  if  ments  and  vaccines  be
            next  few  months  and  that  some  of  the  shots  already  available  globally  to  any-
            a  vaccine  might  even  be  being  tested  prove  to  be  one  who  needs  them,  for
            approved  in  early  2021,  in  effective, they could be li-  free.
            a "best-case scenario."      censed as early as the be-   At  the  moment,  there  are
            Dr.  Marco  Cavaleri,  who  ginning of next year.         about  a  dozen  vaccine
            heads  the  European  regu-  Cavaleri  cautioned,  how-   candidates  being  tested
            lator's  vaccines  depart-   ever,  that  many  experi-   in  China,  Britain,  Germa-
            ment, told a media briefing  mental    vaccines   never  ny  and  the  U.S.  The  World
            on  Thursday  that  approv-  make it to the end and that  Health  Organization  has    In this March 16, 2020 file photo, a patient receives a shot in
            ing medicines to treat CO-   there are often delays.      estimated  it  could  take   the first-stage safety study clinical trial of a potential vaccine
            VID-19  might  be  possible  More  than  140  heads  of  about  12  to  18  months  for   for COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus, at
            "before  the  summer,"  cit-  states  and  health  experts,  an effective vaccine to be   the Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute in
            ing  ongoing  clinical  trials.  including   South   African  found.                   Seattle.
            Recent early results for the  President Cyril Ramaphosa,  While  some  experts  have                                           Associated Press
            drug  remdesivir  suggested  Pakistani Prime Minister Im-  proposed dropping the re-   advanced  clinical  trials  al-  wasn't currently being con-
            it  could  help  patients  re-  ran Khan and Nobel laure-  quirement  for  large-scale  together, Cavaleri said that  sidered. q
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