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a30    health
                         Friday 15 May 2020
            The Sunny Side

            By  Carlos  M  Viana,  CCN,  possible,  wear  protective  the health of my family and
            OMD                          clothing  and  sunscreen.    clients,  I  read  many  stud-
            In  the  Caribbean  Sea,  on  Also influenced by the sun  ies  that  said  an  estimated
            the sunny side of the world,  is  melatonin,  a  hormone  1 billion people worldwide,
            sits the ABC islands, Aruba,  that  naturally  makes  you  across  all  ethnicities  and
            Bonaire and Curacao.  Just  sleepy. Melatonin levels rise  age groups have a vitamin
            twelve  degrees  latitude  when the sun goes down to  D  deficiency!    This  ‘pan-
            south,  is  the  greatest  con-  help you sleep.  Levels then  demic’  of  vitamin  D  defi-
            centration  of  sunlight  on  drop,  when  the  sun  rises,  ciency  has  mainly  been
            earth,  the  equator.  In  lati-  waking  you  up.    Insomnia  attributed  to  lifestyle  and
            tude,  each  degree  is  ap-  and irregular sleep patterns  environmental  factors  that
            proximately  69  miles/111  tend  improve  in  the  sum-  reduce  exposure  to  sun-
            kilometers    apart,    this  mer when we are exposed  light,  which  is  required  for
            means lots of sunshine and  to  more  sunlight.    Are  you  ultraviolet-B  (UVB)-induced
            ultraviolet (UV) light on our  guilty of staying up late with  vitamin D production in the
            Islands.                     artificial lighting, or do you  skin. Dark skin absorbs more
                                         work  late  shifts,  thus  mess-  UVB in the melanin of their
            Sunlight  encourages  the  ing up your body’s natural  skin than light skin does.  This
            production  of  white  blood  sleep  cycle?    If  melatonin  means  more  sun  exposure
            cells  to  boost  the  immune  levels are not working cor-  is  required  to  produce  the
            system  and  fight  infection.  rectly, it affects your body’s  same amount of vitamin D.
            UV  rays  from  the  sun  act  ability to make vitamin D.  Wow!  Like  many  people,  I
            as  a  natural  antiseptic,  Vitamin  D  is  called  the  thought dark skin would be
            helping  to  combat  viruses  “sunshine   vitamin”   be-  more  effective  in  produc-
            and  bacteria.  A  little  UV  cause  it  can  be  made  in  ing Vitamin D not less.
            light  eases  common  skin  the  skin  from  exposure  to  I  decided  to  test  some  of
            problems  including  acne,  sunlight.  We  assume  that  myclients  Vitamin  D  levels,
            dermatitis  and  psoriasis.  those  of  us,  who  live  in  choosing a variety of ages,
            Most  skin  complaints  are  sunny  climates,  have  ad-  sex and body types of those  sufficient  amounts  of  D2  up  to  15,000  IU’s/week  for
            caused  by  over-sensitivi-  equate  vitamin  D  produc-  only living in Aruba, where  from  our  foods  anymore  women  and  20,000  IU’s/
            ty.    The  sun’s  UV  rays  help  tion.  However,  when  we  we  have  strong  sunlight.  with  modern  farming  and  week  for  men  of  a  high
            to  combat  this  sensitivity.   make  assumptions,  we’re  When we received the re-   altered food conditions.  Vi-  quality  vitamin  D3;  then
            Not seeing sunlight for pro-  limiting  ourselves  to  a  nar-  sults that both shocked and  tamin D is an independent  testing again after three to
            longed periods, like during  row  view  of  things.Vitamin  humbled me;all of us came  risk  factor  for  premature  six  months  for  adjustment.
            grey  skies  of  winter  can  D  is  vital  both  for  healthy  out vitamin D deficient!  The  aging.  Emerging  research  Doing this, I have achieved
            cause  Seasonal  Affected  bones and preventing rick-     initial  test  was  just  a  small  supports  the  possible  role  positive results.
            Disorder  (SAD),  where  the  ets,  a  childhood  disorder  selection of people.  Now I  of  vitamin  D  in  prevention  Get  The  Point!  Making  as-
            person  can  feel  “sad”  or  in  which  bones  become  recommend  checking  not  of  cancer,  heart  disease,  sumptions  is  natural,  but
            depressed.  The  sun  even  soft and prone to fractures  only for Vitamin D, but also-  fractures and falls, autoim-  inefficient.  By not using all
            promotes  the  release  of  and  deformity.    Another  Cortisol, which shows possi-   mune  diseases,  influenza,  the  tools  available  to  be
            proteins, which makes your  benefit from Vitamin D – it  ble deficiency of melatonin  type-2  diabetes,  and  de-   sure what is really happen-
            body’s use of oxygen more  fights  viruses  naturally.    Vi-  levels, to see if melatonin is  pression.            ing,  the  assumption  can
            effective, helping heart at-  tamin D is actually a group  affecting  vitamin  D  and  if  Health care providers have  cost  more  in  the  long  run.
            tack  patients  survive  lon-  of hormones responsible for  supplementation  is  need-  begun  to  increase  their  Contact  us  about  testing
            ger.    However,  you  can  enhancing  absorption  of  ed.  This isespecially impor-   recommendations  for  vita-  your vitamin D levels so we
            have too much of a good  calcium,  iron,  magnesium,  tant  for  peoplein  climates  min  D3supplementation  to  can  show  you  how  to  ad-
            thing, so limit your exposure  phosphate and zinc.  In hu-  where  the  sun  doesn’t  least  1000  IU  per  day.Your  just your lifestyle and if you
            to no more than 15 minutes  mans,  the  most  important  shine  long  and  strong,  but  body is able to convert D3  need  a  little  “sunshine  vi-
            a  day  before  applying  a  compounds  in  this  group  also here on the sunny side.   into D2 if needed.  Person-  tamin”   supplementation.
            sun cream, and do not go  are vitamin D3 and vitamin  Most  oil-rich  fish  such  as  ally,  I  recommend  testing  Meanwhile,  get  outside
            out  in  the  hottest  part  of  D2.                      salmon, mackerel, and her-   your  vitamin  D  status  first,  and soak up some sun.  We
            the day, between 11:00am  In  my  constant  search  to  ring  contain  some  vitamin  then with results, when de-   are so blessed to live on the
            and  2:00pm.    If  this  is  not  stay  current  and  improve  D3, but we are not getting  ficient  supplementing  with  sunny side of the “street.”q
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