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                                                                                                           local Friday 8 July 2022
            Local companies can provide opportunities to people with

            intellectual disabilities

            Centro Man na Obra every                                                                                            selves  ask  for  the  clients
            day  is  focused  on  people                                                                                        to  come  do  an  internship,
            with intellectual disabilities,                                                                                     and  here  the  department
            so that they can advance in                                                                                         goes and gives a talk and
            their lives and also achieve                                                                                        guidance to the workers on
            more inclusion in their com-                                                                                        how to work with the clients
            munities, by teaching them                                                                                          and what they need to be
            about  the  labor  market  so                                                                                       aware  of  when  dealing
            that they can feel they can                                                                                         with a person with an intel-
            achieve more.                                                                                                       lectual disability.

            Cince 1985, Centro Man na                                                                                           Regarding      education,
            Obra  is  a  department  for                                                                                        Tromp  explained  that  the
            adults of the Foundation for                                                                                        challenge  for  people  with
            People with Intellectual Dis-                                                                                       intellectual disabilities is that
            abilities (SVGA for its name                                                                                        there’s only basic schooling
            in  Dutch),  which  is  tasked                                                                                      available  for  them.  There
            mainly with giving its clients                                                                                      are  some  special  schools
            the time so they can learn                                                                                          but these are private, and
            aspects  of  a  job,  and  this                                                                                     not  all  the  parents  have
            way, maybe some of them  they  grow  frustrated.  Here  in  the  company,  and  also  For a person with intellectu-  the means to pay for such
            can get a permanent job in  it’s  the  same.  They  can  send  work  to  the  depart-  al disability it’s easier when  a school. This is the reason
            the labor market.            choose  which  group  they  ment where the clients can  the  work  is  structured,  if  that Tromp and the depart-
                                         can go to learn a skill”, she  complete  it.  There’s  also  every  day  the  work  is  the  ment have asked the gov-
            Elvira Tromp, who works as  says.                         the possibility for the clients  same,  they  learn  it  faster  ernment of Aruba to come
            head  of  Centro  Man  na                                 who  can  achieve  more  and  they  won’t  have  a  up  with  advanced  special
            Obra,  says  that  while  she  Currently  the  foundation  is  can do an internship at the  problem  to  get  used  to  it,  education,  where  every
            knows that not all her clients  a  bit  short-staffed,  having  company.               according to Tromp.          student  who  completes
            will  manage  to  get  a  job,  only ten workers, and they                                                          Dun’un Man at 16 years old
            for  those  who  don’t  man-  have  to  run  the  entire  de-  Even  so,  Tromp  highlights  Tromp,  who  has  32  years  can still receive an educa-
            age to get an independent  partment.  “This  means  we  that local companies could  of  experience  in  this  field,  tion until they are 20 years
            job  they  still  want  to  show  don’t have all the possibili-  be a little bit more flexible  says  that  in  all  those  years  old, so that their clients can
            the  client,  their  family  and  ties for the clients to get a  in  order  to  offer  people  she placed many clients at  be more mature.
            the  entire  community  how  job or to learn how to do a  with  intellectual  disabilities  work  who  are  still  working;
            even having an intellectual  job”, Tromp said.            an  opportunity  to  progress  and  others  who  go  back  Finalizing,  Tromp  said  it
            disability they can learn to                              further in their lives.      home  or  back  to  the  de-  would  be  good  if  compa-
            do a job.                    Of the group who learns a                                 partment,  because  there  nies  which  have  the  need
                                         skill,  they  specialize  in  the  Regarding the quality of life  was a change in the struc-  for  workers  think  about
            Centro  Man  na  Obra  has  area  of  gardening,  car  of  their  clients,  Tromp  says  ture  of  the  work  that  they  people  with  intellectual
            capacity  for  75  clients  16  wash,  carpentry,  candle  that this starts at home, with  were doing.              disabilities,  to  give  them  a
            years old and up, from vari-  making, painting objects or  acceptance from the fam-                                 chance.
            ous  nationalities  including  painting on canvas; groups  ily. Aside from acceptance  There is a lack of awareness  If  any  company  wishes  to
            Aruban.  They  don’t  have  who  go  do  work  outside  they  also  need  the  possi-  in  the  community.  Tromp  get some help at work from
            a  maximum  age  because  and  groups  who  pack  bility  to  eliminate  some  of  expressed  that  they  try  to  one  of  their  clients,  like
            as  long  as  the  client  can  products  for  a  local  com-  the  overprotection,  where  provide this also. There are  packing  or  pricing  items,
            participate with their goals,  pany  at  the  department’s  there  are  families  that  see  companies  which  them-  the center is open for this.q
            the  client  can  come.  Cur-  building.                  that  there  are  options  for
            rently, according to Tromp  “These  10  workers  do  all  the  client,  but  they  are
            they have 73 clients. There  this.  We  have  a  schedule  afraid  of  letting  them  try.
            was a time when they had  for  them,  where  this  is  the  There  are  of  course  also
            more  than  75  clients,  be-  program  we  provide  and  benefits for the employer.
            cause they also have some  not  every  group  works  ev-
            clients come part-time; but  ery  day.  Because  we  only  “Incentives,  that  if  they
            that  depends  on  the  cli-  have ten people, we must  take  in  a  worker  with  an
            ent’s  age  and  their  oldest  try  to  bring  variety  to  the  intellectual  disability  they
            client is 83 years old.      clients. It’s the same as how  could maybe get a reduc-
                                         school has a schedule, we  tion in taxes or pay less for
            Tromp says that they have  also have a schedule that  imports,  for  example,  to
            different  work  groups,  and  a  certain  group  works  a  make  them  also  more  at-
            then   clients   themselves  certain  day”,  Tromp  ex-   tractive. It’s true that some-
            can choose in which group  plains.                        times  people  think  that  by
            they want to work. “If over                               taking our clients as workers
            time we see that they keep  As a department, they see  there can be a deficiency
            choosing  a  job  that  is  not  an  improvement  in  the  re-  at  work,  but  this  doesn’t
            for  them,  we  guide  them  ception in the labor market  have to mean that produc-
            to go in another direction.  compared  to  years  ago.  tivity  goes  down.  You  can
            It’s the same as with other  They have four local com-    adjust the workload to the
            young  people,  when  they  panies  who  opened  their  person”,  Tromp  empha-
            choose  a  study  that  is  not  doors for the clients of Cen-  sizes.
            right  for  them,  over  time  tro Man na Obra can work
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