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Friday 8 July 2022
Marines from the U.s training in aruba
Oranjestad - It was pre- with the Marines at Marin- Marine Squadron Carib
viously informed that ma- iers Kazerne Savaneta also and Netherlands Marine
rines from the U.s will be known as Korps Mariniers. Corps.
carrying out various train-
ing exercises on the Island Caribbean Coastal War- During the training, frog-
of aruba. the marines have rior 22 is a joint training ex- men from the Marinierska-
been carrying out these ercise in the Caribbean zerne also participated.
activities during the Carib- involving different forces Frogmen are specialized in
bean Coastal Warrior 22. from France, U.S and other operations and long range
regional forces. This type of reconnaissance in amphib-
U.S Marines who are part training allows the Marines ious conditions with invisibil-
of the 2d Reconnais- to expand their knowledge ity as the greatest strength.
sance Battalion (Recon. and proficiency when As a scout, frogmen must
Bn) and 2d Marine Division operating in littoral and be able to transmit infor-
(MARDIV) recently came coastal regions. Caribbean mation at any given time.
to Aruba in order to con- Coastal Warrior increases
duct different trainings the globel interoperability Together with the staff from
along with diving activities between the U.S Marines, Korps Mariniers, and the
frog models from the Mari- edge and skills during this
niers Kazerne Savaneta, annual training.q
they exchanged knowl-