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P. 8
LOCAL Friday 8 July 2022
International collaboration for a goal we have in common|
Minister Ursell Arends of Aruba attends Ocean Conference 2022
Oranjestad - During this past week the The Minister started the week highlighting
Minister of Nature, Sr. Ursell Arends attend- the 3 goals that the delegation of Aruba
ed the United Nation’s Ocean Conference has which are namely the introduction
2022. of “Rights of Nature” as a law, the intro-
duction of a Marine Park around Aruba
During the week, the minister made use of and the introduction of a local National
the opportunity to meet with various differ- Climate Resilience Council to align how
ent international representatives like na- Aruba will adapt to the challenges of the
tional delegations of other countries and change of the climate. After a very suc-
governmental organizations (NGO’s). cessful week, the community and our visi-
tors can have trust in the ongoing efforts
International collaboration is on the agen- to protect our nature both on land and
da. With this in mind, meetings were had under the sea.
with representatives from Curacao or The
Netherlands to explore the possibilities of Minister Ursell Arends thanked the delega-
an “ocean monitoring program” in the tion of Curacao for their beautiful gesture
Dutch kingdom in order to continuously and representation at the Ocean Confer-
measure the water quality. This is a point ence 2022 and wished everyone present
in which it’s particularly important to be in- success with their goals and projects with
formed at all times about the status and the recovery and salvation of the ocean.
quality of water. An ocean that we share with our sister