Page 2 - MIN.TTC 17 OCT,2015
P. 2

                                                                                                                                                                        Saturday 17 October 2015


 New Wing at Divi All Inclusive reaches Highest Construction Point

EAGLE BEACH - Alex Nieu-         best green technologies      fully staffed reception. The   ity, and low cost air con-      of eateries to 5 a la carte
wmeyer, Managing Direc-          available in the construc-   method of construction         ditioning, while hot water      restaurants, 2 buffet res-
tor, Divi All Inclusive Resorts  tion industry to date. Each  utilized for the construc-     will be supplied via 100KW      taurants and 2 pizza bars,
enjoyed the distinct plea-       of the new rooms is graced   tion of Vista III revolution-  solar water heaters on the      from which guests may
sure of organizing, hosting      with a patio or balcony      izes the way buildings are     roof. The windows in the        choose every day, during
and attending a traditional      overlooking the azure blue   designed on the island, by     new Vista III wing are all      their vacation. Vista III was
Spantenbier celebration for      Caribbean. The rooms are     introducing Nudura foam        double glass insulated. The     designed by local Archi-
Vista III, a new resort wing,    clustered around two large   blocks, which help deliver     new building method, says       tect Orlando Hoevertz, with
where beer was poured            multi-leveled pools. The     comfortable, safe and en-      Alex Nieuwmeyer, Manag-         Electrical Engineering by
on the roof rafters to sig-      rooms enjoy contempo-        ergy efficient living spaces.  ing Director is solid and very  Leon Hamers. The construc-
nify that construction has       rary, luxurious décor, and   The hollow foam blocks         fast, resulting in total con-   tion was undertaken by Divi
reached its highest point.       the building was given a     are filled with cement on      struction time for the new      Resorts and El Tumi NV, with
In April 2015, Divi All Inclu-   number of unique features    site, making the walls 40      rooms from groundbreak-         Sparks Electric as the elec-
sive Aruba commenced             in order to give guests an   centimeter thick, resulting    ing to occupancy, of just       trical contractor, and Fire
the construction of 60 more      elegant sense of arrival     in cooler environments, in     eight months. In prepara-       Systems by Robertson. El-
resort rooms. In the spirit      with a modern porte co-      spite of the hot climate out-  tion for more guests the re-    evators were supplied by
of the time, the 60 new          chere, a nicely appointed    side. The new rooms will be    sort has just added another     Carl Elevators Aruba NV,
rooms are environmentally        lobby, with elevators to     energy efficient, operating    a la carte Mexican restau-      and the new pools de-
friendly, and represent the      service the floors, and a    optimally with low capac-      rant which brings the total     signed by Glen Renfrum.q
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