Page 6 - MIN.TTC 17 OCT,2015
P. 6
Saturday 17 October 2015
In collaboration with the Academy for Fine Arts & Design Aruba:
Art Rules & Spinner Agency Presents 10 Days 1 Play (Reasons to be Pretty)
- Yes we are back, and re- summer program. For the curring topics among its stu- Auditions: Participants will stating why they want be
hearsals kick off November past 6 years ARA has suc- dents was identity & beau- be able to apply on the ar- part of the 1st ARA The-
9th! cessfully contributed to the ty standard. As a Theater website starting ater Company EVER, us-
advancement of its youth Director Ira believes that October 10th through the ing hashtag #10days1play
ORANJESTAD - On Novem- by offering higher educa- this is a topic one can cre- 20th. #Reasonstobepretty
ber 9th, ARA, in collabora- tion shared byArtist from ate endless beautiful work After applying applicants #Audition and tagging the
tion with the creative pro- around the world. on and what better way to must post a 15 sec Ins- @ArtRulesFlicks!
duction company Spinner And so the youth has been do so through theater. So tagram audition video, SIGN UP NOW!.q
Agency will produce its 1st able to cultivate, collabo- together with 20 Artist Ira
Theater Production ever! In rate and inspire a new gen- will create a new full-length
3 weeks the Art Rules pro- eration of Artist. play with its participants.
gram will work with 20 up Once again Art Rules will Highlighting social issues
and coming Artist whom join forces with the Acad- such as peer pressure, bul-
will have 10 days to put to- emy of Fine Arts & Design lying and sexuality, partici-
gether a full-length theater Aruba, where all rehearsal pants will investigate how
production. Directed by Art will be held. In addition Art trends, social media and
Rules Artistic Director and Rules will collaborate with urban pop culture have
Theater Artist Ira Kip, ARA its students whom will col- settled in to our brains and
will challenge its young Art- laborate with the Art Rules conditioned our believes
ist to get up on their feet Artist creating the stage and standards on.
and create something from and costume design for the “With this pilot we aim to
nothing in 10 days! production. create new works created
Due to a strong demand While founders Ira & Ayra by local talent in addition
for a continuation of Arts Kip wrapped up their 2015 to supporting those whom
Education on Aruba, ARA summer program they real- want to continue their edu-
is introducing the 10 days ized that it wasn’t time, just cation within the Arts”
1 Play Theater Production yet, to end they Art Rules Art Rules is looking for 20
as a pilot in order to asses season of 2015. During their Artist i.e. actors, writers,
and provide the need for Art Rules Aruba summer costume designers, stage
Arts Education beyond its program Ira & Ayra notices designers, musicians and a
that one of the most reoc- vibrant production crew.