Page 8 - MIN.TTC 17 OCT,2015
P. 8


BUSINESSSaturday 17 October 2015

Modest rise gives stocks a third straight week of gains                                                                                                            United Airlines
                                                                                                                                                                 CEO is admitted
ALEX VEIGA                      Specialist James Maher, left, and trader Jonathan Corpina work on the floor of the New York Stock                                  to the hospital 
AP Business Writer              Exchange. U.S. stocks closed modestly higher Friday, giving the market its third straight week of
U.S. stocks closed mod-         gains.                                                                                                                           The Associated Press
estly higher Friday, giving                                                                                                                                      United Airlines said Friday
the market its third straight                                                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  that its new CEO, Oscar
week of gains.                                                                                                                                                   Munoz, has been admitted
Consumer staples and            slightly higher, then wa-       trials sector declined 0.2     $18.74.                                                           to a hospital. The airline
health care stocks were         vered after midday. The         percent. General Electric      Third-quarter earnings are                                        gave no explanation or
among the biggest risers as     indexes slipped into the        reported a decline in third-   forecast to contract overall                                      details of his condition.
investors assessed the lat-     red at times before drifting    quarter profit, but strong     as falling energy prices and                                      The Wall Street Journal re-
est company earnings and        back into positive territory.   performances from its core     weak global demand start                                          ported that Munoz suffered
economic news.                  Investors appeared to           units helped the company       to eat into profits.                                              a heart attack, citing peo-
After several weeks spec-       brush off some discourag-       top Wall Street expecta-       Among companies in the                                            ple familiar with the matter.
ulating about the impli-        ing economic data, in-          tions. GE rose 95 cents, or    S&P 500 that have already                                         United Continental Hold-
cations of a slowdown in        cluding a Federal Reserve       3.4 percent, to $28.98.        reported third-quarter re-                                        ings Inc. said Friday that
China and the timing of an      report indicating that U.S.     Mattel climbed 6 percent       sults, earnings declined 5.1                                      Munoz’s family informed
interest rate increase by       manufacturing production        after analysts at Oppen-       percent from a year ago,                                          the company that he was
the Federal Reserve, trad-      fell for the second straight    heimer published a re-         the first drop in earnings                                        admitted to a hospital on
ers are squarely tuned into     month in September. A           search note highlighting       growth since the July-Sep-                                        Thursday. The company,
company earnings as they        separate Labor Depart-          the toymaker’s core brands     tember period in 2009, ac-                                        based in Chicago, said in
hunt for insight into how the   ment report showed that         as a bright spot. The report   cording to S&P Capital IQ.                                        a short statement that it
global economy is doing.        employers advertised few-       came a day after Mat-          “When all is said and done                                        was continuing to operate
“That’s what the market is      er job openings in August       tel reported disappointing     we’ll probably be looking                                         normally. A spokeswoman
focused on,” said Quincy        and kept hiring flat. The job   third-quarter results. Mattel  at earnings that are flattish                                     said the company would
Krosby, a market strate-        market has weakened the         gained $1.36 to $23.89.        for the quarter,” said David                                      not provide additional in-
gist at Prudential Financial.   past two months, reflecting     Traders hammered Quanta        Lefkowitz, an executive di-                                       formation.
“Are we seeing a pickup in      slower global economic          Services after the contract-   rector and equity strategist                                      Munoz, 56, was named
demand overseas and in          growth.                         ing services company low-      at UBS. “But excluding the                                        CEO of United Continental
the United States, and if so,   All told, nine of the 10 sec-   ered its third-quarter profit  energy sector, we’re look-                                        Holdings Inc. on Sept. 9 af-
which sectors? That’s what      tors in the S&P 500 rose.       and revenue outlook, citing    ing for 6 percent growth,                                         ter the company made a
this is about.”                 Health care and consumer        project delays and a tough     which is consistent with                                          stunning announcement
General Electric rose 3 per-    staples stocks each gained      market. The stock plunged      what we saw earlier this                                          that CEO Jeff Smisek had
cent, the most in the Dow       about 1 percent. The indus-     28.5 percent, losing $7.47 to  year.”q                                                           stepped down. Smisek
Jones industrial average,                                                                                                                                        faced questions about
after the industrial con-                                                                                                                                        whether United sought fa-
glomerate reported earn-                                                                                                                                         vors from the officials who
ings that beat analysts’                                                                                                                                         operate the New York-ar-
forecasts.                                                                                                                                                       ea airports. Federal pros-
The Dow rose 74.22 points,                                                                                                                                       ecutors are investigating
or 0.4 percent, to 17,215.97.                                                                                                                                    United’s ties to David Sam-
The Standard & Poor’s 500                                                                                                                                        son, the former chairman
index gained 9.25 points,                                                                                                                                        of the Port Authority of New
or 0.5 percent, to 2,033.11.                                                                                                                                     York and New Jersey and a
The Nasdaq composite                                                                                                                                             political ally of New Jersey
added 16.59 points, or 0.3                                                                                                                                       Gov. Chris Christie.
percent, to 4,886.69.                                                                                                                                            Munoz was a railroad ex-
The tech-heavy Nasdaq                                                                                                                                            ecutive who had spent
is up 3.2 percent this year.                                                                                                                                     11 years on the boards of
The Dow and S&P 500 are                                                                                                                                          Continental Airlines and
still negative. The Dow is                                                                                                                                       United Continental, which
down 3.4 percent, while                                                                                                                                          was formed by the 2010
the S&P 500 is off 1.3 per-                                                                                                                                      merger of United and Con-
cent. The three major stock                                                                                                                                      tinental.
indexes began the day                                                                                                                                            In a newspaper ad this
                                                                                                                                                                 month, Munoz apologized
US employers advertised fewer jobs in August                                                                                                                     to customers for problems
                                                                                                                                                                 that have plagued United
PAUL WISEMAN                    ing was little-changed at       reflecting slower global       July 2009, a month after the                                      since the merger, includ-
AP Economics Writer             5.1 million.                    economic growth. Cau-          recession ended. Unem-                                            ing several technology
WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S.          The number of people quit-      tious employers added just     ployment was 5.1 percent                                          outages that have caused
employers advertised few-       ting jobs — a measure of        142,000 jobs in September,     in August and September.                                          large-scale flight delays
er job openings in August       confidence in the job mar-      pulling hiring for the July-   “The labor market is com-                                         and cancelations. United’s
and kept hiring flat, anoth-    ket — was also essentially      September quarter down         ing off the boil a little,” Paul                                  on-time performance has
er sign the American jobs       unchanged from July at 2.7      to a lackluster 167,000 jobs   Ashworth, chief U.S. econo-                                       trailed its three biggest
market has lost strength        million. Quits have been flat   a month from an average        mist at Capital Economics,                                        peers — American, Delta
since spring.                   for the past year after rising  231,000 from April through     wrote in a research report.                                       and Southwest — so far
The Labor Department            steadily in the aftermath of    June.                          But the level of job open-                                        this year. In the ad, Munoz
reported Friday that job        the 2007-2009 Great Reces-      In August, the United States   ings reported Friday is still                                     said United had failed to
openings slid to 5.4 million    sion.                           had 1.5 unemployed peo-        healthy, “so this is hardly a                                     live up to its promises and
in August from a record         The job market has weak-        ple for every job opening,     disaster.” q                                                      vowed, “That’s going to
high 5.7 million in July. Hir-  ened the past two months,       down from a peak of 6.8 in                                                                       change.”q
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