Page 9 - MIN.TTC 17 OCT,2015
P. 9

                                                                                                                       Saturday 17 October 2015

Turkish jets down drone at its border with Syria                                                                                                    Russian strikes in
                                                                                                                                                   Syria killed scores
S. FRASER                         the drone belongs to, but         and spoke on condition of                      Russian warplane or drone       of militants: Putin
V. ISACHENKOV                     we are able to work on it         anonymity.                                     was shot down over Turkey.
Associated Press                  because it fell inside Turkish    Moscow strongly denied                         Seeking to soothe Tur-         N. VASILYEVA
ANKARA, Turkey (AP) —                                                                                              key’s anger over violation     V. ISACHENKOV
Turkey shot down an un-           Turkish foreign minister Feridun Sinirlioglu attends a press                     of its airspace by Russian     Associated Press
identified drone that flew        conference in Ankara, Turkey, Friday, Oct. 16, 2015. Turkish jets                aircraft, Moscow sent a        MOSCOW (AP) — Russian
into its airspace Friday near     on Friday shot down an unidentified drone that had violated                      high-level military delega-    airstrikes in Syria have killed
the Syrian border, while          Turkey’s airspace at the border with Syria, the military said.                   tion to discuss prevent-       hundreds of militants, Pres-
Russian President Vladimir                                                                                         ing such incidents. “They      ident Vladimir Putin said
Putin said his country’s air                                                           (AP Photo/Burhan Ozbilici)  apologized a few times,        Friday as he called for a
campaign backing a Syr-                                                                                            said it happened by acci-      shared military effort of ex-
ian government offensive          territory,” he added.             ownership of the drone.                        dent, and that they have       Soviet nations to prevent
has killed hundreds of mili-      Earlier this month, Turkey        “I state with absolute re-                     taken measures so that         possible militant incursions
tants. A U.S. official said the   had protested two incur-          sponsibility that all our                      it will not occur again,”      to Syria from Afghanistan.
downed drone was Rus-             sions by Russian warplanes,       drones are either perform-                     Sinirlioglu said of Thurs-     Putin told a meeting of
sian, but Moscow staunch-         which also drew strong            ing tasks or staying at the                    day’s talks in Ankara with     leaders of ex-Soviet na-
ly rejected the claim.            condemnation from Tur-            base,” said Col.-Gen. An-                      the Russian delegation.        tions in Kazakhstan that
The incident underlined           key’s NATO allies.                drei Kartapolov, a deputy                      Since 2013, Turkey has shot    the Russian military has
the potential dangers of          The U.S., Russia and the Syr-     chief of the Russian Gen-                      down a Syrian military jet,    achieved “impressive” re-
clashes involving Russian,        ian government all oper-          eral Staff, speaking at a                      a helicopter and a surveil-    sults during the air cam-
Syrian and U.S.-led coali-        ate drones in the region.         meeting with foreign mili-                     lance drone that strayed       paign in Syria that began
tion planes in the increas-       The drone was definitely          tary attaches in Moscow.                       into Turkish airspace. The     on Sept. 30.
ingly crowded skies over          not American, and the U.S.        The Lebanon-based pro-                         incidents occurred after       “Dozens of control facili-
Syria. Russian and U.S. mili-     believes it was Russian, said     Syrian Al-Mayadeen TV                          Ankara changed its rules       ties and ammunition de-
tary officials have been          a U.S. defense official, who      quoted an unidentified                         of engagement following        pots, hundreds of terrorists
working on a set of rules to      was not authorized to dis-        Syrian military official as                    the downing of a Turkish       and a large number of
prevent any problems.             cuss details of the incident      saying that no Syrian or                       fighter jet by Syria. Turkey,  weapons have been de-
The Turkish military said it is-                                                                                   which patrols the border       stroyed,” he said.
sued three warnings before                                                                                         with F-16s, has also report-   Putin reaffirmed that the
shooting down the aircraft                                                                                         ed numerous incidents of       Russian bombing blitz
with its fighter jets. It didn’t                                                                                   harassment by Syrian fight-    against the Islamic State
specify how it had relayed                                                                                         er planes or Syria-based       group and other radicals
the warnings to the opera-                                                                                         surface-to-air missile sys-    in Syria will continue “for
tors of the drone.                                                                                                 tems locking radar on the      the period of the Syrian
The drone crashed 3 kilo-                                                                                          aircraft. Russia began its     troops’ offensive opera-
meters (about 2 miles) in-                                                                                         air campaign Sept. 30,         tions against terrorists,” but
side Turkish territory, said                                                                                       and Syrian troops and al-      wouldn’t elaborate.
Foreign Minister Feridun                                                                                           lied militiamen launched a     He said between 5,000
Sinirlioglu. “We have not                                                                                          ground offensive in central    and 7,000 people from
been able to establish who                                                                                         Syria a week later.q           Russia and other ex-Soviet
                                                                                                                                                  nations are fighting along-
Iraqi forces retake oil refinery from IS militants                                                                                                side Islamic State militants.
                                                                                                                                                  “We can’t allow them to
S. SALAHEDDIN                     ing refinery, Iraq’s largest      territories it controls in Syria               up mainly of Shiite militias.  use the experience they
Associated Press                  which has been idle since         and Iraq, and has used                         The leader of the Iranian-     have just gained in Syria
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi gov-         June last year. There was         oil smuggling to finance                       backed paramilitary group      back home,” he said.
ernment troops backed by          also no word on the fate of       much of its operations.                        Asaib Ahl al-Haq, Sheik Qais   Russian jets have flown
Shiite militia fighters have      the nearby town of Beiji.         The military operation —                       al-Khazali, was filmed in a    more than 600 combat
driven out Islamic State          Beiji, about 250 kilometers       dubbed Labeik ya Ra-                           military uniform accompa-      sorties since the start of the
group militants from a key        (155 miles) north of Bagh-        sool Allah, or “At your                        nying troops inside the re-    air campaign, said Col.-
oil refinery north of Bagh-       dad, fell to IS during its blitz  command, messenger of                          finery in a video released     Gen. Andrei Kartapolov of
dad in a wide-scale military      across northern Iraq a year       God,”— was launched on                         by the group’s TV chan-        the Russian military’s Gen-
operation, authorities said       ago, but the refinery facility    Monday as the second                           nel, al-Ahad. The footage      eral Staff.
Friday. The Joint Military        remained contested. The           phase of a large-scale                         showed the troops as walk-     He shrugged off the U.S.
Command said in a state-          town is strategically signifi-    operation to drive Islamic                     ing through the wreckage       claim that four of the 26
ment the forces retook Beiji      cant as it lies on the road       State militants out of Sala-                   of the refinery complex as     cruise missiles launched at
refinery and nearby Siniya        to IS-held Mosul, Iraq’s sec-     huddin province in cen-                        black smoke billowed from      targets in Syria by Russian
town, but did not provide         ond largest city.                 tral Iraq. The government                      different areas. The troops    navy ships from the south-
additional details on the         The IS group has declared         troops were backed by                          waved Iraqi and Shiite mili-   ern part of the Caspian
operation at the sprawl-          an Islamic caliphate in the       paramilitary forces, made                      tia flags.q                    Sea had crashed on Ira-
                                                                                                                                                  nian territory.q
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