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A32 sports
Diasabra 3 OctOber 2020
NFL reschedules Steelers-Titans, Ravens' bye now Week 7
(AP) — The Tennessee Ti- with five other team person-
tans now know when they nel testing positive. Outside
are rescheduled to play linebacker Kamalei Correa
the Pittsburgh Steelers became the fourth player on
after the first NFL game that list Wednesday, and rook-
postponed by a COVID-19 ie cornerback Kristian Fulton
outbreak. Getting back became the fifth Thursday.
into their own building
depends on the results of With the new cases, the Ti-
continued testing. The Ti- tans’ total is now 14: seven
tans' outbreak expanded players and seven other orga-
by two more players test- nization members just since
ing positive Friday, push- last Saturday. Vrabel said he’s
ing the team's total to 14 confident the Titans have
within the past week. followed the contact tracing
protocol to identify anyone
The outbreak forced the at risk from being close to-
NFL to postpone Tennessee's gether.
game from Sunday to Oct. 25 The NFL alerted teams
in Week 7, forcing the Steel- Thursday of new procedures
ers into their unplanned bye. to follow when dealing with
Pittsburgh now will play Bal- an outbreak or having been
timore on Nov. 1 with the exposed to a team having an
Ravens' bye now pushed to set forth, and that continues new positive test requires the outbreak.
Week 7 instead of Week 8, to change and adapt and ad- team’s infectious control of- With the NFL rescheduling
which had been the bye for just,” Vrabel said Thursday. ficer to track down everyone their game with the Steelers, “We’ll do exactly what the
both teams. Officials from “Whatever the NFL tells us in contact with those people. the Titans announced Friday league asks us to do for the
the NFL and the players' that we’re required to do and that capacity will be expand- safety of the players and their
union also were in Nashville we’re supposed to do as posi- The Minnesota Vikings (0-3) ed as well from the planned families, and our staff and
on Friday, meeting with the tive tests come in, that’s what again had no positive test re- 10%, or about 7,000, to 15% their families,” Vrabel said
Titans and reviewing the way we’ll do.” sults Friday, leaving them on with 3,000 more seats avail- Thursday.
the team is handling the mat- target to visit Houston (0-3) able. Minnesota coach Mike Zim-
ter. The NFL and the players' The NFL already had post- on Sunday as scheduled after Tennessee's outbreak started mer said he's proud of how
union also agreed to continue poned the Titans' game Sun- losing 31-30 to the Titans last with a defensive back on the his Vikings have handled the
daily testing, including bye day against Pittsburgh. That week. The Viking returned practice squad added to the changes in stride. Zimmer
weeks, for the foreseeable fu- came a day after the league to work and practice at their reserve/COVID-19 list on says there haven't been the
ture in a decision shared with said it hoped the teams facility on Thursday. Sept. 24. Then outside line- usual complaints and griping.
teams Friday. would play Monday or Tues- The Titans (3-0) instead find backers coach Shane Bowen's “We’ve obviously had to do
day. But another positive test themselves on an unexpected test result came back positive a lot of extra things that we
Coach Mike Vrabel has said result Thursday led to the bye, hoping to return to work on Saturday, preventing him don’t normally do – point-of-
he's very confident that the postponement and Friday's inside their own building from traveling with Tennes- care contact test, our normal
Titans have followed the rescheduling. Monday or Tuesday. But fur- see to Minnesota. testing, then you’ve got to
league protocols precise- Then the Titans added a pair ther testing could delay that On Tuesday, the Titans sit in your car and wait until
ly and that nobody was to of wide receivers to the re- return, and more positives placed three players on the you get to go into the facility,"
blame for this outbreak dur- serve/COVID-19 list Friday: could jeopardize the Titans' reserve/COVID-19 list, in- Zimmer said Friday. “We’ve
ing a pandemic. veteran Adam Humphries next scheduled game Oct. 11 cluding defensive captain and had to adjust schedules at
“We continue to follow pro- and Cameron Batson, who's against the Buffalo Bills in lineman DaQuan Jones and times, but they’ve handled it
tocol from the NFL that was on the practice squad. Each Nashville. long snapper Beau Brinkley, really well.”
Lou Johnson, hit winning homer in ‘65 World Series, dies
(AP) — “Sweet” Lou (1965-67) and Cleveland league system before being In 1966, Davis returned to remember his important
Johnson, who hit a key Indians (1968). He hit .258 traded to the Dodgers for left field and Johnson played home run in Game 7 of the
home run for the victo- with 48 homers and 232 RBI pitcher Larry Sherry. mostly in right with Wil- 1965 World Series, when
rious Los Angeles Dodg- in 677 games. Johnson made it back to the lie Davis in center. John- he was clapping his hands
ers in Game 7 of the 1965 Johnson was signed by the majors beginning in 1965 af- son set career highs of 152 running around the bases,”
World Series and scored New York Yankees in 1953. ter starting left fielder Tom- games, 526 at-bats, 143 hits, team president and CEO
the only run in Sandy Ko- He spent about a decade in my Davis broke an ankle in 17 homers, 71 runs and 73 Stan Kasten said. "Lou John-
ufax's perfect game the the minors, made his big May. Johnson batted .260, RBIs. He averaged .272 and son was such a positive in-
same year, has died. He league debut with the Cubs with 57 runs and 58 RBI in the Dodgers advanced to the spiration at Dodger Stadium
was 86. on April 17, 1960, was trad- 130 games as Davis' fill-in. World Series again, where with our employees and our
ed to the Angels for pitcher Johnson also scored the only they were swept in four fans as well as throughout
Johnson died Wednesday Jim McAnany the follow- run in Sandy Koufax's per- games by Baltimore. the community in the ap-
night at his home in Los ing April and after one fect game victory on Sept. 9, Johnson broke a leg sliding pearances he made on behalf
Angeles, according to the game with California team 1965, when he walked, went into Joe Torre and played of the organization."
Dodgers, who were in- was dealt to Toronto in the to second on a sacrifice bunt, in just 104 games for the
formed by his wife. He had International League. The stole third and scored on a Dodgers in 1967. He retired Johnson worked for the
been in ill health and died a Braves acquired him as part throwing error by Chicago at 35 in 1970. Dodgers for 40 years, be-
day after his birthday. of a working agreement with Cubs catcher Chris Krug. Born Louis Brown John- tween his time as a player
Johnson played 17 seasons son in Lexington, Kentucky, and in the team's commu-
in professional baseball, in- Toronto, and he hit .282 in The Dodgers advanced on Sept. 22, 1934, he was nity relations department.
cluding eight years in the 61 games for Milwaukee in to the 1965 World Series nicknamed Sweet Lou upon He is survived by his wife
majors with the Chicago 1962. against Minnesota. Johnson joining the Dodgers because Sarah, and children Lauren,
Cubs (1960, ’68), California Johnson was traded to the had eight hits, including of his infectious smile and Carlton and Quinton.
Angels (1961, ’69), Milwau- Detroit Tigers and spent two homers, the second the he was always clapping. Funeral services were pend-
kee Braves (1962), Dodgers 1963 and '64 in their minor game-winner in Game 7. “Dodger fans will always ing.