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P. 30

A30    LOCAL
                  Diasabra 3 OctOber 2020

                             Madrid readies for partial lockdown, files legal challenge

                                                                      where  they  live.  Restau-  infection  rate  falling  to  607  chez  has  refused  to  budge,
                                                                      rants  must  close  at  11  p.m.  per  100,000  Friday  and  four  saying  Friday  that  Madrid
                                                                      and shops at 10 p.m., with a  consecutive  days  of  fewer  faces  “a  moment  of  extraor-
                                                                      restriction  of  50%  capacity.  people  being  admitted  to  dinary  seriousness.”  “The
                                                                      Similar measures already ap-  hospitals.                  situation in Madrid is critical
                                                                      ply  to  more  than  1  million                           because (the region) has 33%
                                                                      residents, and the region has  “The  numbers  give  us  rea-  of  (COVID-19)  deaths,”  he
                                                                      limited social gatherings to a  son for hope,” he told a news  said  in  Brussels,  where  he
                                                                      maximum of six people.       conference.                  was  attending  a  European
                                                                      Madrid's  legal  challenge  ar-  Madrid  continued  to  report  Union summit.
                                                                      gues  that  restrictions  violate  the  highest  number  of  new  Some passengers at Madrid’s
                                                                      regional self-rule laws.     daily  cases  Friday,  with  814  main  train  station,  Atocha,
                                                                      Madrid is leading the resur-  in the previous 24 hours, ac-  welcomed the new steps.
                                                                      gence  of  the  virus  in  Spain,  cording  to  Health  Ministry  “I  think  they  need  to  take
                                                                      which  has  Europe’s  high-  statistics. The second-highest  strong  measures  to  control
            (AP) — Madrid was set to go  an coronavirus hot spot. But  est  cumulative  caseload  —  was the Basque region, with  the  epidemic  here  in  Ma-
            into partial lockdown on Fri-  officials  in  Madrid,  whose  770,000 since the onset of the  393. Nationally, Spain added  drid,”  said  Vicente  Mira,  a
            day night, complying with an  regional government is man-  pandemic.                   11,325 new cases, more than  62-year-old  retired  teacher.
            order from the Spanish gov-  aged  by  the  conservative                               3,700 of them over the pre-  Communication     manager
            ernment  but  determined  to  Popular  Party,  balked  at  the  The  capital  had  a  two-week  vious 24 hours. Madrid legal  Pablo Torres, 36, wanted of-
            fight it in the courts.      order,  saying  it  would  bring  infection rate of 695 cases per  chief Enrique López said au-  ficials to get tough, saying the
                                         chaos and further the sap the  100,000  residents  Thursday,  thorities will comply with the  current  measures  are  “non-
            Measures that ban all nones-  economy's health. It filed an  more than twice the national  national government's order,  sense  and  a  sticking  plaster
            sential trips in and out of the  appeal at the National Court  average of 274 cases and sev-  deploying more police, even  on something that is a lot big-
            capital  and  nine  of  its  sub-  against the new measures.  en times the European aver-  though  they  believe  it  will  ger problem.”
            urbs — covering around 4.8                                age,  which  stood  at  94  per  “create chaos.” He estimated  It  wasn't  immediately  clear
            million people — were set to  Under  the  national  order,  100,000  residents  last  week,  the  order  will  cost  the  Ma-  how the new measures might
            be  enacted  at  10  p.m.  (2000  travelers  will  need  to  prove  according  to  the  European  drid  economy  8  billion  eu-  affect  the  few  tourists  arriv-
            GMT).                        that they are going to or from  Center  for  Disease  Control  ros ($9.4 billion). He did not  ing  in  Madrid,  but  regional
            Spain's Socialist prime minis-  work,  to  see  a  doctor  or  to  and Prevention. But Madrid  provide  details  of  how  the  authorities  can't  ban  foreign
            ter, Pedro Sánchez, said there  conduct essential administra-  regional health chief Enrique  amount was calculated.  visitors unless Spain closes its
            was  a  “critical”  need  to  take  tive or legal errands in order  Ruiz Escudero said the situ-                    borders.
            the new steps in the Europe-  to leave Madrid or the town  ation is improving, with the  Prime  Minister  Pedro  Sán-

                          Belarus, Russia announce retaliatory sanctions against EU

             (AP) — Belarusian authori-  ing to the statement, such as  larus and have strongly criti-  to the streets and demanding  top  associate  Maria  Kolesn-
            ties  on  Friday  announced  Belarus  pulling  out  of  joint  cized  Lukashenko  and  the  Lukashenko's resignation.  ikova  remains  in  jail  on  the
            they  were  imposing  sanc-  programs and projects or re-  election.                   The  authorities'  brutal  re-  charges of undermining state
            tions  against  the  European  vising its diplomatic relations  Glaz also said Belarus would  sponse  to  the  protests  im-  security  that  could  bring  a
            Union,  and  threatened  to  with the bloc.               impose reductions on diplo-  mediately after the vote, with  five-year prison term if she is
            revise  the  country's  diplo-  "Belarus  is  always,  in  words  matic staff from Canada and  police  detaining  thousands  convicted.  The  West  doesn't
            matic relations with the bloc,  and  in  deeds,  against  con-  Britain,  which  earlier  this  and  injuring  scores  with  have  much  leverage  in  the
            in response to EU sanctions  frontation.  We  are  for  dia-  week  announced  sanctions  truncheons,   rubber   bul-  current  crisis  in  Belarus,
            on several dozen Belarus of-  logue  and  understanding.  against Lukashenko and oth-  lets  and  stun  grenades,  elic-  Minsk-based  political  ana-
            ficials  accused  of  falsifying  But as a sovereign state, we're  er officials.       ited  international  outrage.  lyst Artyom Shraybman told
            presidential  election  results  also  determined,  albeit  not  The  official  results  of  the  The  government  has  scaled  The  Associated  Press:  “Lu-
            and leading a crackdown on  without regret, to respond to  Aug.  9  presidential  election  down  on  the  violence,  but  kashenko  doesn't  care  about
            peaceful protesters.         unfriendly actions in order to  handed  Lukashenko,  who  kept the pressure on, detain-  the West's opinion of his ac-
                                         naturally defend our national  has run Belarus for 26 years, a  ing  hundreds  of  protesters  tions.”
            Russia said it would also fol-  interests," the statement read.  crushing victory with 80% of  and prosecuting top activists.  Shraybman  called  the  EU
            low Belarus' sanctions on the                             the vote. His main challenger  Many  prominent  members  sanctions “meager” and sym-
            bloc.                        Russian  Foreign  Ministry  Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya got  of the Coordination Council,  bolic.  “The  EU  countries
            The  EU  in  the  early  hours  spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-  only 10%. She and her sup-  formed by the opposition to  adopt  these  sanctions  solely
            of  Friday  decided  to  impose  rova criticized the EU's move  porters  refused  to  recognize  push for a transition of pow-  for  themselves,  in  order  to
            sanctions  on  about  40  offi-  and  said  “the  Belarusian  re-  the results as valid, and mass  er, have been either arrested  show themselves that they're
            cials,  with  the  exception  of  taliatory  sanctions  list,  com-  protests have rocked Belarus  of forced to leave the country.  not  cynics  and  that  human
            President Alexander Lukash-  ing  into  effect  today,  will  ever since, with hundreds of  Tsikhanouskaya  is  currently  rights  matter  for  them,”
            enko, who was re-elected in  automatically  be  used  by  thousands  of  people  taking  in  exile  in  Lithuania.  Her  Shraybman said.
            August  in  a  vote  the  oppo-  Russia.”  She  said  this  move
            sition  sees  as  rigged.  In  re-  was  in  line  with  obligations
            sponse, the Foreign Ministry  under  the  union  agreement
            of Belarus issued a statement  between Belarus and Russia.
            announcing  its  own  sanc-  On  Friday,  foreign  ministry
            tions  against  European  of-  spokesman Anatoly Glaz told
            ficials. “The Belarusian side,  reporters that Belarus was re-
            starting from today, puts into  calling  its  ambassadors  from
            effect  a  retaliatory  sanctions  Poland  and  Lithuania  and
            list,” the statement said. The  called  on  those  countries  to
            ministry didn't reveal the list  do the same for their diplo-
            and gave no details as to how  mats. He also said the minis-
            many officials were on it.   try wants Lithuania to reduce
                                         its  embassy  in  Belarus  from
            If  the  EU  further  ratchets  25  diplomats  to  14  and  Po-
            up  “the  sanctions  flywheel,"  land from 50 to 18.
            there  could  be  “more  seri-
            ous  consequences,”  accord-  Both countries neighbor Be-
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