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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 3 OctOber 2020

                             Grand jury audio details raid that killed Breonna Taylor

            (AP)  —  Police  said  they  Taylor’s apartment door and  moments after the doors was
            knocked    and    identified  announced  themselves  as  broken  down  he  saw  dark-
            themselves  for  a  minute  or  police  and  knocked  three  ness and then “immediate il-
            more  before  bursting  into  times.  “We  knocked  on  the  lumination from fire.”
            Breonna  Taylor’s  apartment,  door,  said  ‘police,’  waited  I
            but her boyfriend said he did  don’t know 10 or 15 seconds.  “What I saw at the time was a
            not  hear  officers  announce  Knocked  again,  said  police,  figure in a shooting stance and
            themselves,  according  to  waited even longer,” Hoover  it  looked  as  if  he  was  hold-
            Kentucky grand jury record-  said in an interview recorded  ing, he or she was holding, an
            ings  released  Friday.  In  the  the same day Taylor was shot,  AR-15 or a long gun, a rifle,”
            hail  of  gunfire  that  ensued,  and later played for the grand  said Hankison, who was later
            the 26-year-old Black woman  jury.                        indicted by the grand jury on
            was killed.                                               charges  of  wanton  endan-
                                         “So it was the third time that  germent for firing shots that
            The  dramatic  and  conflict-  we were approaching, it had  went into another home with
            ing accounts of the March 13  been like 45 seconds if not a  people inside. Walker was, in
            raid are key to a case that has  minute,”  Hoover  said.  “And  fact, using a handgun.
            set  off  nationwide  protests  then  I  said,  `Let’s  go,  let’s  “We didn’t know who it was,”
            against  police  brutality  and  breach it.’”             Walker said in his own police
            systemic racism. When police  Another  officer  said  they  interview  shortly  after  the
            came  through  the  door  us-  waited as much as two min-  shooting.  “If  we  knew  who
            ing a battering ram, Taylor’s  utes. Whether or not officers  it was, that would have never
            boyfriend,  Kenneth  Walker,  announced  themselves  has  happened.”                   Kentucky  Attorney  General  knowledged  that  he  did  not
            opened fire. If he’d heard po-  been  a  key  issue  in  the  case  Hoover  said  he  believed  Daniel Cameron has also said  recommend homicide charg-
            lice announce themselves, “it  because  Taylor’s  boyfriend,  Walker and Taylor were lying  officers  announced  them-  es for the officers involved.
            changes  the  whole  situation  Kenneth Walker, said he only  in wait for the officers.  selves.                    Cameron  said  two  officers
            because  there’s  nothing  for  fired  at  police  because  he  “We were, in my opinion, we  One law enforcement officer  who fired their guns, hitting
            us to be scared of.” The de-  feared they were intruders.  were  ambushed,”  Hoover  testified that police ultimate-  Taylor, were justified because
            tails were contained in hours                             said.  “They  knew  we  were  ly  never  executed  the  war-  Taylor’s boyfriend had shot at
            of  recordings  made  public  Police  said  they  used  a  bat-  there. I mean, hell, the neigh-  rant to search Taylor’s apart-  them first. The boyfriend has
            Friday  in  a  rare  release  for  tering ram to enter the apart-  bors knew we were there.”  ment. “Were drugs money or  said he thought someone was
            proceedings that are typically  ment, hitting the door three  About five minutes after the  paraphernalia recovered from  breaking in.
            kept secret.                 times  before  getting  inside.  gunfire  erupted  and  Taylor  apartment  4?  ...  The  answer  The  grand  jury  did  charge
                                         Detective  Michael  Nobles  was  shot,  her  boyfriend  di-  to  that  is  no,”  said  Herman  Hankison  with  three  counts
            A court ruled that the mate-  said  officers  made  so  much  aled 911.                Hall,  an  investigator  for  the  of wanton endangerment for
            rial  should  be  released  after  noise that an upstairs neigh-  According  to  audio  of  the  state attorney general’s office.  shooting  into  a  neighboring
            the grand jury did not charge  bor came outside and had to  call played for the grand jury,  “They didn’t go forward with  apartment.  No  one  was  hit.
            the officers with Taylor’s kill-  be told to go back inside.  Walker  told  a  dispatcher:  executing  the  initial  search  He  has  pleaded  not  guilty.
            ing,  angering  many  in  Lou-  According  to  the  grand  jury  “Somebody  kicked  in  the  warrant  that  they  had  for  Cameron  said  there  was  no
            isville and beyond. The ma-  recordings,  detective  Jona-  door and shot my girlfriend.”  Breonna Taylor’s apartment.”  conclusive evidence that any
            terial does not include juror  than  Mattingly  got  shot  as  Walker  seemed  confused  Cameron,  whose  office  led  of Hankison’s shots hit Tay-
            deliberations  or  prosecutor  soon as he leaned inside the  when police interviewed him  the  investigation  into  police  lor.
            recommendations  and  state-  apartment. Mattingly said in  later. He said he didn’t know  actions  in  the  Taylor  shoot-  Protesters  have  taken  to  the
            ments,  none  of  which  were  testimony,  some  of  which  why  police would knock on  ing, did not object to the file's  streets  to  demand  more  ac-
            recorded,  according  to  the  was previously released, that  Taylor’s door.           release.                     countability  in  the  case.  Ac-
            state attorney general’s office.  he fired four gunshots as he                                                      tivists,  Taylor’s  family  and
            Louisville  police  Lt.  Shawn  fell  on  his  backside.  Officer  Officers  had  a  “no-knock"  Cameron,  a  Republican  and  one  of  the  jurors  called  for
            Hoover  said  officers  with  a  Brett Hankison said in a re-  warrant  to  search  Taylor's  the state’s first African Amer-  the  grand  jury  file  to  be  re-
            narcotics warrant approached  corded  police  interview  that  apartment  for  drugs.  But  ican attorney general, has ac-  leased.

                        Another judge steps away from stalled Guantanamo 9/11 trial

            (AP)  —  Another  military  Keane  said  he  believes  he  served in a Defense Depart-  charges  that  include  terror-  lenging statements they made
            judge has stepped down from  could  serve  as  an  impartial  ment  counter-terrorism  task  ism and nearly 3,000 counts  to authorities as the product
            the  Sept.  11  war  crimes  tri-  judge  in  the  death  penalty  force, in which he conducted  of murder in violation of the  of torture.
            bunal at the U.S. Navy base  case. But the Marine colonel  legal reviews concerning the  laws of war. The men include  The case also has been stalled
            at  Guantanamo  Bay,  Cuba,  said he did not want to cause  transfer  of  detainees  from  Khalid  Shaikh  Mohammad,  by  non-legal  issues,  includ-
            a further blow to an already  further delays or grounds for  Afghanistan to Guantanamo,  who has portrayed himself as  ing the coronavirus outbreak
            long-stalled  case.  Marine  appeal in a case that has been  where the U.S. now holds 40  the  architect  of  the  Sept.  11  and  the  departure  of  the
            Col. Stephen F. Keane said in  bogged down in pretrial pro-  prisoners.                attack and other plots.      previous  judges.  The  initial
            an order issued Friday that he  ceedings since the May 2012  He  also  served  as  a  Marine  Their  case  has  been  stalled  judge, Army Col. James Pohl,
            must recuse himself from the  arraignment.                Corps  fellow  at  the  Jus-  by the complexity of the trial  announced his retirement in
            case because of his past work  "My  continued  presence  as  tice  Department,  working  and  the  difficulty  of  staging  August 2018 after a long ca-
            for the government and per-  the military judge in this case  on   counter-terrorism   is-  a  proceeding  that  combines  reer. The judge who replaced
            sonal connections to victims  arguably  creates  an  appear-  sues  dealing  with  al-Qaida,  military  and  civilian  law  at  him  then  retired  as  well.  A
            of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist  ance  of  bias,"  Keane  wrote,  though not on any work di-  the remote base, with prose-  third  judge,  also  a  Marine
            attacks.                     before  concluding  that  his  rectly  involving  the  five  de-  cution and defense teams fly-  colonel,  left  to  take  another
                                         recusal  is  “immediately  re-  fendants in the Guantanamo  ing in periodically for pretrial  position  last  year,  leaving  a
            He's  the  fifth  judge  to  pre-  quired.”               war crimes case.             hearings.                    senior  judge  to  preside  for
            side over the trial by military                                                                                     about six months until Keane
            commission  for  five  men  Keane,  describing  his  pos-  Keane  said  he  also  has  “sig-  It has also been delayed over  was appointed to the case.
            held at Guantanamo who are  sible conflicts, noted that he  nificant personal connection”  legal  challenges  stemming  A trial before a jury of mili-
            charged  with  planning  and  grew  up  in  New  York  City  to people who were “direct-  from the brutal treatment of  tary officers had, at one point,
            assisting  the  hijacking  plot  area and had a close relative  ly  affected  by  the  events  of  the  five  defendants  in  CIA  been  scheduled  to  start  in
            that killed nearly 3,000 peo-  who worked for the Fire De-  9/11,” though he did not pro-  custody  before  they  were  January  but  a  new  date  has
            ple in New York, Washington  partment  but  retired  before  vide any details.         charged  before the commis-  not  been  set.  The  next  pre-
            and Pennsylvania.            the Sept. 11 attacks. He also  The  five  defendants  face  sion. Their lawyers are chal-  trial hearing is in March.
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