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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 23 september 2020

                                                     Is this suddenly a new election?

            (AP)  -  Presidential  politics  sessed  with  the  election-eve
            move fast. What we’re watch-  nomination fight. The stakes
            ing heading into a new week  are  huge  for  the  future  of
            on the 2020 campaign: Days  the  U.S.  judiciary  and  sev-
            to  general  election:  43  Days  eral  major  issues,  abortion
            to first debate: 8           rights  among  them.  But  it's
                                         less clear that the persuadable
            The narrative                voters of Florida, Pennsylva-
            The October surprise of 2020  nia  and  Arizona  are  equally
            came early.                  interested  in  the  Supreme
            The  death  of  Ruth  Bader  Court battle.
            Ginsburg  injects  another
            generational fight to an elec-  Americans   For   Prosper-
            tion year that already featured  ity  President  Tim  Phillips,
            the  deadliest  public  health  a  conservative  leader  whose
            threat in a century, the worst  organization   has   spent
            economic  collapse  since  the  months knocking on swing-
            Great  Depression  and  the  state voters' doors and has a
            most  significant  civil  unrest  keen sense of the electorate,
            since the civil rights era. Six  is skeptical that the court bat-
            weeks  before  Election  Day,  tle will change the direction
            the fight to replace Ginsburg  of  the  election.  He  was  out
            is set to dominate headlines,  canvassing over the weekend
            with the prospect of reshuf-  and tells us that the Supreme
            fling  voters'  priorities  and  Court  didn't  even  come  up.  Any nominee will have a re-  tacks combined.       multiple fronts, having been
            campaign  strategies,  espe-  He  notes  that  most  Ameri-  cord  and  a  background  that  The scary part is that there are  caught  on  tape  encourag-
            cially  for  President  Donald  cans  are  dealing  with  much  will undergo intense scrutiny.  still  several  hundred  Ameri-  ing  foreign  governments  to
            Trump.                       more  imminent  crises:  mil-  Democrats  will  be  praying  cans dying each day heading  meddle  in  the  election  be-
            Still, the pandemic rages on.  lions  of  children  can't  go  to  for  unearthed  baggage  that  into flu season. Before this is  fore presiding over the worst
            Millions  of  school  children  school,  grandparents  remain  might delay the process or re-  over, COVID could overtake  economic collapse and public
            are stuck at home. The eco-  in isolation, and Main Street  flect poorly on Trump, as was  cancer  and  heart  disease  as  health crises in a century.
            nomic  recovery  is  dragging.  in  towns  across  the  nation  the case with the president's  the leading cause of death in  Biden has the experience and
            And  nearly  200,000  Ameri-  is  struggling  to  stay  open.If  last  nominee.  Trump's  team  the United States this year.  the  ammunition  to  do  real
            cans have died.              anybody says they know how  will do everything in its pow-                             damage.  But  a  week  before
            Coming  soon:  one  of  the  this nomination fight will or  er to make sure that doesn't  Trump, who largely left states  the debate, thanks to Trump's
            most highly anticipated pres-  won't reshape the 2020 land-  happen.                   to deal with the pandemic on  messaging,  the  Democrat  is
            idential debates in the mod-  scape, they're only guessing.  Under  normal  conditions,  their  own,  has  been  escalat-  the perceived underdog.
            ern era is just eight days away.                          Supreme Court nominations  ing his promises of a vaccine  ___
                                         And  the  nominee  is?Those  are immensely important. In  in the near future to stop the  The final thought
            The big questions            close to the president are en-  this  case,  the  pick  could  di-  death.  But  the  president's  Biden's home state of Penn-
            Is this suddenly a new elec-  couraging  him  to  announce  rectly  or  indirectly  reshape  well-documented  history  of  sylvania is increasingly look-
            tion?                        his  Supreme  Court  nomi-   all three branches of the U.S.  spreading  false  information  ing like 2020's premier battle-
            A  presidential  election  that  nee  on  or  before  the  day  of  government.        about the pandemic and oth-  ground  state.  While  it's  true
            was shaping up to be a refer-  the  first  presidential  debate,  What  will  Trump  say  about  er  issues  has  badly  damaged  that  both  candidates  have
            endum  on  Trump's  divisive  which is Sept. 29.          200,000 dead Americans?      his credibility, and as a result,  multiple paths to 270 elector-
            leadership  through  duel-   He  has  promised  to  pick  a  The  pandemic's  death  toll,  roughly  half  of  Americans  al votes, their chances of win-
            ing  crises  may  suddenly  be  woman, and Republicans are  which is approaching 200,000  report that they may not take  ning would decrease dramat-
            transformed  into  one  about  hopeful  that  a  female  pick  people,  is  staggering,  by  far  the  vaccine  when  it's  avail-  ically  if  they  fail  to  capture
            Trump's  next  lifetime  ap-  could  help  Trump's  GOP  the highest in the world. For  able.                       the state's 20 electoral votes.
            pointment  to  the  nation's  with  its  problem  with  sub-  context,  more  Americans                             There  has  been  little  public
            highest  court.  Or  not.It's  urban women and serve as a  have now been killed by CO-  Can  Trump  reset  expecta-  polling  in  recent  weeks,  but
            clear  that  the  most  passion-  counterweight to Biden's his-  VID-19  than  were  killed  in  tions for the first debate?  each side privately tells us the
            ate  partisans  in  Washington  toric selection of Sen. Kamala  all the military conflicts after  Trump  and  his  allies  have  race there is tightening.
            and  elsewhere  will  be  ob-  Harris  as  his  running  mate.  World War II and the 9/11 at-  spent  much  of  the  summer  Trump is scheduled to cam-
                                                                                                   degrading   Biden's   men-   paign  in  Pennsylvania  twice
                                                                                                   tal  acuity,  portraying  the  this week. And after Florida,
                                                                                                   77-year-old  Democrat  as  a  no state will see more spend-
                                                                                                   senile old man who has lost  ing  on  presidential  advertis-
                                                                                                   the capacity to speak or think.  ing over the coming six weeks
                                                                                                   Polling suggests that this line  than Pennsylvania, according
                                                                                                   of attack has not been effec-  to the ad tracking firm Kan-
                                                                                                   tive,  and  worse  for  Trump,  tar/CMAG.  Also,  just  days
                                                                                                   it's  dramatically  lowered  ex-  ago, Biden unveiled a frame
                                                                                                   pectations  for  Biden  in  the  for the election that's decid-
                                                                                                   first debate.                edly  Pennsylvania-focused:
                                                                                                   It  may  be  too  late  already,  This  is  a  campaign  between
                                                                                                   but Trump's team has to shift  “Scranton and Park Avenue,"
                                                                                                   those expectations — at least  Biden  declared,  drawing  a
                                                                                                   a  little  —  before  their  first  contrast  between  his  work-
                                                                                                   debate.                      ing-class  Pennsylvania  roots
                                                                                                                                and  Trump's  privileged  up-
                                                                                                   Biden  is  a  far  more  expe-  bringing in New York.
                                                                                                   rienced  debater  and  has  a  Trump  became  the  first  Re-
                                                                                                   much  better  command  of  publican  since  1988  to  win
                                                                                                   global  affairs  and  domestic  Pennsylvania  four  years  ago.
                                                                                                   policy  than  Trump.  At  the  But he did it by just 44,000
                                                                                                   same  time,  Trump  will  en-  votes out of more than 6 mil-
                                                                                                   ter the debate vulnerable on  lion cast.
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