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A30 world news
Diaranson 23 september 2020
Amal Clooney quits UK role over 'lamentable' Brexit plan
(AP) — Amal Clooney has islation. Richard Keen, the not be used as a back route
become the highest pro- British government’s law for unlicensed goods arriv-
file lawyer to quit an of- officer for Scotland, and the ing in Ireland from the rest of
ficial job over her opposi- head of its legal department, the U.K. — England, Scot-
tion to the British govern- Jonathan Jones, have also quit land and Wales. As a result,
ment's suggestion that it in the past couple of weeks. the two sides agreed there
could break international would be some kind of regu-
law in the event it fails to The British government has latory border between main-
agree a trade deal with the admitted that the legislation land Britain and Northern
European Union. could potentially break in- Ireland, an agreement that
ternational law, but argues the planned legislation could
In a letter Friday to British that it’s an insurance policy breach.
Foreign Secretary Dominic for that potential ‘no-deal’ Clooney said she had ac-
Raab, the human rights law- scenario. Johnson has said cepted the role in April 2019
yer said she is quitting her the legislation is needed to because she believed “in the
role as the U.K.’s special en- end EU threats to impose a importance of the cause, and
voy on media freedom over has suggested that the vio- has led to a furious outcry “blockade” in the Irish Sea appreciate the significant role
the government’s “lamenta- lation of international law within the EU as it would di- that the prime minister as- that the U.K. has played and
ble” suggestion. She said she would be ‘specific and lim- minish the bloc’s previously serted could “carve up our can continue to play in pro-
was “dismayed” to learn that ited’, it is lamentable for the agreed oversight of trade be- country.” moting the international legal
the government intends to U.K. to be speaking of its tween mainland Britain and order.”
pass legislation that would ef- intention to violate an inter- Northern Ireland if a U.K.- One major element of the
fectively override sections of national treaty signed by the EU trade agreement isn’t se- Brexit withdrawal agreement Clooney said she had spoken
the Brexit withdrawal agree- Prime Minister less than a cured. is the section related to en- to Raab about her concerns
ment that Prime Minister year ago," she said in her let- suring an open border on the but that she had “received no
Boris Johnson had himself ter. Clooney, who married movie island of Ireland to protect assurance that any change of
negotiated. The Internal Market Bill, star George Clooney in 2014, the peace process in North- position is imminent.”
which is currently being de- becomes the latest lawyer to ern Ireland. The EU wanted As a result, she said she had
“Although the government bated by British lawmakers, resign over the planned leg- assurances the border would “no alternative but to resign.”
Nuclear deal with world powers worth preserving
Ali Akbar Salehi told del- the deal on the amount of States remains committed to Iran insists it does not want
egates at a conference of the uranium it can enrich, the addressing the threats posed to do.
International Atomic Energy purity it can enrich it to, and by the nuclear programs of Though it has broken the
Agency in Vienna that the so- other limitations in order to both North Korea and Iran.” pact's limitations, it still has
called Joint Comprehensive pressure those countries to far less enriched uranium and
Plan of Action, or JCPOA, do more. Salehi, speaking “On top of its horrific re- lower-purity uranium than it
has been “caught in a quasi- in a video address, said it's cord as the world’s largest had before signing the deal.
stalemate situation” since of the “utmost importance” state sponsor of terrorism, It has also continued to al-
President Donald Trump that those countries find a Iran has a lamentable history low IAEA inspectors full ac-
pulled the U.S. out in 2018. solution to resolve “the dif- of providing only grudging, cess to its nuclear facilities,
(AP) — The head of Iran's The deal promises Iran eco- ficulties caused by the illegal dilatory, and incomplete co- which the world powers still
nuclear agency said Mon- nomic incentives in exchange withdrawal of the U.S. from operation, if at all, with the in the deal maintain is reason
day that the landmark for limits on its nuclear pro- the deal.” “There is still a IAEA. Iran must do more, enough to try and keep it in
2015 deal between Tehran gram. The remaining world broad agreement among the much more, to ensure both place.
and world powers on his powers in the deal — France, international community timely and complete compli- Iran recently granted the
country's atomic program Germany, Britain, China and that the JCPOA should be ance with the safeguards ob- IAEA access to two sites dat-
is struggling since the uni- Russia — have been strug- preserved,” he said. Speaking ligations,” he said. ing from before the deal,
lateral U.S. withdrawal, gling to offset re-imposed after Salehi, U.S. Energy Sec- The ultimate goal of the which Director General Ra-
but is still worth preserv- American sanctions. retary Dan Brouillette made JCPOA is to prevent Iran fael Grossi said he hoped
ing. Iran has been steadily break- no reference to the deal, say- from being able to build a “will reinforce cooperation
ing restrictions outlined in ing only that the “United nuclear bomb — something and enhance mutual trust.
Polish minister wants talks to end ruling coalition crisis
(AP) — Poland’s justice minister without Ziobro's party. mise and such talks and we are open coronavirus pandemic.
called Monday for talks among Law and Justice leaders met Monday and ready for them.” The legislation would shield Zio-
the ruling coalition's parties to to decide whether to shed both Zio- After the meeting, State TVP INFO bro's political arch-rival, Prime Min-
overcome a crisis after his junior bro's party and him as minister. At and other media said they learned ister Mateusz Morawiecki, from
party voted against government- issue was also the future of the other unofficially there would be a meet- responsibility for controversial deci-
backed legislation in parliament. small coalition partner, a party led by ing between the party's powerful sions taken while trying to organize a
Jaroslaw Gowin, that also failed to leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Zio- presidential election during the pan-
Polish media said talks would prob- fully back the new legislation. bro. It did not say when. The crisis demic. Amid much chaos, the two-
ably be held later this week. Just before that meeting, Ziobro began last week when Ziobro's party round election was postponed from
The dissent by the United Poland called a news conference and said voted against a new animal protec- May to June and July.
party of Justice Minister Zbigniew the coalition of the United Right was tion law proposed by the Law and Without the 19 votes of Ziobro's
Ziobro prompted the main coali- worth preserving and he was ready Justice party and strongly advocated party, the ruling coalition will lose its
tion member, the right-wing nation- for talks and compromise. by Kaczynski, who has cats. The fragile majority in parliament, where
alist Law and Justice party, to warn “We can surely make this world bet- party also said it would not back new it holds 235 out of 460 seats.
that the coalition that has ruled since ter in every meaning of the word, legislation that gives immunity to The crisis is part of a power strug-
2015 was crumbling and that a mi- also in the area of this legislation," state officials who disregarded the gle in the coalition that is now con-
nority government could be formed Ziobro said. “We need such compro- law while taking steps to counter the trolled by the 71-year-old Kaczynski.