P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Monday 28 august 2017
             Johnson pulls off a stunner over Spieth in Northern Trust

            By DOUG FERGUSON             and  knocked  it  in,  like  he   Johnson  made  a  7-foot
            AP Golf Writer               always seems to do.          birdie putt for another two-
            OLD WESTBURY, N.Y. (AP) —  On the closing hole, John-     shot swing.
            Dustin Johnson faced long  son showed the kind of golf    Johnson  began  the  back
            odds  all  day  against  Jor-  I.Q.  that  belies  his  simple   nine  with  an  8-foot  birdie,
            dan Spieth until the longest  outlook  on  life.  After  he   and they were tied.
            drive led to an unlike play-  sliced  his  drive  up  the  hill   The closest Johnson came
            off  victory  Sunday  in  The  and  into  a  nasty  lie  in  the   to  taking  the  lead  was  a
            Northern Trust.              rough, he chose to lay up    15-foot eagle attempt that
            Johnson rallied from a five-  instead  of  trying  to  ham-  narrowly missed. Spieth re-
            shot  deficit  on  the  front  mer a shot to an elevated   gained  the  lead  with  an
            nine. And on the final hole  green.                       8-foot  birdie  on  the  14th,
            in  regulation,  after  one  of  But he made it pay off with   and  Johnson  tied  him
            the  most  powerful  players  a par, that got him into the   again from 18 feet on the
            in golf chose to lay up from  playoff after Spieth lagged   next hole.
            the  rough,  his  18-foot  par  a  75-foot  putt  perfectly  to   It was great theater, even
            putt swirled around the cup  get his par.                 before a crowd not nearly    Dustin Johnson holds up his trophy after winning The Northern
            and fell in the back side for  They  finished  at  13-under   as  large  as  other  courses   Trust golf tournament over Jordan Spieth in a playoff on Sunday,
                                                                                                   Aug. 27, 2017, in Old Westbury, N.Y.
            a 4-under 66 to force a sud-  267.                        used in the rotation, and it                                          Associated Press
            den-death playoff.           Johnson  won  for  the  first   lasted all the way until the
            Returning to the 18th hole,  time since he wrenched his   end.                         shot  behind,  though  he  Otherwise, it was a matter
            Johnson felt the wind switch  back  during  a  spill  down   No  one  else  really  had  a   had  stronger  holes  ahead  of who finished among the
            and  took  on  the  lake  with  the stairs that knocked him   chance.                  of  him  and  fell  back.  Jho-  top  100  in  the  FedEx  Cup
            a 341-yard tee shot — the  out of the Masters and de-     Jon  Rahm  ran  off  three   nattan  Vegas  was  within  to move on to the TPC Bos-
            longest of the week on that  railed his dominance in golf.   straight birdies early on the   two shots after playing the  ton next week for the next
            hole  —  that  left  him  a  lob  He had won three straight   back  and  briefly  was  one   scoring holes.         playoff event.q
            wedge that he hit to 4 feet.  tournaments against strong
            Spieth, who already made  fields until that injury.
            his share of big putts along  “I feel like the game is final-
            the  back  nine  at  Glen  ly  back  in  form  like  it  was
            Oaks, hit 7-iron to the back  before the Masters,” John-
            collar  and  missed  his  25-  son said.
            foot  birdie  putt.  Johnson  Of his 16 victories, this was
            rolled in his short birdie putt  the first time Johnson faced
            for his fourth victory of the  a must-make putt on the fi-
            year.                        nal hole, and he delivered
            Spieth,  who  closed  with  a  a par putt that even Spieth
            69,  lost  for  the  first  time  in  thought was going to miss
            six  tries  when  leading  by  on the high side of the hole.
            at  least  two  shots.  There  The  Northern  Trust  never
            wasn’t  much  he  could  do  looked  as  though  it  would
            except take back that tee  contain so much drama.
            shot into the water on the  Spieth began with a three-
            par-3 sixth hole after build-  shot lead.
            ing  a  five-shot  lead.  John-  He  two-putted  from  long
            son  played  bogey-free  in  range for birdie on the par-
            the final round, and played  5 third hole when Johnson,
            his  final  29  holes  at  par  or  from closer range but put-
            better.                      ting  from  off  the  green,
            “I  didn’t  lose  the  tourna-  took three to get down for
            ment,”  Spieth  said.  “He  a par.
            won it.”                     And then the fifth hole felt
            The  opening  FedEx  Cup  like  a  dagger  —  Spieth
            playoff event featured two  poured  in  a  30-foot  birdie
            of  the  biggest  names  in  putt,  and  Johnson  missed
            golf who put on an amaz-     his birdie from 8 feet.
            ing show on Long Island.     That  gave  Spieth  a  five-
            “I  thought  that  was  a  fun  shot  lead  —  no  one  else
            show,”  Spieth  said.  “I  was  was  closer  than  seven  —
            hoping  it  wasn’t  going  to  and it seemed even larger
            be that much fun.”           because  Johnson  wasn’t
            Johnson  made  up  a  five-  making any putts.
            shot  deficit  in  five  holes,  Five  holes  later,  they  were
            and they battled along the  tied.
            back  nine  with  big  shots  Spieth’s  tee  shot  on  the
            and  big  moments.  They  next  hole  banged  off  the
            were tied on the par-3 17th  rock wall and into the wa-
            when  both  hit  into  a  bun-  ter  on  the  par-3  sixth,  and
            ker,  and  Johnson  blasted  he  made  double  bogey.
            out to 4 feet with an easier  On  the  ninth  hole,  Spieth
            shot and angle to the hole.  took three putts from just off
            Spieth  had  18  feet  for  par  the left side the green, and
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