P. 20

                  Monday 28 august 2017

                Stanton hits No. 50 to help Marlins beat Padres 6-2

            By STEVEN WINE                                                                                                      homered off Carter Capps.
             AP Sports Writer                                                                                                   The  Marlins’  three-game
            MIAMI (AP) — Roused from                                                                                            sweep and fourth consec-
            its  apathy  for  baseball,                                                                                         utive  victory  overall  gave
            South Florida let out a long                                                                                        them 13 wins in the past 16
            roar  Sunday  for  Giancarlo                                                                                        games. They swept a series
            Stanton,  who  responded                                                                                            from the Padres for the first
            with  a  wave  from  the  top                                                                                       time since 2012.
            step  of  the  dugout,  af-                                                                                         Miami  remained  4  1/2
            fording the crowd a good                                                                                            games  behind  Colorado
            look  at  the  sport’s  newest                                                                                      in the race for the final NL
            50-homer man.                                                                                                       wild card.
            Stanton reached the round                                                                                           he Marlins started the sea-
            number with a tiebreaking                                                                                           son  14-27  and  haven’t
            drive  in  the  eighth  inning,                                                                                     been to the playoffs since
            helping  the  surprising  Mi-                                                                                       2003,  the  longest  drought
            ami Marlins sweep the San                                                                                           in the league.
            Diego  Padres  with  a  6-2                                                                                         “It’s a new gear for us, and
            victory.                                                                                                            one  we’ve  got  to  keep
            Baseball fever broke out at                                                                                         pushing,”  Stanton  said.
            Marlins  Park,  where  Stan-                                                                                        “We’re  doing  good,  but
            ton  earned  a  curtain  call                                                                                       we can do better, and we
            for  the  first  time  since  the                                                                                   need  to  do  better  to  get
            place opened in 2012.                                                                                               there.”
            “For  here,  that’s  about  as                                                                                      Dan  Straily,  Kyle  Barra-
            lively as they’ve been,” he                                                                                         clough  (5-1)  and  two
            said.                        Miami Marlins’ Giancarlo Stanton watches the ball after he hit a home run scoring Dee Gordon,   other  pitchers  combined
            The  crowd  of  23,725  was   during the eighth inning of a baseball game against the San Diego Padres, Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017,   on  a  seven-hitter.  San  Di-
            typical   for   the   atten-  in Miami.                                                                             ego’s  only  runs  came  on
            dance-challenged Marlins,                                                                          Associated Press  Richard’s  two-run  homer,
            but  fans  went  wild  when   after  returning  to  the  dug-  gled, going 3 for 3 to hike  with  Stanton.  After  his  tie-  which  barely  cleared  the
            Stanton  became  the  first   out,  and  the  curtain  call  his average to .296. He in-  breaking  drive,  Christian   335-foot  sign  next  to  the
            National  League  player     prompted chants of “M-V-     creased his RBI total to 108,  Yelich hit his first triple of the   right field foul pole. His only
            to  reach  50  homers  since   P! M-V-P!”                 a career high.               year and continued home      other homer came in 2012.
            Prince Fielder hit 50 for Mil-  “He  deserves  it,”  Gordon  His  17th  homer  in  August  on a throwing error, further   Richard allowed five runs in
            waukee in 2007.              said.  “I  don’t  know  who  tied  him  for  the  second-  raising the decibel level.  seven-plus innings.
            With  the  score  2-all,  Dee   else deserves it more.”   most  in  major  league  his-  “A  Little  League  homer,”   “He   was   outstanding,”
            Gordon singled to lead off   “We’re a bit early,” Stanton  tory  in  the  month,  behind  Yelich  said.  “This  place   Green  said.  “He  deserved
            the  eighth.  Stanton  then   said  with  a  chuckle,  “but  Rudy York’s 18 in 1937.   came  unglued.  It  was      a  much  better  fate.  He
            drove  a  2-1  slider  from   it’s cool that they’re show-  “He’s  as  locked  in  as  any-  probably  the  loudest  I’ve   struggled  basically  with
            Clayton Richard (6-13) into   ing love like that. I really ap-  body  I’ve  ever  seen,”  Pa-  ever heard a Marlins game,   one  guy  in  the  lineup  all
            the hedge in center field.   preciate it.”                dres manager Andy Green  which is nice.”                  day,  and  that’s  someone
            Fans roared as Stanton cel-  Stanton  also  walked,  dou-  said.                       That  ended  Richard’s  out-  who  everyone  in  baseball
            ebrated  with  teammates     bled  home  a  run  and  sin-  The  cheering  didn’t  end  ing.  Derek  Dietrich  then   is struggling with.”q
                     Mariners make 5 errors in 1st, Yankees roll to 10-1 rout

            By ADRY TORRES               drew Albers (2-1).                                                                     the Mariners. He is 9-4 with
            Associated Press             “It was obviously the worst                                                            a 3.24 ERA in 17 games at
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Sloppy  inning we’ve had all year,”                                                             night this year.
            defense  by  the  Seattle  Seattle manager Scott Ser-                                                               Seattle’s  five  errors  were
            Mariners  made  it  an  easy  vais  said.  “Embarrassing,                                                           the most in an inning in club
            afternoon    for   Masahiro  but there’s nothing we can                                                             history. The previous major
            Tanaka and the Yankees.      do  about  it  now.  Forget                                                            league team to make five
            Tanaka  finally  flourished  about it, move on.”                                                                    errors in one inning was the
            under  the  sun,  Starlin  Cas-  The  fielding  gaffes  were                                                        1977  Chicago  Cubs,  ac-
            tro  had  four  hits  and  New  a  gift  for  Tanaka  (10-10),                                                      cording  to  the  Elias  Sports
            York  took  advantage  of  a  who  entered  0-6  with  an                                                           Bureau.
            record five errors by Seattle  11.81  ERA  in  seven  starts                                                        Elias also said the last short-
            in the first inning on the way  during  the  day  this  sea-                                                        stop to make three errors in
            to a 10-1 victory Sunday.    son.  He  struck  out  10  and                                                         a  game  was  Castro,  with
            “I  think  that’s  the  first  time  walked  one  in  his  100th                                                    the Chicago Cubs on April
            I’ve seen that,” Castro said.  major  league  start.  The                                                           25, 2011.
            Mariners shortstop Jean Se-  right-hander has won both    New York Yankees starting pitcher Masahiro Tanaka (19) deliv-  “It happens,” Segura said.
            gura committed three ear-    outings  since  a  brief  stint   ers to the Seattle Mariners during the first inning of a baseball   “It happened crazy today,
            ly  miscues  —  two  on  one  on  the  disabled  list  due   game Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, at Yankee Stadium in New York.   but it happens.”
            play.  Third  baseman  Kyle  to  shoulder  inflammation,                                           Associated Press  The Mariners played clean
            Seager and left fielder Ben  pitching   seven    innings                                                            defense the rest of the day
            Gamel  also  botched  balls  each time.                   place Boston in the AL East  tory over the Red Sox.       but  still  matched  the  sea-
            as  the  Yankees  scored  six  New York took two of three   after  Baltimore  completed  Tanaka,  who  gave  up  six   son high for errors by a big
            runs, one earned, in the first  in  the  series  and  moved   a  three-game  sweep  at  hits,  improved  to  6-0  in   league team in one game
            inning  against  starter  An-  within  2½  games  of  first-  Fenway Park with a 2-1 vic-  seven career starts against   this year. q
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