P. 25

BUSINESS                 Monday 28 august 2017

           Clipped: Foreign funds that ‘hedge’ against currencies lag

            By STAN CHOE                 ger  U.S.  economic  growth   U.S. economy. Plus, econo-  MSCI  Eurozone  ETF  is  up   ter returns has been disap-
            AP Business Writer           and  higher  interest  rates.   mies  in  Europe  and  else-  about 19.5 percent for the   pointed.
            NEW YORK (AP) — Foreign-     The  dollar  jumped  more    where  appear  to  be  ac-   year,  more  than  double    It  may  be  easier  to  pick
            stock  funds  have  been     than  10  percent  against   celerating,  which  helped   the  7.6  percent  gain  for   one  way  to  invest  in  for-
            some of this year’s biggest   the Japanese yen within a                                                             eign stocks: either hedged,
            winners, but many investors   couple months of Election                                                             unhedged  or  even  a  mix
            aren’t feeling the full ben-  Day,  and  close  to  6  per-                                                         of  the  two,  and  stick  with
            efit.                        cent against the euro.                                                                 it. Over the very long term,
            When  buying  a  foreign-    As  a  result,  each  euro                                                             returns for hedged and un-
            stock  fund,  investors  in-  was  worth  fewer  dollars                                                            hedged  funds  often  end
            creasingly    have     two   at  the  end  of  the  year.                                                           up looking similar because
            options:  One  insulates  in-  So,  while  European  stocks                                                         changes in foreign-curren-
            vestors  from  the  swings  in   rose strongly in euro terms,                                                       cy  values  tend  to  wash
            returns that can be caused   they had a more lackluster                                                             out, analysts say.
            by shifts in the dollar’s value   move  for  investors  count-                                                      The  majority  of  foreign
            against the euro, yen and    ing  in  dollars.  The  iShares                                                        stock   funds   still   don’t
            other  currencies.  These    MSCI Eurozone ETF, for ex-                                                             hedge  against  currency
            are  funds  that  “hedge”    ample,  does  not  hedge                                                               moves.  And  hedging  is
            against  currencies,  while   currencies,  and  its  gain   A  currency  trader  gestures  at  the  foreign  exchange  dealing   something   that’s   more
            the other group lets inves-  from  Election  Day  to  the   room of the KEB Hana Bank headquarters in Seoul, South Ko-  common   for   European
            tors feel their full effect.  end  of  the  year  was  only   rea, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017. Foreign-stock funds have been   or  Japanese  stock  funds.
            Coming into this year, with   about a quarter of the Wis-  some of this year’s biggest winners, but many investors aren’t   Low  interest  rates  in  those
            Republicans fully in charge   domTree  Europe  Hedged     feeling the full benefit.                                 countries means it’s cheap
            of  Washington,  expecta-    Equity fund’s.                                              (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon)  to hedge against their cur-
            tions were for the dollar to   The two ETFs track different   their currencies.        the  WisdomTree  Europe      rencies’  movements.  But
            build on a postelection ral-  indexes,  so  they’ll  usually   Some analysts had predict-  Hedged  Equity  fund,  for   in  Brazil,  Turkey  and  other
            ly,  leading  many  investors   have  differing  returns.  But   ed the euro would fall to be   example.            emerging markets, interest
            to see hedging as the wiser   currency-hedged     funds   worth $1 at some point this   This year’s quick shift shows   rates are much higher and
            strategy.  That  turned  out   will generally give the bet-  year.  Instead,  one  euro  is   the danger in trying to time   can  make  hedging  so  ex-
            to  be  wrong.  Those  who   ter returns when the dollar   now  worth  $1.17.  Investors   any kind of market. Just like   pensive  that  it’s  not  worth
            tried  to  time  the  market   is ascending against other   in  funds  that  don’t  hedge   it’s difficult to predict when   the  cost.“For  emerging
            by switching into currency-  currencies.                  against  currency  swings    stocks will rise or fall, it can   markets,  you  could  have
            hedged  funds  missed  out   But  an  unexpected  thing   are  both  feeling  the  ben-  be  tough  to  guess  where   a  strong  opinion  about
            on some of the best gains    happened  early  this  year:   efit  of  rising  foreign  stock   the dollar is heading. Any-  the currency, but be com-
            so far this year.            The dollar reversed course,   markets,  and  enjoying  an   one  who  jumped  into     pletely  wrong  if  it’s  too
            Consider  the  WisdomTree    as  some  early  legislative   added  boost  provided  by   currency-hedged  foreign   costly  to  hedge,”  said  Bri-
            Europe    Hedged     Equity   stumbles   dimmed     ex-   the  rising  euro  and  other   stock  funds  this  year,  and   an Jacobsen, chief portfo-
            fund, an exchange-traded     pectations  for  how  much   currencies.                  out  of  unhedged  ones,  in   lio strategist at Wells Fargo
            fund  that  owns  Anheuser-  Washington can do for the    The   unhedged      iShares   expectations of much bet-   Funds Management.q
            Busch  InBev,  Telefonica
            and other European stocks.
            It also invests in the futures
            market to neutralize the ef-
            fects  of  the  euro’s  move-
            ment against the dollar.
            The  fund  jumped  6.6  per-
            cent  between  Election
            Day and the end of 2016,
            part of a worldwide rally for
            stocks. And its returns tow-
            ered  over  European  stock
            funds  that  didn’t  hedge
            against the dollar’s moves
            versus the euro.
            That’s  because  the  dollar
            was in the midst of a strong
            rally, following the big elec-
            toral win for Donald Trump
            and  the  Republicans.  The
            thinking was that Washing-
            ton  would  enact  policies
            that  would  lead  to  stron-
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