P. 28

                  Monday 28 august 2017

             Palm oil kills orangutans in Indonesia peat swamp

            By BINSAR BAKKARA                                                                                                   Sumatran      orangutans
             Associated Press                                                                                                   since the 1990s. “It really
            TRIPA  PEAT  SWAMP,  In-                                                                                            is a last resort, and a re-
            donesia (AP) —                                                                                                      flection of the dire situa-
            It’s  been  called  the                                                                                             tion  many  of  these  ani-
            orangutan  capital  of                                                                                              mals are in as a result of
            the world, but the great                                                                                            the ongoing destruction
            apes in Indonesia’s Tripa                                                                                           of their habitat.”
            peat forest on the island                                                                                           The  Tripa  peat  swamp
            of  Sumatra  are  under                                                                                             is  part  of  the  2.6  mil-
            threat by palm oil plan-                                                                                            lion  hectare  (6.4  million
            tations  that  have  gob-                                                                                           acre)  Leuser  Ecosystem
            bled  up  thousands  of                                                                                             in   northern    Sumatra,
            acres  of  land  to  make                                                                                           which  is  the  last  place
            room  for  trees  that  pro-                                                                                        on  earth  where  orang-
            duce  the  most  con-                                                                                               utans,  tigers,  elephants
            sumed vegetable oil on                                                                                              and  rhinos  live  together
            the planet.                                                                                                         in  the  wild.  The  entire
            Palm  oil  is  found  in  ev-                                                                                       area is also under threat
            erything  from  cookies                                                                                             from  logging,  pulp  and
            and  lipstick  to  paint,                                                                                           paper  plantations  and
            shampoo  and  instant                                                                                               mining.  In  2012,  huge
            noodles,  and  Indonesia                                                                                            fires  that  were  inten-
            is  the  world’s  top  pro-  In this Thursday, Aug. 10, 2017 photo, an orangutan sits on the branch of a tree before being res-  tionally  set  to  clear  the
            ducer. As demand soars,      cued and relocated from at a swath of destructed forest near a palm oil plantation at Tripa peat   land for palm oil ripped
            plantations are expand-      swamp in Aceh province, Indonesia.                                                     through the swamp, kill-
            ing. In Tripa, companies                                                                           Associated Press  ing wildlife and blanket-
            drain the swamp, releas-     Mothers  often  die  pro-    the  duo.  Instead,  they  endangered  Sumatran           ing surrounding areas in
            ing planet-warming car-      tecting    their   babies,  encountered  a  50-kilo-      orangutans  remain.  Less    a thick haze.
            bon into the atmosphere      which  are  taken  and  gram  (110-pound)  male  than  200  are  believed              The    Indonesian    gov-
            and clear the forest of its   sold as illegal pets.       orangutan      that   was  to  be  living  in  the  Tripa   ernment  filed  a  lawsuit
            native  trees,  often  set-  On  Aug.  10,  a  rescue  about  20  years  old.  He  swamp,  but  it  is  still  one   against palm oil firm P.T.
            ting illegal fires.          team from the Sumatran  too  was  suffering,  and  of  the  densest  concen-           Kallista  Alam  in  2012  for
            This   robs   orangutans     Orangutan       Conserva-    the  team  managed  to  trations  of  orangutans.         illegally  burning  1,000
            and  other  endangered       tion Program, accompa-       tranquilize him and carry  The great apes are only        hectares (2,470 acres) of
            species of their habitats,   nied  by  the  Indonesia’s  him out of the jungle in a  found  on  two  islands,       the  Tripa  swamp.  Three
            leaving the animals ma-      Nature      Conservation  stretcher net.                  Sumatra  and  Borneo,        years  later,  it  was  or-
            rooned  on  small  swaths    Agency,  hiked  into  the  He  was  named  “Black,”  which  Indonesia  shares          dered to pay $26 million
            of forest, boxed-in on all   Tripa  peatlands  to  look  and  driven  about  eight  with Malaysia. Both sup-        in  fines  and  reparation.
            sides by plantations.        for  a  mother  and  baby  hours  to  an  orangutan  port separate species.            A  manager  was  sen-
            They  slowly  starve  be-    orangutan      that   had  reintroduction  center  in  “Capturing  wild  orang-        tenced  to  three  years
            cause there is no longer     been  reported  in  an  Jantho,  Aceh  Besar.  He  utans  is  not  something           in  prison.  However,  the
            enough  food  to  sustain    area being overtaken by  joined  about  100  other  we  like  to  do.  It  is  diffi-  company filed a lawsuit
            them  or  they  are  fre-    oil palms.                   primates that have been  cult,  highly  stressful  and    against the government
            quently killed by planta-     The plan was to sedate  released  in  the  jungle  risky  for  all  concerned,”       in July and so far no fines
            tion  workers  when  they    and  relocate  them,  but  to  establish  a  new  wild  said  the  rescue  group’s     have  been  paid  and
            emerge from the jungle       when  the  team  arrived,  population.  Only  an  es-     director,  Ian  Singleton,   no prison time has been
            in search of food.           there  was  no  sign  of  timated  6,600  critically  who  has  been  studying         served.q
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