P. 27

                                                                                               CLASSIFIED Monday 28 august 2017
            Maine blueberry crop falls with                                                                                        dOCTOR ON dUTY
            both disease, lack of pollination                                                                                            Dr. Esschendal
                                                                                                                                         Tel. 586 0334
                                                                                                                                           San Nicolas
                                                                      FOR SALE                     FOR RENT                              Dr. Linden v/d
                                                                      Casa del Mar                 Divi Golf & Beach                     Tel. 584 6427
                                                                      wk 1 +deed                   week 35 9/2-9/9 studio $4,950   EMERGENCIA 911
                                                                      2bedroom and 2 bath #1313    week 35 9/2-9/9 2 room
                                                                      Presidential / ocean view    suite $5,600
                                                                      $21,000                      week 36 9/9-9/16 2 room suite
                                                                      e-mail:    $5,600
                                                                      _________________________________206677  week 36 9/9-9/16 room $5,260  POLICE       100
                                                                                                                                ORANJESTAD     527-3140
                                                                                                   Phone 5086510016 (565 9394)
                                                                      TIME SHARE FOR SALE          email:         NOORD            527-3200
                                                                      Divi Dutch Village                                        STA. CRUZ        527-2900
                                                                      wk 35 9/2 - 9/9 deluxe studio   _________________________________208065  SAN NICOLAS     584-5000
                                                                      $3,950                          FOR SALE                  POLICE TIPLINE    11141
                                                                                                                                FIRE DEPT.
                                                                      aruba Beach Club: wk 33&34       Renaissance              FIRE DEPT.       582-1108
                                                                      8/19 - 9/2 superior  studio      Great Deals!!!           HOSPITAL         527-4000
            In this Aug. 7, 2017 photo a girl holds a handful of wild blueber-  $5,000             Wk 18, unit 2450 $ 5000      DENTAL CLINIC    587-9850
            ries picked near Sherman, Maine. The state’s blueberry crop is   Phone 5083098782      Wk 19, unit 2416 $ 3500      AMBULANCE        582-1234
            way down this year due to weather and a scale back of farming.                         Wk 21, unit 2307 $ 3500      IMSAN            524-8833
            Maine is one of the biggest blueberry producers in the country,   email:   Wk 23, unit 2326 $ 3750  RED CROSS        582-2219
            and the only producer of wild blueberries.                _________________________________208065
                                           (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)  FOR RENT                   Wk 32, unit 2323 $ 3500      Women in Difficulties
                                                                                                   Wk 33, unit 2323 $ 3500
            By PATRICK WHITTLE           that farming effort appears   Divi Village                Wk 34, unit 2323 $ 3500           PHARMACY
            Associated Press             to be down this year, pos-   wk 40 10/7-10/14 studIo $775  Wk 30, unit 2531 $ 4750     Oranjestad:
            PORTLAND,     Maine   (AP)   sibly influenced by the low   divi golf Village wk 35 9/2-9/9  Wk 31, unit 2531 $ 4750  Santa Cruz Tel. 585 8028
            —  Maine’s  wild  blueberry   prices to farmers, he said.  1 bedroom $875              Wk 34, unit 2109 $ 5000      San Nicolas
                                                                                                                                Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
            crop  is  likely  to  be  much   The  high  crops  of  recent   Phone 5083098782       Wk 35, unit 2315 $ 4250
            smaller this year than in re-  years have taken a toll on   email:     Wk 35, unit 2349 $ 6500
            cent summers because the     the  industry  due  to  over-  _________________________________208065  Wk 36, unit 2315 $ 4250  INFORMATION   118
            industry is contending with   supply.  The  U.S.  Depart-  TIME SHARE FOR SALE         Wk 38, unit 2143 $ 4500      TAXI-TAS      587-5900
            troubles  such  as  disease   ment  of  Agriculture  ap-  by owner                      save $$$$$$$$$$             PROF. TAXI    588-0035
            and a lack of pollination.   proved  up  to  $10  million   Barcelo/ occidental             Call 7373006            TAXI D.T.S.   587-2300
            The  New  England  state  is   to purchase surplus Maine   2 bedroom unit , any week of  SERVICE AUA   583-3232
            the  wild  blueberry  capi-  blueberries  last  month  in   year, 1 week available for 2017  A1 TAXI SERVICES 587-8850

            tal  of  the  U.S.,  and  in  re-  an effort to prop up prices.   $5,000 best offer    _________________________________208073  CRuIsE sHIP
            cent years crop sizes have   The USDA also made a sim-    e-mail:     FOR RENT
            soared  and  prices  have    ilar move in 2016.           _________________________________208062  Divi Phoenix
            plummeted,  bringing  un-    One  year  of  lower  blue-                               week 34 8/27-9/2 studio $3,450
            certainty  to  a  key  state   berry  yield  might  not  be                            week 35 9/2-9/9 1 bedr $5,350
            industry.  The  crop  grew  a   enough  to  raise  prices,                             week 36 9/9-9/16 1bdr $4,950
            little less than one percent   Yarborough said, because                                week 37 9/16-9/23 studio $3,150
                                                                                                                                         August 29
            last year to almost 102 mil-  so  many  surplus  blueber-                              Phone 508 6510016 (565 9394)         Carnival Magic
            lion pounds (46 million kilo-  ries from past years remain                             email:
            grams),  while  prices  hit  a   in  freezer  storage.  A  rise                        _________________________________208065  Aruba Airport   524-2424
            10-year low of 27 cents per   in  prices  to  farmers  could                                                        American Airlines 582-2700
            pound to farmers.            eventually  impact  con-                                                               Avianca       588-0059
            But  it’s  apparent  as  the   sumers in the form of higher                                                         Aruba Airlines  583-8300
            summer  harvest  nears  its   prices, but it’s unclear yet if                                                       Jet Blue      588-2244
            end  that  that’s  all  chang-  that  will  happen  any  time                                                       Venezolana    583-7674
            ing  this  year,  University  of   soon, he said.q                                                                  Aruba Foundation
            Maine  horticulture  profes-                                                                                        For those Visually Incapasitated
            sor David Yarborough said.                                                                                          Tel. 582-5051
            He  said  “mummy  berry”                                                                                            AL-ANON group
            disease,  a  crop-killing  ail-                                                                                     Sabana Liber #8, Noord
            ment  caused  by  a  fungal                                                                                         Tel. 736-2952 or 593-7081
            pathogen,  and  other  fac-                                                                                         FUNDACIONS
            tors could cut the crop as                                                                                          Respetami
            much  as  36  percent  this                                                                                         Tel. 582-4433
            “I do expect to see signifi-                                                                                        Centro Diabetic Arubano
                                                                                                                                Tel. 524-8888
            cant  reduction  in  harvest
            compared  to  the  last  few                                                                                        Narcotics Anonymous
            years,”  Yarborough  said.                                                                                          Tel. 583-8989
            “And it’s probably going to                                                                                         QUOTA Club
            end a little earlier than typi-                                                                                     Tel. 525-2672
            Yarborough  said  a  short-                                                                                         Women in Difficulties
            age of pollinators like bees,                                                                                       Foundation
                                                                                                                                Tel. 583-5400
            a  lack  of  rain  and  some
            localized  frost  issues  have                                                                                      Bloodbank Aruba
            also  held  back  the  blue-                                                                                        Tel. 587-0002
            berry crop. Another factor
            influencing the crop size is
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