P. 22

A22     SPORTS
                  Monday 28 august 2017

             Continued  from                                                                       out  after  a  few  rounds,   Dana White some sleep-
                          page 17                                                                  and  after  that  the  only   less nights because in a
                                                                                                   question  was  whether
                                                                                                                                way he is almost bigger
            “It was an honor for me                                                                Mayweather would stop        now  than  the  organiza-
            to showcase my skills.”                                                                a fighter legitimately for   tion.
            They  go  their  separate                                                              the  first  time  in  nearly  a   And,  who  knows.  He
            ways  now,  after  a  fight                                                            decade.                      may  venture  back  into
            that  had  a  little  some-                                                            He  did,  battering  Mc-     the  boxing  ring  some-
            thing for everyone. May-                                                               Gregor  around  the  ring    day if the price is right.
            weather won by batter-                                                                 in  the  10th  round  until   “I’m  young,  I’m  fresh
            ing  McGregor  around                                                                  the referee moved in to      and  I’m  ready,”  Mc-
            late until it was stopped                                                              stop it. McGregor didn’t     Gregor said. “Right now
            in the 10th round, but in                                                              protest,  though  after-     I’m  a  free  agent.  I  love
            reality  McGregor  was  a                                                              ward he said he wished       a good fight and tonight
            big winner too.                                                                        he would have been al-       was a good fight. I can’t
            He was reasonably com-                                                                 lowed to continue.           tell  you  exactly  what’s
            petent as a boxer in his     Floyd Mayweather Jr., left, and Conor McGregor pose during   But  that  was  a  minor   next  but  something  will
            first pro fight. He actually   a  news  conference  after  a  super  welterweight  boxing  match   quibble. McGregor may   be next.”
                                         Sunday, Aug. 27, 2017, in Las Vegas.
            controlled  the  first  few                                           Associated Press  have  lost  but  in  just  a   That’s the one thing that
            rounds,  and  was  never                                                               few short months he did      seemed assured as Sat-
            off  his  feet  despite  tak-  earlier.  And,  after  earn-  courtside  seats  to  NBA   what  few  could  have     urday  night  blended
            ing a beating in the late    ing nearly $1 billion in his  games  around  the  na-     anticipated  and  made       into  Sunday  morning
            rounds.                      21-year  career,  he  can  tion.                          himself  into  a  decent     on  the  Las  Vegas  Strip.
            Mayweather  eventually       get  on  with  his  varied  The criticism of the Pac-     boxer  who  carried  one     McGregor  was  sipping
            figured him out, and ex-     businesses  and  maybe  quiao fight will now fade         of  the  best  ever  into    a  whiskey  he  plans  to
            posed  him  for  the  box-   even train a few fighters  away,  and  the  last  im-     the  later  rounds  while    market, and on his way
            ing  novice  he  was.  Mc-   himself.                     age  of  the  best  defen-   remaining  upright  the      to an appearance at a
            Gregor  didn’t  become       “You  won’t  see  me  in  sive  fighter  of  his  gen-    whole time.                  hotel nightclub.
            king  of  boxing  like  he   the ring anymore,” May-      eration  will  be  of  him   He may have been new         Mayweather  had  an
            predicted  before  the       weather  said.  “Any  guy  coming  forward  boldly        to boxing, but he proved     appearance  of  his  own
            fight, but he won millions   calling me out, forget it.  and  going  for  one  final   to the disbelievers in the   to make at his new strip
            of new fans and will now     I’m OK. I had a great ca-    knockout.                    sport that he was a true     club,  where  he  held
            likely return to the UFC as   reer.”                      “I  felt  like  I  owed  the   fighter.                   meet-and-greets the en-
            its unquestioned star.       Indeed,  he  did,  winning  fans a last hurrah,” May-     “I  was  a  little  taken    tire week of the fight.
            And Mayweather?              every  time  he  got  into  weather said. “I told you     aback by the disrespect      First,  though,  the  two
            Well, 50-0 has a nice ring   the ring and building his  guys  I’d  come  straight      and  disregard  I  was       fighters  posed  for  fi-
            to it, passing the 49-0 re-  brand wisely so he could  ahead and I told you the        shown,” McGregor said.       nal  pictures,  an  arm
            cord of Rocky Marciano       make a fortune off of it.  fight  would  not  go  the     At  the  age  of  29,  Mc-   around each other. They
            that serves as a bench-      No boxer has ever mar-       distance.”                   Gregor  is  a  rare  super-  hugged,  seemingly  re-
            mark in the sport.           keted  himself  like  the  The fight itself played out    star with a quick wit and    luctant to let it all go.
            He got a knockout that       man  who  calls  himself  much  like  many  in  box-      mouth to go along with       The  carnival  was  leav-
            helped  erase  the  stain    Money, and he can now  ing expected. McGregor             his  combat  skills.  The    ing town, but not before
            from  his  fight  with  Man-  relax  and  enjoy  his  pri-  got  off  to  a  good  start,   price  for  his  UFC  fights   putting on a pretty good
            ny  Pacquiao  two  years     vate  jets,  mansions  and  Mayweather figured him        will  cause  UFC  chief      show.q
             Froome wins 9th stage, increases Spanish Vuelta lead

            EL  POBLE  NOU  DE  BENI-    500  meters  (yards)  to  go  sey  and  a  decent  gap,”  year without any stage vic-  Froome.
            TATXELL, Spain (AP) — Chris  and  held  on  to  win  the  Froome said.                 tories.Froome  crossed  the  Nicolas Roche of Ireland is
            Froome moved to the front  174-kilometer      (108-mile)  “The  legs  felt  great  today  line  four  seconds  ahead  third,  more  than  a  minute
            in the final climb to win the  stage  from  Orihuela  to  El  and  it  feels  good  to  be  in  of   Colombian   Esteban  off the lead.
            ninth  stage  of  the  Spanish  Poble Nou de Benitatxell in  this position.”           Chaves, who made a late  Froome  is  attempting  to
            Vuelta  on  Sunday  and  in-  southeastern Spain.         It  was  Froome’s  first  stage  charge but was not able to  become  the  third  rider  to
            crease his overall lead.     “It’s  such  a  good  feeling  win in a grand tour this sea-  overcome the British rider.  complete  the  Tour-Vuelta
            The Tour de France winner  to  get  to  the  end  of  this  son. He clinched his fourth  Chaves  remained  second  double in the same season.
            took  the  lead  with  about  first  block  with  the  red  jer-  Tour  de  France  earlier  this  overall, 36 seconds behind  Monday is a rest day.q
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