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LOCAL Tuesday 11 april 2017
Happiness Index Study Identifies Aruba as Happiest Island In The World
destination,” said Ronella and tourism. Happiness in
ORANJESTAD - New re- Tjin Asjoe-Croes, CEO of Aruba can be seen as a
search suggests the “One Aruba Tourism Authority. self-fulfilling cycle, tourism
happy island” of Aruba is “We evaluate the success development drives happi-
the happiest island in the of our tourism not only by ness for the residents which
world, relative to size. Fol- its tangible benefits, but in turn results in happy tour-
lowing a 5-year Happiness also by intangible benefits ists.” As the exclusive Carib-
Index study conducted in including local happiness bean island to measure its
partnership between Aru- and life satisfaction, as that happiness index, Aruba en-
ba Tourism Authority and directly impacts visitor hap- courages nations of all sizes
the Rosen College of Hospi- piness.” to follow suit.
tality Management at the While the study reveals Aru- “It is important to measure
University of Central Florida ba’s tourism is not the main the success of a country
– results confirm 78 percent driver of happiness, the suc- beyond economic indica-
of the Aruban population cessful industry brings satis- tors and to make happi-
is happy, while 76 percent faction to the local people ness and well-being an in-
also express longer-term and yields material ben- tegral part of our national
satisfaction with life. efits/resources the govern- dialogue and intent,” said
When compared to the ment and Aruba Tourism Otmar Oduber, Aruba Min-
2016 World Happiness Re- Authority use to perpetu- ister of Tourism, Transporta-
port, commissioned by the ate local happiness. Island- tion, Primary Sector and
United Nations to measure wide wellness initiatives Culture. “We would also
the happiness index of 157 and downtown develop- like to see prestigious World
larger countries, Aruba’s ments including the Linear Ranking Reports to incor-
results rank higher than Park, for instance, inspire porate ‘small island de-
No. 1 Denmark at approxi- quality time with loved ones velopment states’ such as
mately 75.3 percent. and personal fulfillment, our One happy island, in its
“It’s important to note that which locals value most. studies.”Aruba’s approach
while other Caribbean is- “Among all the destina- to happiness already has
lands are included in the tion research projects our caught the attention and
World Happiness Report, university has conducted support of The United Na-
Aruba is the first and only around the world, Aruba tions World Tourism Organi-
Caribbean island to ever has been one of the most zation.
measure its own happiness compelling islands to make “We’ve reviewed the re-
index,” said Dr. Robertico inquiries about quality of sults of the study, which is
Croes of UCF. “Over the One happy island – has 2011. life and happiness,” said in line with our methodol-
past five years, we’ve col- been around, with some “As the No. 2 most tourism- Dr. Manuel Rivera of UCF. ogy, and believe it merits
lected a significant 2,000 interruptions, for nearly 40 reliant nation in the world, “Throughout the course attention on a worldwide
surveys, stratified across years. But for Aruba, happi- Aruba greatly values the of our studies we’ve con- level,” said UNWTO Secre-
four core groups in Aruba, ness is more than a trendy happiness of our local peo- firmed Aruba’s people are tary-General, Taleb Rifai.
and have seen the desired subject or tagline; it’s an ple – they are the heart and generally happy with their “We would like to see this
stability in the island’s hap- inherit part of the island’s soul of Aruba and ensure quality of life as well as with model applied across oth-
piness levels.” DNA that Aruba has com- the quality tourism experi- the imperative connection er Caribbean islands and
Aruba’s famous brand – mitted to studying since ence that has defined our between the destination worldwide.”q