Page 22 - MIN ECEM
P. 22
Tuesday 11 april 2017
Loyal Island Guests Honored at Paradise Beach Villas
EAGLE BEACH - Recently ba! Robert and Cecelia are
the Aruba Tourism Author- regular guests at Paradise
ity had the great plea- Beach Villas and they love
sure of honoring a very Aruba very much because
loyal couple as Goodwill of the friendly people, the
Ambassadors at Paradise climate, the beaches, the
Beach Villas. The symbolic restaurants, and the relax-
honorary title is presented ation.
in the name of the Minister They say being on Aruba
of Tourism as a token of ap- and staying at Paradise
preciation to guests who Beach Villas is like being
visit Aruba for 20-to-34 con- at their ‘home-away-from-
secutive years. home.
The honorees were Mr. ’ The certificate was pre-
Robert and Mrs. Cecelia sented by Ms. Marouska
Merritt from Pennsylvania, Heyliger representing the
celebrating their 20th con- Aruba Tourism Authority at
secutive annual visit to Aru- Paradise Beach Villas.q